Heartbroken Sad Signature Complete
Taste life
2023-05-08 10:48:58
Complete set of signatures

1. Thank you for ignoring me and letting me know that I am dispensable.

2. Just suddenly want to leave you, but too many memories.

3. Life is a downpour, destiny is a leaky umbrella, and love is a patch.

4. It's not because I'm jealous or suspicious, but because I like you.

5. Slowly no feeling, slowly I was ignored, slowly my heart into iron.

6. If I had known this, like a dream, I would not have put all my love in the same place.

7. What should be forgotten should not be forgotten, and what should be given up should be given up.

8. Time will dilute the memory, and we don't have to remember anyone in the future.

9. Just a brush past, why remember so clearly?

10. In fact, most people are very similar. They always think others are fools.

11. I know that we once loved each other, which is enough, at least we used to be very happy.

12. No matter how strong a girl is, she always has weak moments.

13. Words that follow, thoughts that do not follow.

14. You smile with others, I cry with myself.

15. Don't rob anything that is not your own. If you get it, it doesn't belong to you.

16. Because I don't like to tidy up my room, they all call me a room messing hero.

17. I said I want to be good, but I have never been good.

18. When desire is burned, how much purity is left in our hearts.

19. Can we go to the end like the snow, floating and falling together.

20. You took me to heaven and pushed me to hell.

21. It seems that you are not my fate, just passing by in an instant.

22. I won't call you back. Please stay away from me.

23. Loneliness is the shadow passing by me, smiling and saying that I have never known each other before.