Shake your voice, sigh with funny sentences, talk about your mood
Ningshan still water
2023-03-28 05:21:34
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. Every time the teacher said please put something irrelevant to the exam on the platform, I would like to put myself on the platform.

2. Most of the success is not due to accumulated efforts or dramatic opportunities, but due to the long established birth and talent.

3. Caution, don't think you are a pig when you stand under the street lamp.

4. Although I cry that what I live here is life every day, I still struggle hard for it.

5. Summer is just bad. When I was poor, I didn't even have to drink the northwest wind. Fortunately, it's autumn now.

6. The skin was given to you, and the rank was called. Now you tell me that you are a man. Even if you are a man, I will stay with you.

7. People who took "Let's talk after the New Year" as their mantra years ago changed to "Let's talk after the New Year".

8. I remember when I first entered middle school, I found my chest slightly bulged and I felt scared. Now that I have graduated from college, I feel more scared when I look at my slightly swollen chest.

9. It is time to get up with perseverance, wash clothes with endurance, go to work with the power of flood and famine, and take a bath with explosive force.

10. When I was a child, my fellow villager called me Ugly Duckling. I felt very happy because when I grew up, I would become a white swan. But now they call me Ugly Duck.

11. If you are unlucky, no matter where you sit when eating hot pot, the smoke will float on your face.

12. Please don't ask him to use his brain -- the left brain is full of water, the right brain is full of flour, and it's just a matter of not moving, but it's full of paste.

13. I don't like to tidy my room. They call me a hero of messy rooms.

14. It is not that others are blind and God deliberately attacks you. It is precisely because you are not good enough that they are avoiding you.

15. We should know how to cherish and protect everyone around us. Because we look back with a broken neck in a previous life, we have met in this life.

16. In fact, I used to be very tall, but later I often shrunk in the bath.

17. Don't argue with fools. You are a fairy, and you can't reveal the fairy spirit.

18. The good-looking people are cool all the year round, but you only have Qiu Ku.

19. I always have a doubt in my heart. For five years, for five years, what does Grey Wolf live on

20. Go to the nunnery when you grow up. It's said that Wu Meiniang went there and became Wu Zetian, Zhen Huan became the empress dowager, and Yang Yuhuan became Yang Guifei.

21. Time is like a cleavage. If you squeeze, there will always be time!

22. In the next life, I want to be a man and marry a good woman like me.

23. When something goes wrong, I will not rush to blame others, but first reflect on myself. If it is really my fault, I will think about how to blame others!

24. I had an unrealistic dream last night that I became a multimillionaire, which is not a good omen. It is true that I usually have billions.

25. I didn't believe that people had previous lives until I met you. I began to believe in fate. I must have done something immoral in my last life.

26. I know that all feasts come to an end, but at least I want to have a good meal!