96 famous sayings of love and life philosophy
Middle aged people are like fallen leaves
2023-07-25 22:13:58
A complete list of famous sayings

1、 Love is believing.

2、 Love cannot be measured by common sense.

3、 Dance, music and love.

4、 Love makes obedience easy.

5、 Love can only be repaid with love.

6、 Love is a permanent belief.

7、 Love is a patchwork of bumps.

8、 What is more beautiful than love between two sexes?

9、 Love has no rules and should not have conditions.

10、 There is no reason to worry about the south and the north. Two minds are about life and death.

11、 If the two love each other for a long time, it will not be in every day and night.

12、 Joy and pain alternate in love.

13、 Absence makes love warm, but meeting makes it firm.

14、 It soars in pursuit of love, it follows in escape from love.

15、 Chastity is an asset derived from rich love.

16、 There is no unfinished story in the world, only an undead heart.

17、 At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.

18、 Love is a kind of thing that makes people worry and happy sometimes.

19、 Love veteran, usually will not easily fall in love with the results!

20、 Everything paid for love at any time will not be wasted.

21、 Love is hard, you can't expect it to come out like a dream.

22、 Water will run off, fire will go out, but love can compete with fate.

23、 Love has a thousand moving heartstrings and different notes.

24、 Sudden love needs the longest time to heal.

25、 At that time, love had not been diluted yet, and the heart was old.

26、 In love, there is no mutual trust without mutual loyalty.

27、 Marriage is the most difficult love, because we must talk about it while eating bread!

28、 Love is harder to hide than felony murder; The dark night of love has noon sunshine.

29、 Life is born for love; Love is the principle and the only purpose of life.

30、 Love is not a refuge. If you want to take refuge, you will be expelled.

31、 If you love her, let your love surround her like sunshine, and give her freedom.

32、 The initial love sees only life, while the continuous love sees eternity.

33、 If you like it, you should not be too picky, because love is not made under a magnifying glass.

34、 Love because of loneliness, often falling deeper and deeper into hopeless loneliness.

35、 The flowers that open to the sun are beautiful, and the ideal love is sweet.

36、 The worst way to lose someone is to be sitting right beside him as if he were far away.

37、 Complaining to the opposite sex is the most classic and poetic aphrodisiac in the world.

38、 It is impossible to get the truly valuable things deliberately. It needs the same precious fate.

39、 Real love cannot be expressed in words, and behavior is the best explanation of loyalty.

40、 True love is like a ghost. Everyone talks about it, but few people have ever seen it.

41、 A man should find a wife who he loves, and a woman should find a husband who loves her.

42、 I remember a saying that people who love each other, their hearts are the warmest to each other.

43、 Friendship is like pottery, broken can be repaired; Love is like a mirror. Once broken, it is difficult to reunite.

44、 True love can inspire people and awaken their sleeping power and hidden talent.

45、 Love is not who sacrifices for whom, who does what for whom. Once love becomes like this, it is not love.

46、 Women love with their ears, but men love with their eyes if they can.

47、 I can't see any kind of marriage that breaks down earlier or worse than just for looks and lust.

48、 Love should enrich people's sense of power, and love is indeed enriching people.

49、 Sometimes, love is also a kind of hurt: cruel people choose to hurt others, kind people choose to hurt themselves.

50、 An adulterous love can never last forever. Only when it is covered with mystery can one feel at ease.

51. If he does not love his parents, comrades and friends, he will never love the woman he has chosen as his wife.

52. Friendship is like a star, while love is just a candle. The candle will run out, but the stars will shine forever.

Fifty-three, the fate gives us the end, only to open our hands, which is empty, there is no promise, there is no eternity.

Fifty four. When I said goodbye to you with tears, you just said goodbye to me coldly. I didn't feel your indifferent eyes. My heart has broken into thousands.

55. Young people are lawless and play with love; The middle-aged people eat the marrow to know the taste and pursue love; The elderly are lonely and bored, recalling love.

56. Were people born twice? yes. The first time was on the day when people began to live; The second time was on the day when love germinated.

57. Young men, especially those gentlemen, prefer women to women who irritate them.

58. What is true love? It is an interaction, not charity. Giving for gratitude or other reasons will only make the other party more and more distressed.

59. What is true love? It is giving, not taking. Unintentional expropriation and acquisition will only make the other party feel oppressive and terrible.

60. The furthest distance in the world is not the distance between life and death. It is not the distance between different places. It is that I stand in front of you, but you don't know that I love you.

61. The love of marriage makes mankind continue; The love of friends makes human beings reach a more perfect state; Evil love corrupts human beings.

62. There is no pain in liking a person. Love a person, there may be a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness.

63. Love makes people feel numb, while marriage makes people numb. Going through a relationship is like eating chocolate. Even if you don't have to pay for chocolate, you have to pay for weight loss.

Sixty four. The moment I decided to give up, I cried. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget. The tears I shed lied to myself. I love you. How can you give up easily.

65. Mature love is not easy to show respect and loyalty. Its voice is low. It is modest, yielding, and latent, waiting and waiting.

Sixty six, I am like a shadow you can do without. Let loneliness exchange sad thoughts. There is nothing you can do about love. This tasteless day, tears, is the only luxury.

67. Everyone has a spring eye, which constantly spouts life, vitality and love. If it is not dredged, it will turn the surrounding land into marsh.

68. In fact, men are more sober than women on love issues. They will put emotional issues in a reasonable position, while women are easy to regard emotion as the whole of life.

69. What does it mean to love someone? This means being happy for his happiness, doing everything that needs to be done to make him happier, and getting happiness from it.

Seventy, foolishly playing with love is like playing with fire. There is a danger of self immolation at any time. If we say that love is sweet wine, but we drink it casually, it will also become a strong poison.

71. At the age when love is an adventure, loyalty or kinship may be more practical, more direct and easier to operate than the self shaping of candlelight dinner.

Seventy two. Just for fun. After happiness, desire fades away, and the so-called love is over. This is the natural boundary that cannot be crossed. Only true love is infinite.

73. If you really love a person deeply, you can recognize that familiar soul from millions of people and fall in love with him again even if you change time and space and face.

74. In my opinion, true love is shown in the implicit, modest and even shy attitude of the lover towards his idol, rather than in the casual expression of enthusiasm and premature intimacy.

Seventy five, if you are not determined to be a good man, you will not get a good woman. No bad man in the world will have a good woman. Similarly, no bad woman will have a good man.

Seventy six, a very small thing will frighten love, and a very small thing will make love happy. For love, anything has meaning, and anything can constitute good or bad light.

Seventy seven, some people put an end to language boredom, some people lose hope of despair, no one can love, do not want to love anyone, do not believe in love, just because the mood of the sea has been experienced, not ordinary people can understand.

78. Love must be based on obligations to the husband, children and family. My understanding of life is that you can't just eat and drink, and your appetite will weaken month by month. I think that only love can make up for this weakening.

Seventy nine. The king can be said to be the main clockwork of a giant clock, which ruthlessly stipulates the schedule of work and rest. Every move from life to death, from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night, even the moment of love play, does not belong to him.

Sometimes we are not really sad when we are sad, but just a feeling. Sometimes when we love, we don't really love, but just need love. Therefore, all things are emotions and needs.

81. True love is a kind of careful care. Like a plant, it needs watering, or it will wither and die. So if you want to have a sincere love, you should take care of it as you take care of your flowers and plants.

82. Some people always complain that they can't meet good people. It doesn't matter once or twice. If there are many problems, there will be problems. First of all, you should review whether you have problems. If not, you should look at your own vision. Why are bad people always met by you every time?

83. True love may not only be romantic encounter, warm attraction, intoxicating honey talk and surging - perhaps it should be more profound tolerance, subtle love, distant love and silent expression.

84. If our whole purpose of life is only our personal happiness, and our personal happiness is only a love, then life will become a really dark wasteland full of graves and broken hearts, and become a terrible hell.

85. What is romance? Are you sending flowers? Walking in the rain? Will you stand in front of the building? If two people fall in love with each other and do nothing, they will feel romantic when they are quietly opposite each other. Otherwise, even if two people sit on the moon to date, they will not feel romantic.

86. Many people have fallen in love with one person because of loneliness, but more people have fallen in love with one person because of loneliness. We can love each other, but we are doomed not to be together. It's not that I don't love you enough, but I'm not sure whether this love is the most correct.

87. True love is to cherish when you can love. True love is to let go when you can't love. Because, let go is to have everything... Please cherish the time, love well.

88. True love is a kind of ability, not attachment. A person must have his own to have true love. Only through ordinary and long years, endless repetition of firewood, rice, salt, soy sauce and vinegar, and only through hard work and struggle can we realize its rich connotation.

89. When there is a true love between two people, it will not take into account the external insignificant factors such as age, economic conditions, beauty and ugliness of appearance, height and so on. If there is such a problem between you, you should first ask yourself whether you really love.

90. Neither family nor love can make people feel truly happy. Family, just a few people; Love is just a person; The number of Party members is 1.6 million. To live only for the family is selfish; It is despicable to live for only one person; It's a shame to live only for yourself.

Ninety one. Sincere love is not equal to sweet words, solemn vows and passionate kisses and hugs. Love is a noble, beautiful and pure emotion. It should replace hypocrisy and fraud with faithfulness and sincerity, replace self-interest and selfishness with mutual respect and mutual respect, and replace reckless actions with moral civilization.

Ninety two, I think I am a person who does not know how to express feelings in reality. I misplaced my feelings in one role after another. All of them are the emotional world in TV dramas and movies. Back to reality, I am just a person who longs for a smooth and peaceful love.

93. The cultivation of a person is something deeply rooted in the marrow. The cultivation of love and marriage may be more important and subtle than the cultivation in our daily life. Things are unpredictable, especially the wet inner changes. This time is another time. How much those undercurrents are like our two most common greetings: hello, goodbye.

Ninety four. Don't forget that "beauty" can only last for a few years, but we have to live together all our lives; Once the bright colors of youth become the past, the only beautiful thing lies in the kindness and understanding shown in your heart, which is where you can surpass others. It is always beautiful to fall in love with a lover for the sake of morality.

Ninety five. The highest state of love is that each other intends to say nothing. Because at this time, people are enjoying winking, enjoying the hot psychology when eyes are opposite, and enjoying the thrill when fingers touch. Once said, the taste talks, because after the two people agree, all the behaviors are allowed and psychological, and eventually become numb.

Ninety six. There are two types of women who are very cute. One is the mother type, very considerate, very caring, and will take care of men very carefully. With such a person, you will feel strongly loved. The other is sister type. She is timid, shy and very dependent on men. Being with such a woman will stimulate the appearance of her man's personality. For example, those who carry heavy things often think of protecting their own little women. There is another kind of women who do not know how to care about others and never bow to men to show weakness. Such women make men helpless.