Feelings after reading the Border Town
You were a teenager
2023-09-01 15:49:19
reaction to a book or an article

The clear and winding river, the blue and clear sky, the simple mountain village surrounded by mountains, the kind-hearted ferry old man, and his clever granddaughter. "A setting sun spreads in the water, and half the river is rustling and half the river is red." Whose song bypasses the mist in the dusk in the distance, and through the soft veil of the evening mist, it melts the fierce pine and fir cold, sobbing gently, curling around the river for a long time... Border Town is unfolded in front of me with such a fresh scene, In the light of the narrative, take me to a person who is singing sad pastoral songs. Cuicui and her grandfather depend on each other by ferry, until they are 15 years old, just like lively animals.
There is no sadness in the bright and clean eyes, and there is no sadness. Every day, he weaves grasshoppers, ferries, sings fishing songs, and plays shepherd's flute. Such a life is like a calm lake, clear as practice, but without any ripple. Until the Dragon Boat Festival when she was 15 years old, she met the most important person in her life, Nuo Song, who kept her awake all night. If a stone falls into the pool, it stirs up ripples, and the peace of her life is broken. She still compiles grasshoppers, ferries, sings fishing songs and plays shepherd's flute every day, but she has a secret in her heart, a secret that even her grandfather can't tell. The simple green tiles, the soaring corner of the pavilion, and the old wind chimes under the eaves sound gently with the wind. The sound seems to hit my heart, once, once... Life is like this, because a person's departure or arrival has drawn a boundary, which has nothing to do with or is related to him ever since.
Those who are happy with each other have never said anything. Nuo Song's brother Tianbao also falls in love with Cuicui and wants to marry her home. Nuo Song is asked by his father to marry a rich daughter. There was a turning point, and then the two brothers met to sing love songs, but the old boatman mistakenly thought that it was Tianbao who moved Cuicui. Who knew that Bao Sheng was not good at singing that day, but Nuo Song sent one person to sing. Later, Tianbao sent his brother out of the ship to deliver goods to Cheng Quan, and unfortunately died. Nuo Song ran away from home with grief. His grandfather died with regret because of overwork, leaving Cuicui alone to wait by the river, Waiting for Nuo Song when she can come back... The beauty and desolation of the world are vividly reflected in this article.
The deep kinship between Cuicui and her grandfather, the brotherhood of Tianbao and Nuo Song brothers, the harmonious and simple neighborhood relationship between their grandparents and their grandchildren and the villagers, the unity of human and nature, the honest folk customs and folkways... Or maybe it is the beautiful scenery, the noisy drums and gongs, and the lively festival days that attract the attention and cover up the sadness and pain behind the happiness and harmony. But the author's fresh and meaningful style does have a trace of sadness. Just like here, there are also the departure and death of relatives, full of expectations and unfulfilled, as well as ignorant, hazy, but dead love...... Sometimes, we see prosperity, but can not see through the bleakness and desolation after prosperity; After experiencing the noise, I didn't think whether the loneliness would be sublimated after the end of the song.
Sometimes we see phenomena, but we can't get rid of the fog. Sometimes, it is difficult to clarify or say something without saying it. Everyone can choose his or her own path, but for a long time, life has been like a river. The torrent twists and turns, but it will never end. We are always unable to grasp something and change something. Behind the beauty, there is endless desolation. A beautiful child like Cui Cui finally has to be alone by the river to dream. The sadness here is a drop of indestructible ink that drips on the heart, entangles, dries, condenses there, and cannot be erased... Only the clear river still tells those ancient stories.