In April, how are you? How are you doing
Forget the past
2023-07-11 13:51:54
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1. When April comes, please open your fingers and take my blessing: first, health, second, auspiciousness, third, wisdom, fourth, peace, fifth, happiness, sixth, happiness, seventh, happiness, eighth, wealth, ninth, stability, and tenth, happiness.

2. Life is like four seasons. The best way to live is to grasp your own spring. Vigorous in spring and summer, full of harvest in autumn and winter. See you in March, hello April!

3. Pay for love, fight for dreams, work for happiness, and live for yourself. May all your sweat be fruitful and all your efforts will not be let down! See you in March, and hello in April!

4. In April, cut off the obsession in your heart, move forward with light clothes, take dreams as horses, and live up to your youth.

5. As scheduled, there are not only days, but also happiness and happiness. What is increasing is not only years, but also friendship and health. At the arrival of April, I wish you and your family happiness, health and happiness.

6. We should have the simplest life and the most distant dream, even if the weather is cold tomorrow, the mountains are high and the water is far, and the road is long and the horse dies. See you in March, and hello in April!

7. Good morning! Thank you for accompanying me through every day. I hope you will be wonderful every day, safe every step, happy every moment, happy every minute, happy every second.

8. The wind in April is gentle, warm and refreshing; The blue sky in April is very close; The sunshine in April is mild, tender and pure.

9. Farewell to March, look forward to April, and fly together with dreams.

10. "Life is not long or short, just enough to take a good look at the world." See you in March.

11. On the first day of April, bid farewell to the past and welcome a new start. These words are for you. May you love yourself and embrace yourself in the new month.

12. It is impossible to make the whole life comfortable and happy, because human beings must have an attitude that can cope with adversity. Hello, April, good morning!

13. The first day of March is to leave well and welcome the new beginning.

14. In the new April, I hope that all the vagrants can drink wine, all the lonely people can sing, all the lonely people can not be brave, and all the passionate people can be warm!

15. In April, bid farewell to the past and welcome a new start.

16. Take the express train in April, starting from today's station and ending at Happiness Station. Wish my passenger friends a smooth journey, a happy journey and a happy every day.

17. See you in March, and hello in April! May the sunshine of April warm you, the breeze of April comfort your soul, and the tenderness of April light up your life and future!

18. Goodbye in March, hello in April. May the sunshine in April give you the initial warmth, may the breeze in April smooth the waves in your heart, and may April treat you tenderly.

19. Hello, April! See you for the first time again. I wonder how much is left when we meet? You gently move the lotus step, in the breeze and flowing water, in the song of the birds and the dance of the swallows, when you suddenly look back, it seems that you have met before.

20. We are all great in March, and we will welcome better people in April tomorrow.

21. Time always keeps silent, and inadvertently, March will slip away again. March passed, April came, and the best moment of spring finally came.

22. In this April, I wish you a bright future with flowers on your lapels; I hope your clothes will be calm and calm for the rest of your life; I wish spring would return to the earth, mountains and rivers would be safe, and the world would be safe.

23. Life without friends is like life without sunshine. See you in March, and hello in April.

24. When you stop, don't forget that others are still running behind. When you give up, don't forget that others are in front of you. You are only one step away from success. Come on, April!

25. I hope you are both gentle and strong. Go to see the stars, the sea, all things in the world, and feel the beauty and delicacy of yourself. Don't bow your head. There are so many warm people coming to you, so we should work hard in April!

The light rain in April is closely weaving, the cracks in the tree trunk, the angry branches of the buds, the apricots blossom red, and the bright spring night is beautiful.

27. Everyone has a fire in his heart, and people passing by only see smoke. See you in March, and hello in April.

In 28 and April, there was still a little cold, but the arrival of spring was still unimpeded. The mountains were covered with green, cherry blossoms were dancing all over the sky, and the spring was filled with everything.

29. One's wholehearted efforts will not be in vain. One can always make his own fortune by living a serious life. See you in March, and hello in April.

See you in March, and hello in April! April should be a very gentle season, when it is warm and cold, it is most suitable for outing. It is said that words are like people, life is like a picture, and April starts!

31. In the new April, my blessings include: peace, health, wealth, happiness, auspiciousness, happiness, and you will be prosperous and achieve everything you want! May everything be better for you in April!

32. Time is running slowly and time is running fast. The March when everything recovers is about to slip away. The bright April of spring is about to come again.

33. In March, with a wave of sleeves and fragrance, we will leave. In April, with light steps, we will walk gently towards us. As long as we are on the road, there is no unreachable distance, if our heart is there, our dream is there. As long as we work hard, success will never be late.

34. In the new April, bring hope and happiness and be a new person. The ups and downs of the past are just for you to move towards a better tomorrow. Don't hesitate. Only by moving forward bravely can you realize the future in your heart.

See you in March, and hello in April! May the sunshine of April warm your whole body, the breeze of April heal your heart, and the tenderness of April light up your life and future.

36. Treat every day as the last day of your life, and you will be relaxed. Hello April.

37. After the dormancy in January, the suffering in March, and the vibrant April, it finally comes. Spring is full of vitality and sunshine, sweeping away the suffering and sadness of the past.

38. I don't know how I will meet you. In the midsummer or midwinter, under the shadow of trees, or by the edge of the blue sea. But if I meet you, the plot can be very simple: at first sight, it looks like a book, and the feeling is as deep as the sea.

39. The pain you have suffered today, the loss you have suffered, the responsibility you have borne, the sin you have shouldered, and the pain you have endured will eventually become light, illuminating your way. See you in March, and hello in April.

Hello in April: May you have flowers all the way and flowers bloom in spring!

41. In April, the light footsteps walk through the soft rain. In the smiling mood, the willow shoots are green and the grass is gradually covered. In the melody of spring, like a fair lady.

42. Give March a gentle hug and say goodbye. Give April a firm look and say hello. See you in March, and hello in April.

43. In the new month, I wish you a happy life and four seasons of peace.

In April, I wish all the best will come as scheduled.

45. Shaoguang likes to keep silent. By accident, March will slip away again. March passed, April came, and the best time of spring finally came.

46. Be quiet in everything. Come quietly, go quietly, work quietly, harvest quietly, and never make noise. See you in March, and hello in April!

47. I'm really afraid of who I should quarrel with all day without you. See you in March, and hello in April!

48. May you know the world but not the world. After half your life, you will return as a teenager. In the most beautiful April day, you will be brilliant. Hello, April; See you in March.

49. It is raining outside the window, and the sound inside the window is sweet. The sun shines down on my heart and surprises me with my beautiful dream. Break away from the bleary eyed dream, travel healthily and happily, keep your blessings in mind, hope to keep faith, and say goodbye in March and hello in April.

50. Today is April 1, the first day of April. The first blessing in April, I will give you; The first greeting in April, I want to give it to you. Wish you good luck all the time, good luck every month and good omen every year.

51. My blessings include: peace, health, wealth, happiness, auspiciousness, happiness, and you will be prosperous and achieve everything you want! In April, I wish you all the best!

52. On the first day of April, I would like to give you a blessing, hoping to open your beautiful April. Wish you more happiness, good luck with you, wish you happy and beautiful every day.

53. The most beautiful April day in the world. Welcome!