Copy of the sports meeting
Listen to flowers under the moon
2023-07-01 02:34:08
Complete sentences

1. Strive for the honor of the class!

2. I exercise, I am healthy, I am happy.

3. Dare to love, hate, fight and dare to rush!

4. We firmly believe that the future will belong to us.

5. Develop sports and enhance people's physique!

6. Carry forward the spirit of sports and improve the quality of teachers and students.

7. Burn youth passion and carry forward the Olympic spirit.

8. Humans need sports, and the world yearns for peace!

9. Diligence and ambition; Start with me and exercise.

10. The best strength, keep pace with the times and create the future.

11. Devout scholarship, open-minded catharsis, self pruning.

12. I am the only one who can win the championship.

13. How many strokes can there be in life?

14. I am wonderful, I exercise. I exercise, I am healthy!

15. Write the Universiade in thick ink, and strive for self-improvement in life.

16. Re participate and show your style. I exercise, I am healthy.

17. The sports meeting is my scar and my shadow.

18. Sports make the city full of vitality, and the city thrives because of sports!

19. Fitness for all is beneficial to the country and the people. It benefits the present and the future!

20. Be virtuous and carry things forward, constantly strive for self-improvement, unite and forge ahead, and strive for the first place forever.

21. Unite and forge ahead, blaze new trails, work hard and strive to be first-class.

22. Struggle, struggle, struggle again, struggle, struggle again!

23. Challenge yourself and break the limit; Work hard and be brave to open up.

24. Plant hope, be full of passion, forge ahead and never say die!

25. No passion, no hope, no struggle, no success.

26. Love me for a long time, be determined to become a useful person, and strive for the first place forever.

27. Release your passion and dream. I will create this day tomorrow.

28. Senior 2 and 19, with permanent charm, full of confidence and victory.

29. Today, I am proud of Central China; Tomorrow, Huazhong is proud of me!

30. Sports are like flowers blooming on a happy campus, and youth is like fire burning bright life.

31. On Thursday, the sports meeting officially began. Do you know which projects I participate in? Let me tell you something, meters, meters and riding head on relay.

32. On Thursday morning, our school held a sports meeting. The competition was very fierce, and students went to the events they participated in.

33. The circular track has been insisted on again and again. Perseverance and spirit are active in the venue. Wet clothes, sweats, unlimited pursuit, and hard pursuit. We cheer and jump for you, and we are proud of you!

34. One runway requires four people to build a belief. Each handover is a transfer of trust. Each handover is an eternal 500 times of looking back to support the past life. Only in this way can we meet today. Go! Towards the end, towards the common goal of four people, forward!

35. The opening ceremony of the sports meeting was held at the school's playground at pm. The students lined up early in order. All the faces were full of smiles, some holding colored balloons, some holding small colored flags and whispering in cheers, not to mention the excitement... The athletes were more confident and energetic.