Reflections on the Great Cause of Building the Army
Dried confusion
2024-01-14 13:27:41
primary school
impressions of after reading

In the hot summer vacation, I watched a very shocking revolutionary historical play - The Great Cause of Building the Army with my parents with a happy and excited mood. Through watching this film, I learned about the history of China's early revolution: the Kuomintang government, as early as the Republic of China, hunted and killed Chinese Communists and people everywhere in the country. At this critical moment, Zhou Enlai, He Long, Ye Ting, Zhu De and other revolutionary leaders formed the first Chinese Revolutionary Uprising Army and began a powerful counterattack against the Kuomintang army.
In this way, the first shot of the Nanchang Uprising was fired. In order to win the battle, the Chinese Revolutionary Rebellion Army paid a very heavy price. In the scene that impressed me most, one of the Chinese Revolutionary Uprising Army led by Comrade Zhu De successfully blocked more than 30000 crazy Kuomintang troops with 3000 people. After the battle, the whole hillside was littered with corpses. Commander Zhu De silently left two lines of tears in his eyes as he looked at the serious injuries and the soldiers who died in the battle... After the heroic and tenacious battle of the Chinese Revolutionary Rebellion, the Kuomintang reactionaries in Nanchang were finally defeated.
Comrade Zhu De, Ye Ting, He Long and other comrades led the Chinese Revolutionary Uprising Army to the revolutionary base of Jinggangshan to meet the great Comrade Mao Zedong in victory. Since then, the Chinese revolution has entered a new chapter. After watching this film, I deeply felt that a happy life is hard won. If we fall behind, we will be beaten and the people will not be bullied if our country is strong. Therefore, we must cherish the beautiful life now, study hard, work hard, and be a teenager with the Chinese dream.
When I grow up, I will contribute my part to our great motherland.