Simple sad love sentence
Quiet water ripples
2023-04-28 21:11:34
Complete sentences

1. Narrating the end of a youth.

2. Can you walk with me all the time.

3. I love myself more than anyone else.

4. May I be able to enjoy the snow in winter and the sun in the east.

5. I love you the most pale confession is the most direct.

6. Can you not be my deserter even if you lose in the end.

7. No matter how deep you like it, if you don't get a response, it will become shallow.

8. Some things are beyond our control, so we have to control ourselves.

9. At the age when we should not talk about love lightly, we have paid our heart.

10. Sometimes I fall in love with someone who is impossible to fall in love with because of a sentence.

11. If you really don't know how to cherish the people around you, why should I love you so desperately.

12. You are nothing from the perspective of a bystander. Only I treat you differently.

13. Perhaps, we will eventually one day: hold the hand of others, forget him before.

14. When you do right, no one will remember; When you do something wrong, even breathing is wrong.

15. I can't say love words, and I have no imagination, but I'm sure I have an unchangeable heart that loves you.

16. Many people, because of loneliness and wrong love a person, but more people, because of wrong love a person, and lonely life.

17. Love is not as perfect as imagined. Love was just a misunderstanding. Women should not cry for those who are unfaithful.

18. What I love is not the way of trying to get close to you. What I love is you. I don't need to move myself. I just want to be with you.

19. "After the prosperity, fireworks are easy to cool, and life is like a dream". If love is just passing by, why love so deeply.

20. Missing is like a net. The more you struggle, the more difficult it is to extricate yourself. The waiting is like a wall, which can be frozen, dislocated, collapsed, and still stay in the old place.

21. Our simple love will compose the melody of love together. We are infatuated to continue to interpret the true love story. We should be together forever.

22. Sometimes it's not the end of the road, but the turn. Along the way, you are you and I am me, not without you, but you are better. You will always meet the right person, neither early nor late.

23. Whether you fall in love with a person, do not ask after tomorrow. I just remember every street where you once held my hand when walking alone. I just remember that you gave me just enough room when holding the quilt to absorb a person's temperature.

24. Go everywhere together~Look up at the stars together~Walk out of the forest together~Taste memories together~Misunderstanding and jealousy together~After rain together~Know yourself better together~Find meaning together~I love you~I can't live without you~I can't live without you~

25. From the past to the present, I have admired and admired those who can communicate and socialize. I have always been unable to learn or uncomfortable, and often let myself blame myself. Now think about it, it seems that this is not bad, at least when the crowd is scattered, the lights are dim, and the cups and dishes are in a mess.

26. When you know that your love for the other party is not only useless, but harmful, when this kind of love has put yourself and the other party in a position of betrayal, when your love for the other party harms innocent third parties or more people, it is time for your love to stop!

27. When you don't love, you have more time to enrich your heart, more energy to improve your life, more enthusiasm to disperse to friends, more leisure to do things you really like, and more confidence and determination to shape your true self.

28. There are many stars in the sky, there are girls on the earth, but there is only one moon in the sky, and there is only one you in my world. I don't want to miss it again, and pray for the next life in my heart. I can't be sure that we will have an afterlife, even where you and I are in the next life. This life has been very short, this life met you like you has been a deep fate.