Pungent Sentences in 2023
Safe and happy life
2023-04-29 19:48:20
Complete sentences

1. I really want to disturb you, but I have no topic or courage. Thank you for those difficult days, let you learn to grow. Some desire, may not have a response; When people are younger, there are more reasons to break up. Sometimes it's just because of an angry word, a rumor, an oversight, a little pride, a little incompetence, or just because your complicated little head thinks too much.

2. I never thought what the result would be, good or bad, happy or happy. Anyway, when you have a vision, you can say that you have ideas, you always hope that it will be good.

3. Therefore, I know that if I know that it is full of hatred for leaving, who drinks ignorance? I don't know where the moon is bright, the pen is connected with the meaning, the ink is sad, the setting sun is late and the west is returning. Who is in the desolate afterglow, who is sad about the oath of yesterday, whose messy writing is, and whether there is still no cloud floating in the lonely sky. The wind chime's sorrow, my lonely world of mortals, intruded into your thoughts of neon clothes under the moon.

4. The wordless dialogue, your eyes like falling dust, your oath has never changed, it can not be taken off like a ring. The promise itself is a kind of injury. Why don't you confess that the ring on the ring finger is not true love, just a stupid cover up before changing, open a window, you will be relieved, take my love, and leave quietly.

5. I once read a sentence. You can like many people. But you can only love one person. Yes, after so many things. I have only loved you. I don't know. What about you? Is that so? I love others, okay?

6. Thank you, let us meet, let me fall in love with you. You cry, I accompany you, I don't care about your sadness infected me! You are sad, I accompany you, I don't care about your sadness passed to me! You are sad, I accompany you, I don't care about your pain and hurt me! I accompany you when you are in pain, and I accompany you where the street lamp can't reach.

7. In 2023, some sad sentences can easily hurt people. Now, please enjoy the stinging sentences of 2023 brought by Xiao Bian!

8. Sometimes, you won't realize its value until some precious moments become memories. Most of the time, we walk in loneliness and think in solitude. Don't expect others to interpret your mind and identify with your thoughts. Know that you are just walking on the road of the world, but the world gives you all the sky.

9. The crayon for the continuation of prosperity is given to you. It is tragedy or happiness that you write by yourself.

10. The once beautiful Chengruo has already become the past, but when watching the snowflakes fall, my heart will still be inexplicably sad. Slowly, the snowflakes gradually pile up the ground into a piece of white. At this time, I can't help sighing. Maybe this is the whitest and purest snow I have seen in the past 18 years.

11. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness, just because I can't put you down.

12. I really love you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed didn't deceive me.

13. In life, there are always some dark tunnels to cross by yourself.

14. When you are faced with the warm wind, the singing of birds and the fragrance of flowers, the green mountains and green waters, and the vast expanse of fertile land in spring, you will certainly be intoxicated with it; When you face the golden autumn season, which is like gold or silver and has many fruits, you will be very happy. Have you ever thought that the abundant spring scenery is the heroic appearance after the baptism of cold, and the beautiful scenery of autumn is the crystallization after the melting of heat.

15. Would you feel sad on your way home without me holding the lamp for you?

16. The day you left, I decided not to cry. I held my eyes firmly against the waiting.

17. Those farewells and pains have lost their voice.

18. You are like the sun, shining into the haze of my heart, stabbing the sadness.

19. The sun is pouring down the city, and the imprint of time is decaying behind.

20. Quiet night, like a person lying on the balcony to see the sky. As always, it is clean and transparent. Like looking up at the stars, in the moment of tears, tell yourself, don't cry, can be strong. Under the light moonlight, you came unexpectedly. There is no superfluous words, and the two people are so close together. No words, everyone knows. I miss you so much.