Message to save a woman's heart
Qinshui Lily
2023-04-25 00:45:34
Blessing words

1. There was a duckling in line, trying to line up with the ducks in front of him, but he couldn't get everything right, so he muttered that he couldn't get the ducks right.

2. Once upon a time, there was a very short duckling. People called him a duckling. One day, the duckling fell into a mud pit while walking, and then it became a duckling.

3. I know it's my fault, which makes you angry again, but you should not sentence me to death. I want to appeal, I want to redress my grievance, and I want to call you!

4. Seeing that you are angry, I feel sad to die by bumping into tofu pieces and hanging with my nose to repent my sins, but I failed. I'm waiting for you to deal with me now.

5. Hey, kiss, no one wants this thing to be like this. Don't totally deny me because of this. At least let me stay at home for 60 years.

6. Maybe it's fate, we don't want to hurt the person who is the least willing to hurt, but it happened. Believe you, because I love you, let's cherish each other!

7. You have forgotten that there will be no beautiful you forever, but as long as you are in the reincarnation of life, it will be enough for me!

8. If you are really angry, please scold me at the screen. Because I had put my ear close to my mobile phone, waiting for you to redeem me with curses or sweet smiles.

9. Sorry, I shouldn't have misunderstood you. I shouldn't have yelled at you and lost my temper. Looking back on my mistakes, I really deserved to die, and the crime was so heinous that it added to the crime.

10. I have thoroughly figured it out. Maybe I have been putting too much pressure on you all the time. I know you are also very bitter and tired. Some things, you have your difficulties, your pains.

11. Once loved you, is true; It's true that I still love you now. It was true that I had suffered; It is still painful and true. Come back, I love you!

12. It seems that you are angry and I feel bad. If I made this mistake, I hope you can forgive me. If I can't forgive myself, I can't forgive myself.

13. Anger is abusing yourself, gambling with your precious life and death, and trading with ghosts and gods. That is a foolish practice, a manifestation of personality defects.

14. I confuse you with a smile, I chase you with my eyes, I arrest you with my heart, dear, I'm so bad, punish me, let me be your gardener for the rest of my life, and work hard for you!

15. Because love hurts you. At the moment, I'm in a bad mood. I don't know how to set an example to let you forget your unhappiness. There is no other skill to replace it. Only by giving you deeper love.

16. Don't want to sing love songs alone in the dark night, don't want to be lonely alone, don't want to be sad alone in crying, don't want to live alone in regret, forgive me.

17. I hope you can believe me. I love you. I don't hope you will be disappointed at any time. In the future, I will try my best to manage myself and never make such a serious mistake again!

18. You are the one who loves me, and I am the one who hurt you. I would like to heal your wounds with my heart and hold hands again. I am wrong, I am guilty; It's my fault. I should have. Dear, please forgive me.

19. Wife adults please calm down, angry easily hurt the body; Don't care about nonsense, don't keep it in your heart; You can beat me or scold me. I hold you in my hand. Sorry, forgive me!

20. After breaking up, you are the deepest pain in my heart. My biggest regret is that I didn't love you well. If there is a chance, I will treat you well. Do I still have this chance?

21. Because love hurts you, I'm in a bad mood at the moment. I don't know how to set an example to let you forget your unhappiness. There is no other skill to replace it. Only by giving you deeper love. Forgive me!

22. Although you haven't forgiven me now, all I can do is to express my regret through the log and write down what I want to say to you. I hope you can forgive me when you see it.

23. Our meeting is warm, we know each other sincerely, and we cherish each other intimately. If there is an occasional conflict, it is absolutely unintentional. My concern for you is warm, and my apology is sincere!

24. What should the police do if it is useful to apologize? Even so, I still don't want to trouble the police uncle. I still want to give you a sincere apology. Sorry, please forgive me. Let's not make trouble for the police.

25. A duckling was going to find a friend to play with when he passed a river. The bridge on the river collapsed and he had to swim across it. But there were many stones in the water that hurt his feet. So the duckling muttered, "How sad the duck is! How sad the duck is!".

26. The days without you are like the days without the sun and the warmth in my heart; The day without you is like the night without moonlight, and life without romance; Without you, my world is desolate and cold!

27. Baby, I know it's wrong. All right, don't be angry. You really beat me to death. Our baby is right in everything he says! Stop pouting and getting angry, eh? I should like to kiss you like this. Can I sleep in your bedroom now?

28. I like you. Although I'm not good at expressing myself, I always find fault with you. In fact, it's because I've been flirting with you, and it may hurt you. Now I know how you feel, and I'm willing to correct it. Come back! I think I can't live without you.

29. It's a kind of predestination to meet you and me. We cherish this hard won feeling. I hope I can accompany you all my life in the future. I want you to know that there is a person in the world who will always wait for you, no matter when or where you are.

30. When you get angry, my eyes turn black. When you get angry, my bed is single. When you get angry, I wait in the corner. When you smile, I smile, sincerely apologize to you, concentrate on waiting for your forgiveness, carefully wait for your reply, and sincerely repent to you, dear, forgive me!

31. I am willing to exhaust the power of famine in exchange for your return. As long as you remember that we once loved each other, it is not in vain that we once loved each other. Maybe you are angry now, but have you considered my feelings for a moment? If you think of me, please believe that I miss you more than you do.

32. It's my fault. You shouldn't be upset that you didn't choose the right gift for several days before your birthday. Finally, I bought an unsuitable one and left it at home. Maybe you don't know where you put it. This is my fault. I admit that I shouldn't take care of everything at home, otherwise you can't find where to put it.

33. I feel very guilty to review my behavior today to show my sincere apology. My behavior today has deeply hurt your feelings for me and failed to live up to your expectations. I feel very guilty. I will cherish this hard won opportunity to forgive me, try to correct my mistakes in the future, take them seriously, and be a good person.