English sentences describing coffee
Non willful
2023-06-05 03:11:36
Complete sentences

1. Coffee is life, both bitter and sweet.

Coffee is life, bitter and sweet are included.

2. That afternoon, the cup of coffee made me understand that none of us is who we are. You are waiting for the person who needs sugar in the coffee, and I am looking forward to who will share the pure bitterness of coffee.

That afternoon, the cup of coffee, let me understand: we who are not who, you are waiting for the coffee to add sugar, I am looking forward to someone who will share the bitter coffee alone.

3. Coffee is in no mood. It's just the people who drink coffee.

Coffee is not in the mood, the mood is just a coffee person.

4. Some people say that tasting tea is like tasting life, while coffee is like life. Because of this, he likes the original taste of coffee. He always likes coffee without any saccharin.

Some people say that coffee and tea such as product life, such as life. Because of this, he love the original taste of coffee, always love without any saccharin coffee.

5. When one cup of coffee is cold, another cup will always boil on the stove. We witness the end of time in the cafe.

A cup of coffee is cold, there is always another cup of boiling on the stove we witness forever in the cafe.

6. The years without you, the coffee with sugar, is also bitter. I am still accompanied by those sad words, looking for the past in a panic, desperately searching, so you have been wandering in the world, indulging in, and tireless.

Without you years, add the sugar coffee, is bitter. My company is still those sad words, panic looking past, desperately looking for, was removed, this has been in the world where you dwell, and tireless.

7. The aroma of coffee swirls in the air, making me miss the lost love.

The smell of coffee in the air in the room, so I miss the lost love.

8. When drinking coffee, you should talk with your partner timely. At this time, be sure to speak quietly, not loudly, joking, and not touching people, chasing and beating. Otherwise, it will only destroy the atmosphere of the coffee scene.

Drink coffee, should be timely and contacts to talk to the object. At this time, be sure to also voice, not loud, not a joke, and hands and feet, play the chase chase. Otherwise, it can only damage the scene atmosphere of coffee.

9. He gazed into the glass wall in front of the cafe. In the corner, Yi Na looks lonely. The pale yellow light in the room creates a warm atmosphere, making her lonely figure look more gentle.

He stared into the glass wall of the coffee house. The corner easily appears extremely lonely. The pale yellow light to create a warm atmosphere, let her lonely figure looks more gentle.

10. Will you suddenly appear? At the coffee shop on the street corner, I will greet you with a smile, not talking about the past, but just saying a word to you, just saying a word, long time no see.

You will not suddenly appear in the corner coffee shop, I will bring a smile, and you say, do not talk about the past, just say, you say, just say, haven't met in a long time.

11. When drinking coffee, in order not to hurt the stomach and intestines, we often have some cakes, nuts, fruits and other small foods at the same time. When you need dessert, put down the coffee cup first. When drinking coffee, don't taste the dessert in your hand at the same time.

Over coffee, in order not to hurt the stomach, often by some quasi cakes, nuts, fruits, small food at the same time. When you need to use dessert, you must first drop the coffee cup. While drinking coffee, don't have dessert at the same time.

12. Many people don't like the bitter taste of coffee, especially the taste of charcoal, which is dozens of times more bitter than traditional Chinese medicine. Many people can't accept it.

A lot of people do not like the coffee bursts of bitter taste, especially carbon burn, that one is far more than the traditional Chinese medicine also suffered dozens of times the taste, a lot of people are not acceptable.

13. The rain will turn into coffee, the seeds will grow roses, travel is a kind of appointment, leaving is to experience the taste of loneliness, not without company, it is only because the coffee is not drunk, the road is tired, the rain will break, only friends are the most precious.

The rain will become coffee, seeds will quote rose, is a travel date, leaving is to experience the taste of loneliness, not Renpei, blame coffee drink drunk, go on the road one tired, rain touched broken, only the most precious friend.

14. The proper way to hold the coffee cup is to extend your right hand, hold the cup ear with your thumb and forefinger, and then gently lift the cup. Do not hold the bottom of the cup with your hands or bend over to drink with the cup. Soak up the coffee spilled on the plate with a paper towel.

Coffee cup is the right way to extend the right hand, with the thumb and index finger to hold the cup ear, and then gently gently to the end of the cup. A cup or can not hands cupped the bottom of the cup, can not drink the cup is over. On the plate there coffee with a paper towel.

15. In fact, coffee is like drinking. Some people only like beer, some people only like red wine, and some people drink all kinds of wine.

In fact, just like drinking coffee, some people just love beer, some people only love wine, but some people drink what wine.

16. I don't like coffee, but I like the atmosphere of coffee shops. Our unexpected meeting may be a kind of fate, thank God, we learn to cherish!

I don't like to drink coffee, but I like the taste of the coffee house. Our not to meet, perhaps is a kind of fate, thank God, we learn to cherish!

17. Personally, I don't like very sweet coffee. I think coffee that is too sweet or sweetened no longer has its original flavor.

As far as I'm concerned, I don't like sweet coffee. I think it's too sweet or coffee with sugar.

18. When people focus on their own heart, it is a wonderful beauty. This beauty is like the taste of coffee, which makes people intoxicated.

People focus on their own heart is a kind of wonderful beauty, this kind of beauty is like the taste of coffee, make people intoxicated.

19. Don't ask people questions when they are drinking coffee. Before you speak after drinking coffee, you'd better wipe your mouth with paper towel to prevent the coffee from contaminating the corners of your mouth.

Don't ask questions when they are drinking coffee. You drink coffee to talk before, it is best to use paper towels to wipe your mouth, so let the coffee dirty mouth.

20. If someone dares to say that you are bitter, I will throw him into the abyss of hell and make him suffer from all kinds of torture until he remembers your good and sweet.

If anyone dare to say you are bitter, I threw him into the abyss of hell, he was in torment, until he remembered you, remember your sweet.

21. Sitting alone in a corner of the coffee shop, the lights are dim, there is no coffee and snacks, only a glass of water.

Sit alone in a corner of the cafe, the lights dim incidence, no coffee and snacks, only a cup of water.

22. On a moonlit winter night, I like to wear a headset, hold a cup of freshly brewed coffee, and enjoy the beauty of this song when I am alone.

Love in a moonlight night all night, wearing a headset, just holding a cup of coffee, a person alone, enjoying this beautiful song.

23. On Saturday afternoon, we sat in the coffee shop and talked. I like the mood of the coffee shop and its aestheticism in detail handling. It has a combination of elegance and romance.

Saturday afternoon, we sat in the cafe chat, I like the taste of the coffee house, like it in the details of the processing of the aesthetic feeling, there is a combination of elegance and romance.

24. A drop of sweet smell is the world's various states. The faint aftertaste is not as sweet as Huanglian. The taste of each is infinite.

A drop of fragrant entrance, is the attitudes of the world. The light is not silence no honey aftertaste gan. The taste is infinite.

25. The bitterness and sweetness of coffee is not how to stir it, but whether to add sugar; A period of pain does not lie in how to forget, but in whether you have the courage to start again.

Coffee bitter and sweet does not lie in how to mix, but lies in whether the sugar; a pain is not how to forget, but lies in whether has the courage to start again.

26. The world of coffee is small, but it is absolutely exquisite and profound.

The world of coffee is small, but it is very delicate and profound.

27. Tasting coffee is not only a taste enjoyment, but also a baptism of body and mind. Through tasting coffee, I not only gain friendship, but also gain life!

Tasting coffee, not only is a taste of the enjoyment, it is a physical and psychological baptism, through the taste of coffee, I not only gain a friendship, but also the harvest of life!

28. Put a cup of coffee on the desk, and I will savor the bitter taste carefully. In fact, what it leaves for me is not the bitter but the inexhaustible fragrance.

Put a cup of coffee on the desk, I will savor the taste of bitter, in fact, it is not enough for themselves but have bitter flavor.

29. It's daybreak, another tomorrow, drink a cup of coffee, look at the residue in the cup, smile, understand that fate comes and goes, just like reincarnation day and night, fate is over, but the days still need to continue wandering.

At dawn, another tomorrow, drink coffee, looked at the residue, the cup laughed, understand, edge to edge, as do the circadian cycle, but also need to continue to stray, day.

30. Coffee is bitter and sweet, not because of how to mix it, but because of whether to add sugar; A period of pain is not how to forget, but whether you have the courage to start again.

Coffee bitter and sweet, does not lie in how to mix, but lies in whether the sugar; a pain, not in how to forget, but lies in the courage to start again.

31. Life is like making good coffee. Love is the sugar that makes life sweet. Blessing is the candy that makes life sweet. You are the beautiful coffee cup, carrying my sweetness and happiness.

Life, like a good coffee. Love is to make life sweet sugar. The blessing is to let the life become mianxiang toffee. You are the beautiful coffee cup, carrying my sweet and happiness.

32. In formal occasions, coffee is put into cups and then served together on plates. Dishes are mainly used to place coffee spoons and receive coffee overflowing cups.

In formal occasions, the coffee is filled into the cup, and then put on the plate together with the table. The role of the plate is mainly used to place the coffee spoon, and to receive the overflow of the cup of coffee.

33. You can't give me endless illusions like marijuana, but you always give me irresistible impulses when I am tired, and accompany me in countless midnight. I think I have been used to your taste.

You don't like marijuana like give me endless fantasy, but when I'm tired for me to stop the impulse, in that one of the countless night around me, I think I have been accustomed to the taste of you.

34. In the coffee table for two people, I sit alone and dance alone in the world of two people. Concern, yearning, in deep nostalgia slowly appear, at this time, this situation, this scene, I have no place to recover.

Cafe two person, I was sitting alone, two people in the world, I am a person in the solo. Care, love, in deep nostalgia in the show, at this time, it was, I have nowhere to recover.

35. Late at night, turn on the computer, make a cup of coffee habitually, and stay away from earthly troubles. As a strong fragrance slowly enters the mouth, it is slightly bitter and astringent, and then gradually has a few sweet threads, seeping into the heart.

Late at night, turn on the computer and make a habit of making a cup of coffee. With a whiff of perfume slowly entrance, slightly a little bitter, but then gradually have a few strands of sweet unrecoginized heart.

36. Put a cup of coffee on the desk, and I will savor the bitter taste carefully. In fact, what it leaves for me is not bitter but endless.

Put a cup of coffee on the desk, I will savor the taste of bitter, in fact, it is not hard enough but for yourself.

37. The aroma of coffee has become so much attached to the hearts of lovers and so much love. Even the air, wantonly spread the romantic atmosphere in the dust.

Coffee filled with incense, how many lovers heart, how much her touching love. Even the air, with flamboyant dust in the romantic atmosphere.

38. Coffee becomes more mellow in grinding time after time, and our feelings become stronger in the collision day by day.

Coffee becomes more mellow in a time of grinding, our feelings are stronger day by day in collision.

39. Holding that cup of Nanshan coffee, my heart was crushed in a horrible way, and the pain of hot tears falling into the coffee was intertwined with the lingering happiness of the past, cutting the pain of parting in life and death.

At the end of the heart of the Nanshan cup of coffee, too horrible to look at appearance, it goes into the coffee hot tears of pain and happiness of the past lingering death, cutting pain.