Mature and stable signature
No big deal
2023-06-29 04:46:28
Complete set of signatures

1. Don't always give others opportunities, don't always delay your own time. Others are others in the end. Things are changeable, and people are impermanent. Give yourself a heart, give time to grow, and make yourself stronger.

2. There are countless people around you. You don't know who treats you well. You don't know who cherishes you. Those who are perfunctory to you and eat and drink with you on weekdays are not people who really care about you.

3. When I was young, I felt that my father was tall and strong, and he helped me build a sky; When he grew up, he felt that his father was a little weak and small, so he had to support him. Sincerely wish all fathers in the world good health and good luck!

4. The essence of success in life is to find it by yourself; The connotation of happiness in life should be interpreted by ourselves. As long as we are worthy of the sky and the heart, we will not be lost in the crowd, and we can achieve a unique self.

5. Don't always give a good look to those who don't take care of your feelings, and don't always be humble to those who are hostile to you. As for people, they should live hard occasionally. What's the difference between being soft as mud and being dead.

6. Wait for a person, stick to a heart, love a period of time, how many blessings, how many touched, fragile soul, watching the love of the first life, future mistakes, missing a person's dream, parting in the next life, wait for a person.

7. You should be able to take it and put it down. Being able to afford is survival, and being able to put down is life; To be able is ability, to be able is wisdom. Some people can't afford it, so it doesn't matter to put it down; Some people can afford it, but they can't put it down.

8. What is a friend? A true friend will never abandon you. It is enough to have a bosom friend in life. When you are lonely or wandering, your friends are your most loyal listeners. They have no complaints, but a tolerant heart.

9. It is better to seek oneself than others, and it is better to learn than to seek Buddhism. Don't do many things well in life, just do one big thing well. Do a good job while you are young. Don't wait for a moment to lose your youth's head!

10. Life is too short, too tired, and too difficult. Please live happily, put your troubles behind you, and put aside the rumors. Be careful with your friends, your family, your concern, your lover, cherish yourself, and be better!

11. Don't say forever. Who can promise the future? What we can grasp is nothing but the local feelings at that time. But in a lifetime, it is also composed of innumerable now. If you work hard to make every moment better, you will be forever.

12. It seems that we are always on our way, rushing forward for fame, wealth and position. Even had no time to eat on time, no time to rest normally, endless work and busyness, and finally put himself in the hospital.

13. Put yourself in the most humble posture, without anyone's attention, and sing in the corner alone. Accustomed to drinking a cup of coffee alone, listening to some music, missing the palm print of a period of time.

14. The beginning of life is like a piece of white paper, and the finished products are all decorated by ourselves. Don't want to repeat mechanically for a hundred years. If you want to live a wonderful life, you must dare to toss and turn. Without crossing the status quo again and again, we cannot stand on the high ground of success.

15. When encountering difficulties, face them calmly, don't shrink back, live in a good environment, don't forget the poverty, don't discriminate against poor people, don't sneer at them, maybe we were also in a low ebb, once poor.

16. Rely on yourself, always have confidence! No one can stand in your way, and no one can carry your burden! Others help you for a while, but they can't help you for a lifetime! Instead of waiting for someone to pity you, try to rely on yourself!

17. All human troubles come from persistence. We will be deceived by what we persist in. We will be hurt by whoever we stick to. Therefore, we should learn to let go, look down on everything, not worry about, not care about, right and wrong does not matter.

18. Even though I still have nothing to do so far, I still choose to believe that I can go through the confusion, and that I can get ahead of the world to reach the dream habitat before being perfectly tamed by the world.

19. Life, bit by bit, today, step by step, every moment, is a learning of life. Every effort has an unexpected end. Why bother others, suffer yourself, say less nonsense, and be busy for a minute in the future.

20. A person's sophistication does not mean how many achievements he has made now, but faces those annoying people and things, does not agree or conflict, and just smiles at them indifferently. When the heart can contain many things that I don't like, this is called aura!

21. Every period of youth is limited in time. Don't repeat meaningless things, don't live in other people's ideas, don't be afraid of setbacks and failures, and follow your own heart bravely. If you don't do something now, you may not do it in your whole life.

22. In fact, to love someone is to love her forever and never be willing to blame her. Seeing her cry, my heart is like a needle pricking; Seeing her smile, my own is like a flower. In love, everyone has his own fatal weakness.

23. People who only look at their feet cannot go far, while those who look ahead can go longer and farther. Young people, you have a bright future. Looking ahead, there are opportunities and hopes everywhere. As long as you work hard, you will be able to make some achievements.

24. Learn from people around you and from all people. This is the way to learn. Everyone has his own strengths and weaknesses. How wonderful it would be if we could combine the strengths of others through learning to become an outstanding person!

25. Tea is intellectually introverted. It can calm the mind and dispel the turbid qi, just like a mature and calm woman with connotation, it has a kind of natural temperament, from the inside out, which brings people peace, distance and enlightenment, such as the fragrance of flowers, the purity of water, and the meaning of poetry.

26. Dear self, there is no moon night, but also the glimmer of stars; There is no love day, there is heart watching. Please allow us to plant complete spring, love, warmth, friendship and gratitude, flowers and tenderness in the fresh garden of life.

27. To be a man, we should not only be sunny, confident, but also have a peaceful attitude. Be a clear person, a kind person, an honest person! Hold a heart, learn to cherish yourself, learn to cherish life, learn to love with love, is the most beautiful!

28. Do not do to others what you do not want. Therefore, try not to bother others. Work like this, you should do your own work clearly and clearly, and not give others a mess; The same is true in life. Always be grateful. It's your duty to help others, but not to help you.

29. Calm is calm, calm, plain and true. There is not too much and too heavy material desire and extravagance. Don't be surprised by the ups and downs. Watch the flowers bloom and fall in front of the court; I have no intention of going or staying. I hope the clouds roll in the sky. Be calm in gaining, be indifferent in losing, contend for its inevitability, and let nature take its course. Through the vicissitudes of life, we can understand nature.

30. If you can't deal with it, you can only abandon it; If you can't wait, you can only give up; Those that cannot be kept can only be terminated. Life is like this. It's hard to choose and give up. The pain of life lies in choice, and the difficulty of life lies in giving up. Life, in the final analysis, is to choose and give up.

31. When you look at all the flowers planted, you must see that they have their own life and life, and they are charming. It is unnecessary to limit the precious peonies and peonies to any herbaceous and woody flowers. Some are fragrant, some are colored, and some have an attitude. However, if you encounter something, you can enjoy it. Don't let it go.

32. We are open to life's frustrations. We are unhappy in our mood. We are relieved to evacuate. We actively resolve the frustrations in our work. We face the small frustrations in our career calmly, grasp life with heart, face life sincerely, and do not complain about the world. The world is bright.

33. In light time, the heart is bright, everywhere is warm, the feeling is sunny and always brilliant. When your heart is full of peace, you are happy and comfortable everywhere; When the heart is full of wisdom, a flower and a grass show the Dharma. If you can let go of your persistence and criticism, everything you meet will be beautiful.

34. Everyone is busy. Busy growing up, lost innocence. Busy making money, neglecting thoughts. Busy with success, missed the scenery. The nutrition in the years has become a fast food in a hurry. Those stories that should have been unforgettable in time, just like this, failed to catch our shadow.

35. Clean up the weeds on the road of life, leave flowers and green trees, then, whenever you look back, you will always see beauty and sunshine. Love is just an episode of life, not the only thing in life, not the whole of life. Life is always higher than love. Please cherish life and don't be trapped by love.

36. When the failure hit and kicked me again, when I was beaten black and blue again, when the friendship that once thought could last forever suddenly mixed with betrayal, when everything swept towards me, I wiped the tears out of my eyes, patted the dust on my body, and told myself that I could not admit defeat.

37. I always have a feeling that I don't want to say anything. I like to look at the sky. Whether it's sunny or rainy, I can always let my thoughts fly, and then I feel sad inexplicably. Only then did I understand that those who watch the scenery are actually missing someone and a certain period of time. But the past is always the past, how to get out of the written end.