Quotes of Zhang Ailing
Light up the soul
2023-07-22 04:41:45
A complete list of famous sayings

1. The best thing is to be with the person you love.

2. Life is a beautiful robe, covered with lice.

3. You may not be with me when I need you most.

4. If you knew me before, maybe you would forgive me now.

5. It was completely dark, and the whole world was like a gray Christmas card.

6. Don't let the person who likes you cry for you once.

7. I love you. For your luck, I would like to keep everything - including you.

8. Books are the best friends. The only drawback is that it makes me more farsighted, but it is worth it.

9. But China here is what Westerners think of China, absurd, ingenious and funny.

10. On the road of life, there is a road that everyone must take, that is, the detour in youth.

11. For a long time, there was no news from the other side, nor did I think of this group, nor did I want to think of it again.

12. The beginning of every love story is always brilliant, but the end is always silent

13. The reason why desolation has a deeper and longer aftertaste is that it is like green with pink, which is a kind of uneven contrast.

14. To write a novel, you must thoroughly understand the whole situation, or it will look like man-made fiber, not real.

15. Seeing him, she became very low, low to the dust, but her heart was happy, and flowers bloomed from the dust.

16. The same place, the same season, the same light wind. I was disturbed by the light wind.

17. As a man, he has to be a regular person. If he is a little more casual, he will get more benefits than ordinary bad dreams.

18. Love is the love debt that I owed in my previous life. I must have been vulgar in my previous life, so I have no debt to pay in this life.

19. When I was a child, I often dreamed of eating cloud cake and eating it. The thin cake turned into paper. In addition to being astringent, I also felt embarrassed and frustrated.

20. Are words of any use? Holding hands for a long time is a more appropriate comfort. Because there are few people who can speak, and even fewer people who really have words.

21. If there is a smell in the memory of this thing, it is the fragrance of camphor. It is sweet and safe, like clearly remembered happiness, sweet and melancholy, like forgotten sorrow.

22. After marriage, the experience before marriage becomes insignificant. No matter who asked for it at the beginning, after marriage, whoever is unreasonable will prevail.

23. People will never be able to identify with each other in their whole life. They are only left with the exchange of flesh and money. So please wait for the person who has a special meaning for your life.

24. One day our civilization, whether sublimated or flashy, will become the past. However, it is still as clear as water and as bright as a mirror in autumn. I should be happy.

25. Xiaohan cried on the bed for a while, and was confused for a while. When I woke up in the middle of the night, I saw a light burning in the room. Mrs. Xu squatted on the ground to tidy her suitcase. The rain was still falling.

26. I didn't touch others for a while, and I didn't know what to say when I saw people. If you go out on business or often meet strangers, it will be better gradually, but it will hinder writing.

27. I want you to know that there is a person waiting for you forever in the world. No matter when or where you are, there is always such a person.

28. People after middle age often feel lonely. They feel that when they open their eyes, they are all dependent on him, and no one can be relied on, not even one who can be consulted.

29. Photos are just the broken shells of life; One after another years have passed, and the melon seeds are swallowed one by one. Everyone knows that only the black and white melon seed shells are left for everyone to see.

30. Wine is in the stomach, and things are in the heart. There is always a layer between them. No matter how much wine you drink, you can't drown your heart. If you want to soak and scald the thing in your heart with soju, you just can't.

31. Just love, some feelings, because it is too true, can not be indifferent. Along the way, I only wish to accompany you quietly and watch you sad and happy; I just want to wait for you silently, a total of one sky, the end of time does not tell from the war.

32. He finally smiled and nodded to her. But he really did not know what to say, and could not find a word. His mind was as empty as washed. The two people are silently opposite each other, only to feel that the flowing years are surging there.

33. The old sun filled the air like gold dust, slightly choking gold dust, rubbed into the eyes, faint. The street vendor shakes the rattle from afar, and the Yuteng "Bulengdeng... Bulengdeng" contains the memories of countless old children.

34. Only young people are free. Once knowledge is opened, they find that their freedom is a rare thing, and they can't keep it. Just because freedom is precious, it seems to be hot -- free people kowtow everywhere, begging others to accept his freedom.

35. In this way, it seems that butterflies are enviable. They danced among the flowers in a short spring, and once the spring was over, they would happily die for the spring, as if they had only come to dance and enjoy themselves in their life.

36. Maybe it is the effect of distance, doesn't it mean that distance produces beauty? Meeting you in the network is not a deliberate, casual encounter, which creates your fate and mine. Perhaps this is the blessing of a previous life; Maybe it's a bad fate from several generations. In the vast sea of people, I just met you, loved you, and even fell in love with you.

37. "Death and life are rich - to be happy with your son, to hold your hand, and to grow old with your son is the saddest poem... Life, death, and parting are major events that are beyond our control. Compared with external forces, how small and how small we are! But we just want to say: 'I will always be with you, and we will not leave all our lives'. - As if we can be the Lord ourselves. "