2023 Life Sentiment Motto
2023-05-03 15:40:54
A complete set of maxims

1. Empty, I knock at both ends and exhausted.

2. The fuller will turn over yesterday's calendar calmly.

3. The mountain will fall, the water will flow, and you will never fall by yourself.

4. A casual speaker must have no sense of responsibility. - Hardy

5. Jealousy is a shameful feeling, and people should trust it.

6. If you can't become the master of mentality, you will inevitably become the slave of emotion.

7. Life is a play, and everyone is a performer.

8. If you have to let go, let go. If you have to let go, let go—— Guan Hanqing

9. The more you know, the more you practice; The more you practice, the better you know.

10. Not cause for thought, but thought for cause. - Voltaire

11. If you have to throw, you will be today. (Qing Dynasty) Wei Yuan's Motto

12. A gentleman is in fact, not in its splendor; Treat the inside, not the outside—— Zhang Juzheng

13. If the boat of life lacks the heavy load of knowledge, it will shake ceaselessly—— Dewey

14. If there are no obstacles in the journey of life, what can one do—— Bismarck

15. Not all knowledge is gained from books, but experience gained in fact is knowledge.

16. Love is not only an emotion, but also a special activity. - Vasilev

17. In the process of getting close to nature and human nature, "jade" can be made into real "tools" only by "carving" according to children's nature.

18. I only build a small temple, in which I worship human nature—— Shen Congwen

19. If you don't learn to laugh at difficulties, there will be nothing to laugh at when you are old.

20. Life is like a play. We get together because of predestination. It is not easy to help each other to grow old. Should we cherish it more.

21. Absence is to feelings what wind is to fire: it extinguishes the spark, but it can fan the flames -- Ababayeva

22. Everyone knows the value of time, but only a few people experience it in practice—— Chesterfield

23. All you have is strength. When you meet the forest, you can make a flat land; when you meet the wilderness, you can plant trees; when you meet the desert, you can dig wells and springs.

24. When you are with smart people, you will become smart. Learning is close to knowing, acting is close to benevolence, knowing shame is close to courage, knowing the three, then knowing why to cultivate oneself.

25. Regret is the most useless thing, but we often regret it. If we have a chance to go back, one or two things we regret may change, but in the end we will regret another.

26. Money, like other benefits, must be loyal to it to get it. Many people think they just want to make money because they need to spend money. But money eludes those who seek it only out of necessity—— Alan

27. High ambition casts great cause and great personality. A man should make great achievements in the world. To die for a great cause is never a failure. Busy people have no time to cry—— Byron

28. We generally understand beauty as anything that, once seen, heard or understood, makes us happy, joyful or ecstatic, or causes pleasure and joy in our hearts. [Italy] Miao Yuetuoli, On the Perfection of Italian Poetry, Volume 1, Chapter 4.

29. Happiness. Only happy people can bring happiness to others. A universal formula for conquering fear. 1、 Ask yourself, "What is the worst possible situation?" 2. If you must accept it, be prepared to accept it; 3、 Then calmly try to improve the worst situation!

30. Good habits are priceless. Sleep on time, eat breakfast every day, moderate fitness exercise, etc. are not only conducive to health and longevity, but also conducive to maintaining youth for a long time; Reading favorite masterpieces every day can not only enjoy cultural influence, but also improve your own heritage and taste, and improve the quality of life.

31. "People are designers of their own happiness". Accidental luck can make people lose their happiness and arrogance, but tempered luck can make people become great tools. Lucky opportunities are like the Milky Way. They are inconspicuous as individuals, but brilliant as a whole. Those who attribute their luck too much to their own cleverness and intelligence will most likely end up unhappy—— Bacon