56 Blessings from Girlfriend on Women's Day
let nature take its course
2023-06-07 23:31:52
SMS Collection

1. The world looks particularly beautiful because of women! Greeting is just a few short lines, but a thick meaning! I wish you a happy March 8th Festival, always young and beautiful!

2. 3.8 Women's Day, a special festival for you, is coming. I wish you all the best for your vigorous skills, smooth work, happy mood, comfortable life, happy family and good luck!

3. The sun shines because of you, the soul is pure because of you, and the world is beautiful because of you. Teacher, on this day, I would like to express my gratitude to you with my sincere wishes. I wish you a happy Women's Day!

4. Three eight three eight, girls like flowers, enjoy laughing, happy home. Charm is doubled, charmed, gentle and smart, and praised by everyone. Happy holidays, you are the boss, life rich, such as flowers!

5. Elegant women can be seen from their backs; Struggling women know when they listen to the footsteps; A kind woman is known by her smile; Excellent woman, you know, I wish you a happy holiday!

6. On March 8 Women's Day, you have half of the medals for family harmony and your right to a happy life. On behalf of all women, I agree that you can share a happiness on this festival.

7. People are like houses, and friends are windows. The more windows, the brighter the house. I would like to be your biggest window to the sun: send flowers in spring and cool air in autumn, cool wind in summer and warm sun in winter. Happy March 8th!

8. Women are like mountains with beautiful scenery. Women are like water with ripples. Women are like the wind, the wind has no trace. Women are like flowers, which never fail. Women's Day is coming, I wish you beautiful and invincible, youth forever!

9. It must be very happy to receive my blessing. Storing my blessing will certainly have a future. Forwarding my blessing will not bear hardship. Restoring my blessing will be beautiful and permanent. Happy Women's Day!

10. SMS bless my dearest mother, who has worked hard all her life to make her family happy. Women's Day is coming. I wish all mothers in the world health, longevity and not illness, happy and happy without losing their temper, young and beautiful!

11. I wish those who are in love will get married, those who cheat will be happy, those who are ruthless will always be alone, those who die for love will dare to take poison, those who are unkind will be unlucky, and those I know will be happy! Happy Women's Day!

12. I would like to say to you that you are all to me in my heart. I don't ask you to love me with the same amount, just want your comfort and understanding. Today is your holiday, I hope you have a happy holiday!

13. Willows fly to bless you, birds sing songs to praise you, flowers fragrance to you, send a message to greet you, happy holiday mood is good, husband takes you as a treasure, family happiness is like a peach! Happy Women's Day!

14. Natural beauty is your sign, and cleanliness is your characteristic; It is your character that women are not inferior to men; You are radiant and charming; I wish you a happy Women's Day forever! This article is from Zhimeng.

15. Year after year, ups and downs; Day after day, sunset and sunrise. Mother's love penetrated into my heart. On the occasion of the Spring Festival, I'd like to propose a sincere drink to wish you health, happiness and joy.

16. The March 8th Festival is coming. The sun is shining brightly and my mood is very beautiful. Wife, on the occasion of the arrival of this festival, may our love be sweet, our mood be like flowers, our good fortune always accompany us, and our happiness be endless.

17. Your appearance makes the world beautiful, your efforts make the work smooth, your love makes the family warm, and your efforts make life wonderful. Salute to the great women and look at the beautiful women in the short message: Happy Women's Day!

18. You sweat in the kitchen, you clean in the living room, you smile at the table, and you rest in the bedroom. The March 8th Festival is coming. You have worked hard. I will do the housework later!

19. In this day for women, I want to say to you that this is what I have always wanted to tell you, that is – I have two lives: one is born, the other is met you!

20. Natural beauty is praised by people, gentle and virtuous. Be filial to your parents and help your husband protect his home. Educate your children to set an example and do dirty work. Wish you good health forever!

21. Coffee is not without the sweetness of sugar; In spring, the fragrance of flowers is indispensable; The world, without your beauty. At the arrival of the March 8th Festival, I will give you my infinite blessings. May you always be happy and happy!

22. The most sincere thing in the world is your heart; The most beautiful thing is your face; The slimmest is your figure; The most romantic thing is your love. Women's Day is coming. I wish you happiness in advance.

23. Today, I don't complain that I didn't accompany you shopping. It's really a happy female comrade coming home from vacation, but I still have to stick to my post, and I'm lack of skills. I will reimburse you for your purchases! (Enjoying secretly: avoid the pain of praise from the porter).

24. Your bright smiling face brings warmth to March; Your sweet smile brings vitality to March; Your happy mood brings vitality to March. May you have a happy Women's Day, and March will be beautiful because of you!

25. When Women's Day comes, smile, and your happy mood will be more beautiful; Second, beauty, happiness will always follow this life; Third, be handsome, and dress well and never grow old. I wish the beautiful women around me the most beautiful mood and the most carefree days today! Happy Women's Day!

26. Smile and embrace nature. Jump, the gorgeous dance steps shine with stars. Make a noise and get rid of all troubles. My idea is not good, your festival is the most important. Happy Women's Day!

27. On March 8 of the year, women's festivals are valued. Half of the sky is not inferior to men's, and work and life are busy and tired. When the festival comes, we will take a half day off. SMS blessings will be sent to us. I wish women friends happiness forever, happiness forever, happiness forever.

28. On the Girls' Day on March 8, please put aside all your hard work and have a holiday. One hand is sweet love, the other is crazy shopping, the third is family. Beauty, you must be happy on the Girls' Day!

29 、 March 8th, Women's Day, what would you like to order? There is no shortage of beauty and wisdom. It seems that there is no shortage of what? Happiness is invincible, happiness is permanent, and you can have whatever you want. A long way ahead, bring in wealth, and do whatever you want. Happy Women's Day.

30. Thank God, thank the earth, thank the Goddess compatriots for their hard work, thank the wind, thank the rain, thank the Goddesses for raising children, thank you, thank you, thank you for respecting the Goddess for forwarding this message, and happy Women's Day.

31. Elegant women can be seen from their backs. Struggling women, just listen to the footsteps. A kind woman can tell by her smile. Excellent women, you know. Wish to see this message of good women, happy Women's Day!

32. Don't be too busy; Too busy, don't be tired; Don't be careful. Today is Women's Day. It's your most beautiful day. Take more rest, put pressure on and relax for a day! I wish you a happy Women's Day!

33. Wife should follow three rules: never wash clothes; Never cook; Never mop the floor. Husband must have four things: wife must wait for makeup; Wife should be willing to spend money; The wife should be tolerant of losing her temper; The wife is angry and wants to be coaxed. Valid on Women's Day!

34. On International Women's Day, being a woman must be internationalized: movies should be Hollywood, TV dramas should be Korean, perfume should be French, bags should be LV, diamond rings should be South African, boyfriends should be overseas returnees, and I wish beautiful women a happy holiday!

35. I decided to travel back to ancient times, ride the fastest monkey, drink the strongest wine, take the most powerful weapons, kill the most evil people, and love the most real you. Just to prove that you and I are predestined! Happy Women's Day!

36. Far away sisters, don't be too tired; Learn to cherish yourself, not so haggard; Don't talk back to your boss, and don't oppose life; Healthy and healthy, beautiful mood, sweet and honey makes people drunk. On Women's Day, smiles fly, and joy never recedes!

37. The mobile phone rings and greets that women have been liberated since March 8. Half the sky is really sunny. It's beautiful and generous to go shopping and relax during the holiday. Whose wife likes it, please show it to men and women today.

38. Look at the dazzling sun, the charming flowers, the wind blowing in your ears, the loud singing, the yearning, and the sincere blessings: Happy Women's Day!

39. If you are tired, you should have a rest; Don't cry when your heart is broken; Sweet, is your smile; What is sweet is your voice. March 8 is approaching. Remember to have a good rest, stop working hard, and keep in mind your good health. Happy March 8th!

40. Because of the existence of women, families become warm and sweet; Because of the existence of women, life becomes interesting; Because of the existence of women, the world becomes complete and wonderful. Women's Day is coming, wish you happy life, the more you live, the younger you will be!

41. Women's Day is coming. It is said that women can travel around the world for free if they memorize the whole book of Dream of Red Mansions! Are you ready to travel around the world? Pick up the thick Dream of Red Mansions, I believe you can! Ha ha, Happy Women's Day!

42. The flowers are not as beautiful as you, the streams are not as gentle as you, the sun and the moon are not as bright and clean as you are pure and kind, the mountains and rivers are not as affectionate as you and I, the sky is far away and the earth is wide, and you are more fond of the gentle touch on your lips. I wish you a happy holiday on March 8.

43. Today is a special holiday. It is not as romantic as Valentine's Day and not as joyful as Christmas. But it is surrounded by warmth and care for all female compatriots. I wish all female friends in the world a happy Women's Day!

44. Because of you, the world is so beautiful; Because of you, the family is so happy; Because of you, the world is so warm. You have worked hard all your life to manage your family without complaint. You are the most beautiful and respected people. I wish you a happy holiday when March 8 comes.

45, 38 Women's Day, I wish you three "hair" I wish you success in your career, promotion and pay rise, every day; I wish you a happy family, everyone happy, high spirited; I wish you good health, beautiful, elegant hair.

46. The income is higher, the weight is lower, the feeling is better and better, the holidays are more, the disease is less, the life is better and better, the women who live with sentiment are in a good mood, if they want to shop, they have to work hard to earn money, the better and better come and come... Happy Women's Day on March 8.

47. On March 8th Women's Day, I wish all female friends: I wish you to become a real "lucky" girl, good luck and everything goes well, optimistic, cheerful, sweet love, and successful career. I wish you a happy holiday, happiness and health.

48. You show your beautiful and dignified nature with a smile, your lovely and moving nature with kindness, your gentle charm with consideration, and your extraordinary boldness with wisdom. Women's Day, I wish you more and more beautiful, more and more happy, more and more happy!

49. Gentleness is your nickname; Beauty is your nickname; Temperament is your name; Virtue is your seal; Wisdom is your business card, so no matter how many people drown in, I can recognize you at a glance, and recognize your elegant posture and refined beauty. Beauty, Happy Women's Day!

50. Wife is heaven, wife is earth, and wife is the whole meaning of my life. At this moment when Women's Day is coming, I wish you to be half hearted: be patient, confident and loving to your wife; Love is boundless! Women's Day, let you enjoy every year!

51. Wife, I am your "bodyguard" outside to protect you from the storm; At home, I am your "labor", working hard and not perfunctory; On Women's Day, please be a real queen. I wish you a happy Women's Day.

52. Without the sun, flowers will not open; There is no happiness without love; Without women, there would be no love. Without mothers, there would be neither poets nor heroes. When the wind blows, I miss you! When the moon is full, I am reading you! When today comes, I miss you again. Happy March 8th!

53. Beauty is a sin that has attracted the attention of countless men; Sexy is even more heinous, which makes many men have criminal desires; The woman who received the message must have committed an unforgivable crime, and reflect on it in the "March 8th Festival"; Otherwise, you will be put on the chains of happiness and happy handcuffs, and then you will be thrown into a prison built with happiness for life imprisonment!

54. Women's Day is coming, I want to add a "third party" Iloveyou between I and YOU; Imissyou; I wait you; I want you; Icarryyou; Ineedyou I need you; I follow you, happy holiday!

55. The standard of "Smart Women": 1. Three bottles should not be used: a vase when young, a vinegar bottle when middle-aged, and a medicine bottle when old. 2. Do three forget women: forget the age, forget the pain, forget the gratitude and resentment. 3. To be a woman with three qualities: cultivation, self-restraint and maintenance. 4. Be a beautiful woman: beautiful, capable and charming. 5. To be an independent woman: independent in thought, ability and economy. Happy Women's Day!

56. You are so smart to plant "beautiful" flowers into the flowerpot of the day and grow more prosperous and charming year by year. I like this "grateful" flower, like that "intelligent" flower, like this "gentle" flower, and prefer that "loyal" flower. I stand as a rose. I hope you will have a happy Women's Day and smile happily.