Reflections on The Devotion of Suspect X
glorious flowers in spring and solid fruits in autumn
2023-10-29 03:49:51
high school
reaction to a book or an article

During the summer vacation, I tasted the novel of Mr. Keigo Dongno - The Devotion of Suspect X. This book is an important work of the famous Japanese reasoning writer Keigo Dongno, and has won the Naoki Award, the highest honor in Japanese literature.
At the beginning of the book, we described the daily life of Shi Shen, a middle school math teacher. He goes to the same bento shop to buy bento every day, just to see Jingzi, his neighbor who works in the bento shop. One day, Jingzi met his ex husband who came to haunt him again, and killed him by accident. After learning that, God Shi proposed that he take care of the aftermath. In this book, the main characters' expressions and gestures are described in detail. Between the lines, the author describes how a thoughtful mathematical genius can use his logical reasoning ability step by step to change the attention of the police. However, the plan of Stone God was finally discovered by the police. When I thought the story was about to end, the author gave us readers a huge reversal at the end of the book. This is unexpected to all readers, and this is the charm of Mr. Toyano's works.
The stone god killed a tramp and destroyed his appearance the day after Jingzi killed his ex husband, which made everyone mistakenly believe that the tramp killed was Jingzi's ex husband, giving Jingzi evidence of absence. The so-called fact discovered by the police is that the stone god killed the tramp who was mistaken for Jingzi's ex husband. At the beginning of the plan, he thought that the plan might be seen through, and he planned to protect his beloved woman with his own death from the beginning.
When I got the book, I didn't understand why I wanted to take such a title. When I finished reading the last page, I suddenly understood. The so-called x represents the unknown. When the stone god gradually diverted the attention of the police, the question in my heart gradually grew. What kind of method did he use to arrange the case so seamlessly. At the end of the book, the answer was really revealed, and I knew the meaning of x.
Shi Shen's love for Jingzi's deformity seems incredible, but it is so real and reasonable. When she appeared in front of him, it was destined to change the outcome of his life. Paying everything for her is the greatest ideal and happiness for him to live, and the only value and significance of his existence. "I love you, but it has nothing to do with you." This kind of emotion, which does not need to be returned or even let the other party know, is similar to Zweig's Letter from a Strange Woman.
Although the final outcome of the story did not meet the expectations of the stone god. Maybe no woman, after knowing the truth, can still bear such a heavy love with ease. Therefore, Shishen's final sacrifice did not bring Jingzi happiness. This made Shi Shen extremely sad, but it also told us that this is a tragic story, and there is no absolutely perfect murder.