Chasing girls' copywriting
Xiao Xiao Yu Xie
2023-03-07 03:08:22
Complete sentences

1. I hope you will never understand the feeling that you can't eat, lose sleep every night, and want to cry every minute.

2. "Arrive as promised" is such a beautiful word. It's hard to wait, but it never fails.

3. You didn't come early, but you must stay in my heart until the latest.

4. All the pains of girls care about and feel uncomfortable. In the eyes of boys, it is all a understatement: no reason, no reason!

5. My best friend: "I buy clothes once a month!" I: "I buy clothes every month, blow it?" My best friend: "Don't believe it? Let my husband testify! Husband, you quickly prove it!" My best friend's husband: "Yes, yes, the old ones will soon become too fat to wear, and you can only buy new ones."

6. I hope you can understand my heart, care for you, be moved by my heart, and cherish my heart; It is my wish and my responsibility to make you happy. It is my goal to make you moved.

7. Many people misunderstand me. They say that I don't read the news when I play games all day long. I want to explain that I never return the news after reading it.

8. You are my angel, I would like to be your legend in this life; You are my note, I would like to be your music score in this life; Please accept my sincere heart and let me be intimate with you.

9. Go to your city and blow the wind that you have passed. This is not an embrace.

10. There is an eternal law in the world. When you don't care, you will get it. When you become better. You will meet better, only when you become stronger, you will not be afraid of loneliness. When you are not afraid of being alone, you will be able to prefer to lack nothing—— Zhang Xiaoxian

11. I also tried hard, but I lost my enthusiasm later.

12. I still lay you in the good winter.

13. Those who like the beauty of eyes, there are stars in their eyes, there is warmth in their eyes, and there is Enron in their eyes.

14. I found that when I grew up, I seldom confessed to my friends. If the other person did something that I didn't like, I would subconsciously choose to distance myself from her rather than speak clearly.

15. Never base love on money. Money can buy marriage, but never love. Don't treat love as a trade, or your love will only bring you bruises and endless lowliness in the end.

16. Don't expect life to always be fair; After the passage of time, the oath changed its essence, and the pressure of reality destroyed the beautiful castle we built. Those words in the wind have not changed, but stay in yesterday, and will not reappear many years later.

17. I am too old to be crazy about love, and I never believe in the story of love at first sight! I miss you, but I can't help it! What you see is the real me! An endless touch! Moved the world has you, the most beautiful existence!

18. It doesn't matter if I'm different from others. I'll always stand by you.

19. Some pain can only be borne by oneself. Some injuries, only you know.

20. You are the kind that I like for my life.

21. In life, a good attitude can make you optimistic and open-minded; A good attitude can enable you to overcome the suffering you face; A good attitude can make you indifferent to fame and wealth and lead a really happy life.

22. What can make you happy, you should do it boldly. You don't need to pretend to be interested in things you don't like in order to cater to other people's hobbies. Life is about going your own way and nothing to do with you.

23. I have been wandering for the first half of my life. Since I met you, I have been like a deer returning to the forest, like a boat reaching the shore.

24. Love goes deep, just like a red eyed gambler who knows the outcome is a loss, but still continues to bet.

25. Your words have been locked in my memory. You can keep the key for me for a lifetime

26. There is no need to go to the party you don't want to go to, and there is no need to please all the audience. Your time should be spent on making yourself better.

27. Any girl has the right to be treasured. This right has nothing to do with looks.

28. Sometimes some people seem to forgive you, but in fact, it is because you have become less important.

29. Don't criticize everywhere like a complaining wife. Don't comment on things that are not clear, and don't criticize things that have nothing to do with you. Be more honest and have more people who love you.

30. Different ways do not conspire. You hate me, and I may not like you.