Feelings after reading Mind Game
have experienced all sorts of hardships
2023-08-19 09:12:36

Feelings after reading Mind Game

Psychology is a young science. In 1900, Freud published the book Analysis of Dreams, marking the establishment of modern psychology. So far, it has only been a little more than 100 years to fully calculate. The ancients called "listen to what is said and watch what is done", which is one of the most valuable research methods in psychology. A person's thinking will be shown in his actions and words, just like the tip of an iceberg rising out of the sea, from which he can analyze the volume and composition of the iceberg. "Mind 7 Game" is written for you, for me, for him, and for all "intentional" people. The seven games in the book all point directly to the major problems in life. They are easy to understand, sort out the past, guide the present and show the future. Life is not a game, but game can change life.

Life is not a game, but game can change life. There is no standard answer for the seven games in the book. You need to find the answer by yourself. When you find the answer, it may be the beginning of changing your life.

Life is really full of pain, but also full of happiness, depending on the angle from which you observe, feel, the real happiness is always in your hands, as long as you know how to let go, you will naturally see clearly. Only when you see your inner world clearly can you understand the true meaning of your life and cherish what you have now.

Pay attention to the value of life. We should pay attention to life, but we should also pay attention to death. Maybe sometimes the understanding and attention to death can help us better understand life. When I am ready to understand psychology, the teacher suggested that we must look at Bi Shumin's Seven Games of Psychology. Although the process of activity is simple, the transitional words in the middle are quite important, If a good emotional atmosphere cannot be created, the effect of the activity will not be achieved. In this case, the long cherished wish should be fulfilled this time.

Reading this book, to be exact, is doing. After finishing the first game, record your feelings. You will feel that it only belongs to you, because it will leave the secret of life; If you find this book, you will appreciate it. It is the best gift, because it may be helpful to anyone. A game guides a road; A choice determines a destiny. If you choose this book today, happiness may come today; You start playing games now, and change may begin now

The book introduces seven games:

Game 1, "My Five Kinds". Take out a piece of white paper and write down the words "Five Kinds of XXX" on it. Of course, XXX is your own name. The author places special emphasis on the process of writing, because she thinks that when you concentrate on writing your name one stroke at a time, you are actually feeling a unique self. Then write down the five most important things that come to your mind at one time. They can be concrete, such as people, things, or abstract, such as a relationship, or feelings. In short, when you are thinking about this problem, the first thing that comes to your mind. Write these things clearly in large font, regardless of their order. However, life is always full of accidents. You can't always have what you want to cherish, so you have to give up. Then it is a painful process of giving up. If you wipe them off the white paper one by one, you should wipe them clean without leaving any recognizable traces, or simply cut them off, leaving only one thing. This is your most important thing. As the author said: "You should learn to give up. Indeed, I don't have the right, but life has the right."

Game two, important others in my life. "Important others" is a psychological term, which refers to people who have had a significant impact or even a decisive role in the formation of your psychology and personality. Of course, the impact here can be positive or negative. This game can help you understand the reasons for the formation of your own psychology and personality, heal the wounds of your heart, and achieve a more harmonious personality. When the author was playing this game, she remembered the teacher with long braids who made her unable to sing. Childhood memories cannot be rewritten, but for an adult, we can follow the cable of "important others" to re sort out our relationship with "important others" and re-examine our rules and models. If it is reasonable, it will become a golden sail and a part of reason. If it is a dark thorn, crush it with the strong hands of adults.

Game 3: What kind of person am I. In this game, it is required to fill in your real situation, your ideal situation and the impression in the eyes of others on various items about you, such as height, weight, appearance, character, education, occupation, origin, spouse, ideal, etc. This game can help you understand how real you are.

Game 4, your support system. One hero has three helpers, and one fence has three stakes. When you are finished, please imagine that when you encounter a disaster or an indescribable depression or crisis, who will you fall in love with? Who will you send SOS call for help? Who can help you? These people form your support system. But remember that support is two-way. Unconditionally asking for other people's psychological support is just like a beggar's request, which is not always possible.

Game 5: Choose your parents again. Parents can't be chosen again, but they can be recognized and revived in our hearts.

Game six, write down your epitaph. The long is life, the short is youth, and all the practice facing death is to live better. You can't predict the time when death will visit you, but you can prepare tea for him in advance. When life encounters sudden danger and is about to be cut off suddenly, life is condensed into a VCD for tens of seconds, which is projected on your brain screen. Family members flash past you like riding horses. What do you say to the world? Who should I leave the last words to? In life, you should always leave some traces of what you have gone through, although the traces may seem very shallow and light.

Game 7: Lifeline. Acknowledging one's own limitations, acknowledging that life is a process of ups and downs, and accepting one's own sorrow and depression are all part of normal life, just like Coptis chinensis and liquorice, they are good medicine for curing diseases.

Although I was eager to find the game I wanted to use, I stopped after watching the beginning. What kind of reading it was, and how I would continue to read it, I could not understand or imagine. "Let's play the game together. I share the joys and sorrows with you, just as we drink a handful of cool spring water together in the hot desert sun, and we ride together in a car to the distance on the long journey." When I read the last sentence, I thought maybe this expedition would not know what kind of harvest, but I would experience, I would experience, Even if there is only a little gain, I think it will not go against the original intention of the author.

What is health? This is a constant question of many people, and it is also a constant desire of people.

"If we compare the world to a field, everyone is a lush plant growing in this field, and this plant will produce beautiful tricolor flowers: one is yellow, representing our body; one is red, representing our psychology; and the other is blue, representing our social function." Montaigne said that the most important thing in the world is to know ourselves. Understanding the secrets of the soul and self is the cornerstone of all success. In this sense, psychology is not only a rigorous science, but also a spiritual adventure. How do you know if you are mentally healthy? Mental health is not an empty word. Knowing your own psychological structure is a systematic project.

On the road of our growth, some people are insignificant, while some people are "noble people" in our life, and "important others" in your life. What is an important person? "Important others" is a psychological term, which means a person who has played a great influence or even a decisive role in the formation of a person's psychology and personality. "Important others" may be our parents' elders, or our brothers and sisters, or our teachers, or passers-by by chance. Childhood memory follows a very mysterious and mysterious rule. The things and characters you want to remember are likely to be lost in the ashes of time, but some specific people and things are lingering and affect our life. If you do not find them out and re recognize and grasp them, they may be like a charm, lurking in the subconscious ocean, affecting the trend of the tide and monsoon. Some of your personality and reaction patterns are deeply branded due to the influence of "important others".

If you are in the air, it is a dandelion like parachute.

If you are in the water, it is a fortress like submarine

If you are on earth, it is the wind and rain pavilion of your heart.

We are pursuing a good job and more money in our daily life. Although family, health and friendship are also important, they obviously take precedence over others in our daily ranking - in other words, we are more urgent and spend more time and energy to achieve them. But when it comes to abandonment, they become the first thing to be abandoned.

On the contrary, what people pursue in half their life is the less important things in life, while the most important things are put aside for development, and even sacrifice the most important things to achieve the second important things. It is ridiculous and helpless to think about it.

Do we have to wait until the cruel fate requires us to give up painfully, and then find that we have missed the most important part of life?

Parents are our first enlightenment teachers. Parents have a profound influence on us. What is their position in our minds? "Re select Our Parents" may let us think about how to face up to their influence on us, to really understand the shadow of our parents in our inner world, so that we can grow better. Epitaph and Lifeline let us re-examine our lives and think about the value and significance of life.

The seven games of mind lead us to think about life and explore the breakthrough of life pursuit, so as to maintain a healthy life, which is worth reading carefully and taste.