Message short sentence warm heart
An old urchin
2023-03-10 01:10:03
Complete sentences

1. You are so good, don't die in love.

2. There is only one girlfriend, which is irreplaceable

3. You are unhappy because you don't love me.

4. I really want to come. I miss you so much and dare not disturb you.

5. I have waited for more than ten years to be your bridesmaid.

6. The night sings loneliness, but two voices chase each other.

7. As long as you need me, I will always be where you can see.

8. My motivation is to see you and talk with you every day.

9. You are the only person in the world who understands me better than me.

10. Don't eat the food in the bowl. It's easier to hold the pot directly.

11. With a warm sense of alienation, he acts as a passer-by or passer-by.

12. I always feel that he likes you and thinks too much of himself.

13. I don't need greetings to ask you for help, but go straight to the topic. Finally, don't say thank you.

14. It is you who taught me that girls should treat themselves as luxuries.

15. I'm not afraid of making a fool of myself in front of you, and I will speak out my envy, jealousy and hatred naked.

16. Silently like a person, can not persist for long, really unable to bear!

17. If you feel sick and nauseated when you brush your teeth, stop brushing your teeth in front of the mirror.

18. If you are tired, you can stop to watch the sunset. On the way of life, I will accompany you to wander. good night!

19. Happiness is that, even if there is no boyfriend, there will be a dear out of tune friend who says he loves you.

20. I have a very good girlfriend, we are not lovers, we are not LES, but I love her.

21. If I am in your heart, why not have three thousand enemies in love. If you are beside me, what if you lose the world.

22. In these years, there is no indifference, no betrayal, no harm, which is much more reliable than love.

23. What is the cruelest thing in youth? Want to overturn the table, but have to eat the food on the table.

24. The best thing I can do for you is to let you know that although the world is bad, you are loved. good night!

25. The input and output of love are never proportional, and the sacrifice of wishful thinking often moves you in the end!

26. The strange street is too busy, the vehicles are too flashing, the people are too crowded, the weather is too cold, and the love songs in the headphones are too soulful.

27. I don't know whether I can meet you in the next life, so I will try my best to give you the best in this life.

28. I like you. From night to dawn, from cold winter to warm spring, from a second to a lifetime, there will be endless rebirth.

29. The so-called value difference is that if you give a candle, some people will feel that there is a cake missing, and some people will feel that there is a whip missing.

30. Loneliness means going out in a hurry in the morning and dropping things on the ground. When they get home in the evening, they still lie quietly on the floor.

31. It is you who write all the mountains; Look at the stars, beauty is you; The book is yellow, the title page is you; Thousands of mountains and rivers, where you return.

32. Unconsciously pay attention to the other party, and then hurriedly dodge after looking at each other. When I think of the other party, I suddenly giggle, and I feel like I am on the scene of a large series.

33. "I think our friendship can only last until today." "Why?" "Next we can only talk about love."

34. It's always a long time before we know that the things we gave up will never be seen again in the later days.

35. I will talk to you if I have nothing to do with you. Although I am often scolded and ill by you, you will pay attention to me later. I will be very happy because I treat you as a sister.

36. I have a bosom friend who confides in me and says nothing. Sometimes, he has bad feelings. Although he was not so good at the beginning, he was firm with each other in the days he had experienced together.

37. I don't want you to be an unparalleled hero. I don't want you to have unparalleled kung fu, let alone step on the colorful auspicious clouds. I just want you to be the sage of heaven.

38. Secret love is probably the most selfless and tolerant love in the world. I have done all the things I love you, but I don't even mention liking you. I kept silent, but I loved you for countless years.

39. When you are away, I have no feeling for the future. It is like the intermittent rain on the street, like the people coming and going down the overpass, like the idle night in life.

40. Every grain of rice feeds the benefactor, and every stone feeds the enemy. The old man is right. Don't give everything you have, leave some pride and heartache for yourself, remember, the coolest is the heart.

41. Less comment on other people's affairs, more review and clean up their own affairs, do a good job, and then help and care for others, and try to be good. Otherwise, you are just a partaker, not a good medicine.

42. I never waited for a person with full expectation and anxiety like that day. The people I saw later pushed the boat with the current on each side, which was very common, so I can no longer feel the sense of survival when a drowning person was brought ashore and breathed the first breath of air. You are lucky and unlucky.