80 Chinese patriotic quotes
feel for others
2023-02-10 03:13:04
A complete list of famous sayings

1、 Pass the mountains and travel thousands of miles—— Qiu Jin

2、 The center is willing to pacify the enemy, protect the people and secure the country—— Song Jiang

3、 Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world—— Gu Yanwu

4、 Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world—— Mai Menghua

5、 Once he left to isolate the country, he thought of returning, but he sighed—— Li Bai

6、 Four or five sighs in the middle of the night are often worried about big countries—— Li Bai

7、 I came here to serve my country, not to be a marquis—— Censhen

8、 Returning to the phoenix to ask for the emperor's meaning, few people heard of it—— Du Fu

9、 Jin Wu ignored the future events, and Huihuang finally fainted—— Gao Shi

10、 When the city is not enough to ask, the monarch and his officials follow the grassroots—— Gao Shi

11、 A letter from home is worth ten thousand gold—— Du Fu

12、 Yumei is emaciated and hates the poor life of the Eastern Emperor—— Wang Yuanliang

13、 The Jade Emperor opened and fell, and the silver world lost its dusk—— Mao Pang

14、 Sudden pressure on China, towering like ghost workers—— Censhen

15、 The dragon and the tiger are competing, and the seven countries are competing—— Zhang Hua

16、 There is no needle piercing woman, but the old country building is empty—— meng haoran

17、 Yu also went to Beijing. He should return the favor—— meng haoran

18、 There is a levy on the affairs of the ministers, and the temple plans to suspend the army—— zhang jiuling

19、 Mountain Fu returns to cope with the disease, and Hou Hou recovers his achievements—— zhang jiuling

20、 Suddenly, I heard the ancient songs and wanted to touch the towel when I was homesick—— du shenyan

21、 Six prefectures are subdued by the wind, and five armies are subdued by the day—— zhang jiuling

22、 Hegemony is weak, and Jin and Chu are more arrogant—— Liu Zongyuan

23、 Today's tower Ding Nai will lead the country next year—— Liu Guo

24、 It is a pity that there is no way to serve the country—— Yang Yanzheng

25、 Xianyan said that the prosperity of the country was not the imperial city—— Zilan

26、 The mountain is surrounded by the Qingjiang River in the hometown, and the buns are opposite—— Zhou Bangyan

27、 Where to look at China? Beigu Building is full of scenery—— Xin Qiji

28、 Rely on the cold and worry to live in the homeland, and swallow arrogance—— Zhang Yuangan

29、 When the body is dead, the spirit is the god, and the soul is the ghost -- Qu Yuan

30、 The long breath covered the tears and mourned the hardship of people's livelihood—— Qu Yuan

31、 An inch of devotion is to serve the country, and two lines of clear tears are to miss their relatives—— Yu Qian

32、 I don't know where to blow the reed pipe, and the moon outside the city is like frost—— Li Yi

33、 In the world, there is no limit to painting a sad hand—— High toad

34、 But when all living beings are satisfied, they will not refuse to suffer from sickness—— Li Gang

35、 I hope that all people are warm and spare no effort to get out of the mountain forest—— Yu Qian

36、 When you can't get out and go in, you can't turn back, and the plain is suddenly far away—— Qu Yuan

37、 That is to say, you can cross the Wu Gorge from the Ba Gorge and then go down to Xiangyang and Luoyang—— Du Fu

38、 The merchant women did not know the hatred of national subjugation, and still sang the backyard flowers across the river—— Du Mu

39、 People from Yifu and Shenlu, the land of God, have looked back—— Xin Qiji

40、 Why did people in Wu complain about Xi Shi when their family and country rose and fell—— Luo Yin

41、 The rise and fall of the family and the country exist alone, and Yurong is also favored by the King of Chu—— Wang Zun

42、 Fucking Wu Ge, I was attacked by rhinoceros armour, and the car was taken over by a short soldier—— Qu Yuan

43、 My hometown is full of love. Laugh at me, and my hair will be bright as early as possible—— Su Shi

44、 To the west of the old fortress, the humanity is that Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms, Chibi—— Su Shi

45、 When the sun is blocked by the banners, the enemy is like a cloud. When the arrows are crossed, the men are competing for the first place—— Qu Yuan

46、 Han officials used to be prisoners here. They were dressed in blood in the 19th autumn—— Wang Zun

47、 Jiang E cries for the sorrow of a simple girl, and Li plays the harp with China—— Li He

48、 The rain is falling on the river, the grass is flowing on the river, and the birds in the Six Dynasties are singing like dreams—— Weizhuang

49、 Wang Shi set the Central Plains Day in the north, and told Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You

50、 The sinking feeling of the motherland can not help but come overseas to find bosom friends—— Qiu Jin

51. It is finally the matter of the Emperor Shengming. Who is Jingyang Palace—— Zheng Tian

52. Jingshan trombone weeps blood, and loyal officials die as foot ghosts—— Li Bai

53. Pedestrians should not ask what happened in the past. The Wei River flows from the east of our country—— Xu Hun

54. The great name of Zhuge hangs high in the universe, and the remains of his ancestors and ministers are clear—— Du Fu

55. When the body is dead, the spirit is the god, and the soul is determined to be the ghost—— Qu Yuan

56. In the southeast, northwest, and northwest, the emperor's pole is in effect, and the sun, moon, and stars are playing triumphant songs—— best-known leader of the Taiping Rebellion

57. Worry about the world first, and be happy after the world—— Fan Zhongyan

58. The King of Wu had to subjugate the country in everything, not necessarily Xishi triumphing over the Six Palaces—— Tortoise shell

59. There is a living national plan at the end of life, and one hundred people will try to visit Jiujing—— Huang Tingjian

60. I will smile to the sky from my broadsword and leave the Kunlun Mountains with liver and gall—— Tan Sitong

61. I will smile to the sky from my broadsword and leave the Kunlun Mountains with liver and gall—— Tan Sitong

62. The spring wind cuts the palace brocade all over the country, making half the barrier and half the sail—— Li Shangyin

Sixty three. I don't want to look back at my hometown until I have collected the Hehuang land of the Emperor—— Ling Huchu

Sixty four. The cuckoo pays tribute to the sad tears again, and Jingwei has infinite reclamation heart—— Huang Zunxian

65. I swear that I am deeper than the sea, and I am willing to make China sink unexpectedly—— Zheng Sixiao

Sixty six. The minister's heart is a piece of magnetic needle stone. He will not rest until he points to the south—— known as a model of fidelity to the last Song sovereigns

Sixty seven. Yellow sand wears gold armour for every battle. If you don't break the Loulan, you will never return it—— wang changling

68. The cause of the Central Plains is like that of the left side of the Yangtze River. Why should grass complain about the Six Dynasties—— Nalanxingde

69. In order to ask where the flowers are, the night came with wind and rain, and the Chu Palace was buried—— Zhou Bangyan

Seventy, although the three families of Chu can resist Qin, how can there be no one in China—— Lu You

Seventy one, the white haired scholar tears in China, all desolate, do not drop to Niushan—— Liu Kezhuang

Seventy two, Onsu rewards his family and country, and the ship will die! Hu Jia hates for thousands of years, and the moon is near the city—— Xia Wanchun

73. Only the soul of the people is valuable, and only when it is carried forward can China make real progress—— Lu Xun

Seventy-four, the sound of wind, rain, and reading is audible; Family affairs, state affairs, world affairs, and care about everything—— Gu Xiancheng

Seventy five, a thousand hammers and ten thousand chiseled out the deep mountain, and the fire burned like nothing. I'm not afraid of being crushed, but I want to remain innocent in the world—— Yu Qian

76. When will the singing and dancing of the West Lake stop. The warm wind makes tourists drunk, and makes Hangzhou a Bianzhou—— Lin Sheng

Seventy seven, I wish I could get a swallow bow and shoot a general in the sky. I am ashamed that I will call my king Yuejia. Don't be afraid to defend in the clouds in the old days, and still be worthy of meritorious deeds—— Wang Wei

Seventy eight, I knew that everything was empty when I died, but I could not see that all the nine states were the same when I was sad. Wang Shifu sets the Central Plains Day in the north, and does not forget to tell Naiweng about the family sacrifice—— Lu You

Seventy nine. In the Qin Dynasty, the moon was bright, and in the Han Dynasty, the people of the Long March had not yet returned. But he made the Flying General of Dragon City stay here, and did not teach Huma to spend the Hell Mountain—— wang changling

80. I am honored to become a citizen of the world from the qualification of being a member of the Chinese nation. I am the son of the Chinese people. I love my country and people deeply—— Deng