59 messages of mourning for elders
Empty old dreams
2023-06-26 04:27:37
SMS Collection

1、 Those who have left just go to another world. They are still looking at you.

2、 Life, old age, sickness and death are natural laws, and death is her ultimate rule, so don't be too sad.

3、 My mood is like the haze of the desert today, but I can't give my best friend too much comfort!

4、 Birth, old age, sickness and death, natural law! Don't be too sad, he will feel your filial piety!

5、 One day, a man will leave. If he is happy, he will have nothing to worry about.

6、 Life is like this. If you want to have it but cannot, it may make people abandon themselves.

7、 To repay the old man with practical actions, only by working hard can he be worthy of his spirit in heaven.

8、 The mother of relatives, brothers, sisters and confidants is also my mother, and their grief is equal to my grief!

9、 Life, old age, sickness and death are all natural phenomena; Who has never died since ancient times? Just live in my heart.

10、 Just don't let them miss you, and don't be sad. After all, people can't revive after death. Come on!

11、 Relatives can go by the Yellow Crane, while people can't leave the building empty. But smile to comfort your kindness. Never has this hatred been endless.

12、 The loss of loved ones is a painful departure, and it's hard to be wet. I don't know when to meet again. The sky and the earth are full of flowers.

13、 Withered vines, old trees and crows, small bridges, flowing water and people's houses, old roads, westerly winds and thin horses. As the sun sets, heartbroken people are at the end of the world.

14、 Relatives will watch you in the sky. Accompany you. Your relatives will always be with you. But you can't see him.

15、 I am surprised to hear that you have suffered from the loss of your mother, and I feel the same way. It is certain that you will die soon. I hope you will take good care of yourself and live a long time.

16、 Life, old age, sickness and death are human nature. Birth, old age, sickness and death, natural law! Don't be too sad, he will feel your filial piety!

17、 The happiness of the living is the best comfort for the deceased relatives. For the hope of the elderly, you must try to make yourself happy!

18、 All feasts come to an end. Although grandpa left him, he left a lot of things to live in his heart forever.

19、 She was relieved and had a good life. She could not be reborn after death. Grandma's spirit in heaven certainly didn't want her children and grandchildren to be so sad.

20、 Please accept my sorrow and accept my change. Let's give our sincere wishes to the deceased right now. I wish him a good journey and rest in peace under the Nine Springs!

21、 Life, old age, illness and death are the most common things. People can't live again after death. People should live well when they are alive, or the old will not rest in peace.

22、 We were deeply saddened to hear the sad news. I know that this is a very difficult time for you. You are in my heart.

23、 The dead rest in peace. The living should summon courage to face life again. I will accompany you and support you! restrain one 's grief and accord with inevitable changes!

24、 Don't be too sad. He is looking at us. When we are happy, he can be at ease. This is his greatest wish, isn't it?

25、 Life will experience this moment. I feel sad for your mother's leaving. As a friend, I wish your mother eternal life and happiness in heaven.

26、 Don't be sad, the wish of those who left is to hope that the living people will live a strong life, and she will wish you a better life! Don't want you to be sad again!

27、 Life, old age, illness and death are supposed to be. Everyone will experience death, so don't be too sad. He/she doesn't want to see you like this.

28、 He is going to another place to finish his task. We should bless him. Because he is in close contact with nature. It's best to be happy every day.

29、 Don't be too sad when your loved one dies. In heaven, he won't like you so depressed. Cheer up and work hard for your loved one.

30、 Do you know that if you regard him as a gift lent to you by God, then now God takes the gift back. What you can do is always carry the best memory.

31、 God is fair to everyone. When you lose something, you also gain something valuable. Everyone should have a grateful heart.

32、 Last night was very uncomfortable, and I have been suffering from nightmares and heart wrenching! When my son got up in the morning, he asked me why he cried at night? I told the child that he had a nightmare.

33、 Everyone is going to live or die. It's not up to you to decide. He went to another place to live happier than the world.

34、 Everyone has this time. In fact, everyone will face it. Maybe leaving is the beginning of another kind of life for the elderly, and they will stay in our hearts.

35、 When the reality cannot be changed, we can only learn to be strong, flowers bloom and fall, everything in the world has a beginning and an end, which belongs to the natural law. Please don't be sad, and life will continue.

36、 Don't be so sad. You should comfort his soul in heaven with your performance. Although he has left, our living people still need to live well.

37、 I know that customs are quite different from place to place, but the common thing is to express my grief for the loss of my loved ones. I can only ask him to bow and bow for me thousands of miles away and lay a wreath!

38、 Don't be too sad. The most important thing we should do next is to cheer up. Everything can't be saved. We have to continue to live, and live for ourselves!

39、 When the reality cannot be changed, we can only learn and understand the strong, blooming and falling, everything in the world has a beginning and an end, which belongs to the natural law. Please be sad, and life will continue.

40、 I can't change myself, let myself drift with the tide, let myself be hypocritical and indifferent, and I don't want to! Even if only those ignorant, sophisticated and seemingly mature cynicism are welcomed!

41、 Birth, old age, sickness and death, natural and man-made disasters, etc. Who can escape? Life is like this. You still need to continue, friends. If you want to cry, you can cry happily and release your depression.

42、 It's human nature that everyone can't feel the pain of losing their loved ones. We can only pray silently for the dead in our hearts, hoping that they will live well in another heaven!

43、 He will often show his smiling face; Please live more actively and happily in order to care for your relatives and friends, and let them smile and squint their kind eyes proudly for you in heaven!

44、 Friends, losing relatives, is a very painful thing. But your mother's departure also bid farewell to the pain caused by his illness. If you need any help, feel free to say so. Take care of yourself!

45、 I can no longer hear the warm exhortation, nor can I see the kind figure. Let the sad tears fill my eyes, let the thoughts drift away, and it's hard to calm my heart when I hear the bad news. Please mourn!

46、 Please let me know if you need anything. God is fair to everyone. When you lose something, you also gain something valuable. Everyone should have a grateful heart.

47、 Suddenly, I thought, who else in this world has such an affectation like me? Who else, like me, can cry so bitterly and pain so deeply that it seems hypocritical to vent?

48、 I really don't know how to comfort you. I know that any language is pale at this time, but from the bottom of my heart, I hope you can face it firmly and take care of yourself! Remember, we will always be your relatives!

49、 If you really lose, you must be stronger. The past will let it go, and you cannot recover the past. Let us be strong, losing one person, at least others, will not make us feel lonely!

50、 Don't be sad, everyone. Life is always going to face death. As long as we live well, his spirit in heaven will be more tolerant. Sadness can't solve the problem. I think it should be OK! restrain one 's grief and accord with inevitable changes!

51. In the cold winter of December, it rains in succession, and the wandering people in other countries want to die. They ask where the sky is going. The drizzle drizzles gently, moistening the earth all over the north and south. It conveys the blessing of two degrees of cold. There is no reason to cry in the Yin and Yang worlds, but to send sorrow through the rain!

52. Your relatives only see where you can't see, but they can see you. They don't want to make you feel bad because of them. Let them know whether you are a strong person and won't let them down.

53. What has passed away is not only an elder, but also a guide to our life; It is not only a relative who left, but also our strong dependence. Tragedy trombone, crying eyes, let's pray that he will walk into the arms of heaven!

Fifty four. One year after my father died, I was not with him when he left. Now, the first Tomb Sweeping Day is coming, and I can't go back to give him a toast and kowtow. Looking back at my hometown, I felt that I was wandering and could not help but hurt myself.

55. He has gone, but he certainly doesn't want our living people to suffer. He must hope that we will still live well after expressing moderate sorrow. He will bless us in another world!

56. Some people say that there is reincarnation in this world, and that there is cause and effect throughout life. The dead are buried in peace, and the living must be deeply missed. Send a sorrow to the dead and a blessing to the living. Those who wish to leave will go well.

57. I didn't know how to continue without you, but I knew you didn't want to see me like this. Instead, I dried my tears and regained confidence, so that you could see me positive in heaven. I also wish you a good journey.

58. You are the guiding light in my darkness, the navigator in my life journey, and the sunshine and water for my healthy growth. I can't repay you for your kindness. I can only do my work better and let you bless me in heaven.

59. My heart, why do you make me so sad; Tears, why do you flow off and on; My son, why are you wandering in the distance alone; Wind, take us to honor you; I wish you a good journey, my departed son!