96 classical quotations from the complete works of Falcon 1949
Half the city is fireworks and half the city is desolate
2023-07-03 21:11:41

1、 Go away before I get angry.

2、 It's hard to talk about, but it's very painful.

3、 A rash decision is irresponsible.

4、 A fake is a fake, and sooner or later it will show its flaws.

5、 Those who know how to be grateful will have a chance to live.

6、 Seven: I'm worried. No, no, no, I'm willing.

7、 How can people like you change? Ah! Only death.

8、 Don't comfort me, sometimes comfort is the biggest hurt.

9、 In front of action, language is always powerless.

10、 The best way to solve the problem is to kill the enemy.

11、 This escape character is not very good. I never run away.

12、 Tang Sally: I saved you. Should you thank me?

13、 Intimidation is the lowest means, and it shows that the outside is strong but the inside is weak.

14、 I bet there is no bullet in your gun. I'm not afraid of death. What about you?

15、 Anyone who underestimates the power of women will suffer greatly.

16、 Rest is to refresh oneself, while sleep is loose and lazy.

17、 What can make you easily betray is not your true belief.

18、 I don't know if it is love. Possession is more accurate.

19、 Yan Shuangying: I saved you too. We are even with each other

20、 Yan Shuangying: I gave you a chance to live, but you don't need it.

21、 You are too emotional, not calm, not used to thinking with your brain.

22、 Tang Sally: You kill people and set fire to all kinds of crimes. You are a devil, aren't you?

23、 No matter what you do, no matter where you are, I will always be with you.

24、 Wu Yuxia: Put down your gun and come back with me. I will give you a chance to defend yourself.

25、 I think you are the one who plays tricks, right? But you haven't shown your true face yet.

26、 The means can't explain anything, only the purpose can distinguish between justice and evil.

27、 Yan Shuangying: I don't need you to give me a chance, let alone argue. Shoot.

28、 Sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true! Your eyes will deceive you!

29、 What should I call a person like you? It's not too bad to call you a beast.

30、 Li Yanping: Oh, shouldn't I say that!

31、 For the sake of your dying, let me tell you the truth. I never loved you.

32、 Yan Shuangying: I'm not worried. You can think about it again. I'm the last person willing to force others.

33、 Why do you think everything you say is reasonable? Because what I said is reasonable.

34、 Tang Sally: "Then you are too ignorant."

35、 Yan Shuangying said to Sally: This is war, not love. You can make do with it.

36、 Yan Shuangying: "I will let you see your brain"

37、 Agent: "You really don't cry when you don't see the coffin!"

38、 Will does not come from nowhere. It is there if you want it. There is justice and humanity shining in it.

39、 The fake guerrilla asked, "Why did he come here?"

40、 Yan Shuangying said to Zhang Baozhi: "Only love can lead to hate. I have never loved you. Of course, there is no hate.".

41、 Yan Shuangying: "Because what I said is reasonable."

42、 Yan Shuangying: "I always thought I was very amiable."

43、 Tang Shali: "I am a cultured person and know how to obey the law."

44、 I'm really afraid of you now. Behind your calm, I don't know what your mind has turned to.

45、 Yan Shuangying: "Don't yell anymore, please feel sorry for your poor lungs!

46、 Yan Shuangying: "How should people like you change?"

47、 Yan Shuangying: "I don't like people pointing a gun at my head."

48、 Yan Shuangying: "I respect the law, but I cannot fully comply with it."

49、 But one thing can tell you, if you want me to choose a lover between you two, I would rather choose you.

50、 Yan Shuangying told Liu Tianlong: Sometimes it's wise to pretend to be confused, sometimes it's not so smart.

51. Yan Shuangying: "Those who know how to appreciate will have a chance to survive."

52. Yan Shuangying: "The best way to solve the problem is to kill the enemy"

53. Yan Shuangying: "Confidence is not a bad thing, as long as it is not blind."

54. Yan Shuangying: "Anyone who underestimates the power of women will suffer greatly."

55. Sometimes I am not calm enough, and I am always impulsive and desperate. But I really don't want to be your enemy.

56. Yan Shuangying: "Rest is to nourish your energy, while sleeping is to be lazy and loose!"

Fifty seven, Yan Shuangying: "If I want to ask someone, I won't shout so loudly."

58. Yan Shuangying: "What I know is what I must know."

59. Yan Shuangying: "Remember my words, you are a dead man now!"

Sixty, Yan (smiling and shaking his head): I want to put you and the animals together. No one can see the difference between you!

61. Yan Shuangying: "My feet are on me. I can go anywhere I want."

62. Yan Shuangying: "If anyone wants to say that a man is unreasonable, I will argue with him."

63. Zhao Yaqin: "Why do I think everything you say is reasonable?"

64. Yan Shuangying: "Never trust your eyes! They will deceive you!"

65. Yan Shuangying: "Poor guy, don't you understand your situation?"

66. Yan Shuangying: "Threatening is the lowest means, and it is a manifestation of being strong outside but capable inside."

67. Yan Shuangying: (Turning his back to the woman) Maybe it is for you, but for me, maybe give me some more time.

68. In her mind, she is the most important. Therefore, it is not surprising to betray you at a critical time.

69. I don't need their trust. I just let them fear, let them fear, let them mention my name and be frightened.

70. Lin Yuxian: What do you think? (When she said this, she even teased Xiaoyan with her delicate hand.

71. Yan Shuangying: "You are too naive and credulous. Facts will wake you up"

Seventy two, Yan Shuangying: "Let me say again, before I lose my temper, go away quickly!"

Seventy three, Yan Shuangying: "Don't yell any more, please feel sorry for your poor lungs!"

Seventy four, today is really lively. One after another, there are people who play tricks and have tenderness. It can be said that they are on the stage.

Seventy five, Yan Shuangying: "I won't cry when I see the coffin, because I don't need a coffin at all."

76. Yan Shuangying: If this is the case, I can only tell you to behave yourself. (Then clap the shoulder of the championship to make a move)

Seventy seven, Yan Shuangying: "Don't make trouble that you can't control, then you will pay the price."

Seventy eight, Yan Shuangying: "Some things always have to be faced." He went to Yibin as usual and won the championship.

Seventy nine, Yan Shuangying: "Is it true that thunder strikes the sky? People like you should have been struck by thunder many times!"

80. Yan Shuangying: "Means can't explain anything. Only purpose can distinguish between justice and evil."

Eighty one, Yan Shuangying: "I can't cry. Crying represents sadness. Now I don't need sadness, but what I need is courage and faith.

82. Boss of Chunyi Mahjong Hall: Boss, everything I said is true, and there is a lie

Eighty three, Yan Shuangying said when he took the gun in Li Yanping's hand: Why don't you see if there is a cartridge clip when you take the enemy's gun?

Eighty four, Yan Shuangying: "How can a person like you change? There is no other way. You have to die."

Eighty five, the boss: 'We are living in darkness. Isn't the sunshine too heavy for us?'

86. Yan Shuangying: "Good people will not die, bad people will not die, only one kind of people will die, that is, stupid people"

Eighty seven, Yan Shuangying: "I never know what women are thinking. What they do is always elusive."

Eighty eight, "If you want others to tell the truth in the future, you can earnestly teach" You are a soldier, you should tell the truth. "

89. When Yan Shuangying was chased by Wu Yuxia, he jumped into a house from the window. Facing the frightened eyes of the family, he said to others: Sorry, the stairs are broken.

Ninety, one of Liu Tianlong's men robbed him as usual. Yan Shuangying said to him, "Learn to trade with the enemy, so that your life will be longer."

Ninety one, Yan Shuangying said to Meng Haima, "What should I call a person like you? It's not too much to call you a brute, is it?"

Ninety two, Lin Yuxian: Some people have no feeling when they stay together for a lifetime. But for some people, just one minute is enough. Two hours is long enough, isn't it?

93. Yan (looking into Li's eyes and saying every word): For those of you who can even betray friends and organizations, it should not be difficult to use sarcasm as praise, right?

Ninety four, Yan Shuangying said to Lin Yuxian, "Your biggest problem is that you always say the wrong thing and do the wrong thing in the wrong place."

95. Yan Shuangying: "A kind-hearted person, no matter what his belief is or whether he has faith, will at least do good things."

96. The biggest difference between them is that they really believe in their own beliefs, or follow the trend blindly. In other words, what can make you easily betray is not your real beliefs.