Ancient Sentences
Should not be reluctant
2023-05-01 17:40:01
Complete Poems

1. Only love and hate, accompanied by water.

2. Blame me, blame the world, and reject the beloved.

3. The brigadier is drunk, and I am afraid of the bell.

4. Butterflies are drunk with flowers, but flowers fly with the wind.

5. Use my fireworks to change your confusion.

6. Forgetting the Jianghu, I was hurt at the age of, but I saw a smile.

7. I will tell you to stop the peach blossom.

8. If you don't love your concubine, let her go.

9. I don't know where to go, but I'm on my way.

10. When plums are about to turn yellow, they must be made again.

11. The steps of the plum powder stack are lazy but not swept.

12. Look at the moon and protect each other. Only envy mandarin ducks, not immortals

13. After meeting you, wait until you meet you.

14. The bank is waiting for the waxing willows, and the mountain is cold and ready to release plum blossoms.

15. The heart is ice and the hand is cold, the tears are cold, and the cheeks are like snow souls gone.

16. The memory of your heart is like the water of the West River. It flows eastward day and night without a break.

17. I would like to teach you how to marry with time, and never abandon you in this life.

18. In the morning, when I opened the door, the mountain was covered with snow. The snow was clear, the clouds were pale, and the sun was cold.

19. If you can read thousands of fu, you are not good at it. If you can see thousands of swords, you will know the sword.

20. I still love you, but I can't hug you anymore.

21. Butterflies are beautiful, but after all, butterflies cannot fly in the sea.

22. Fenghua refers to quicksand, and aging refers to a period of time.

23. When the wind blows through the sky, the city will dance, and people will worry about flowers.

24. My concubines hated that they had not accumulated predestination before they died, and that the ancient Buddha spent their fleeting years in the green light.

25. I need him just as I need to breathe air.

26. Qingyu, if you were absent from the world of mortals, how lonely would you be.

27. Close to the world, staying together is just an unforgettable concern.

28. Sing a song and leave the mourning. Compose a song of the world.

29. My ministers and concubines were never known by anyone, so they were never forgotten.

30. In the glorious years, I look back on my childhood sweethearts.

31. When I look back on your love, I feel my tears grow.

32. I can't afford to lose, so I pretend that I'm never afraid of losing.

33. In the past, there used to be tall buildings that sang songs in the morning and sang songs in the night, and there were dancing sleeves that could sweep the city and sweep the country.

34. Bronze mirror, red makeup, butterfly hairpin, thick and light rouge, and attractive eyebrow lock curtain.

35. For whom do you devote your whole life and carve the millennium waiting into a permanent one?

36. Charming pen and ink, dust in the backyard. Then the sky light and cloud shadow will not linger.

37. Even if you don't love your concubines now, they will fall into your gentleness.

38. How many beauties are languishing, how many lovesickness is broken, only leaving blood and ink to cry over graves.

39. I've come to find my love in this life and talk about a romantic love with him

40. Drop endless lovesickness, blood and tears, throw red beans, and open endless spring willows and flowers all over the painting floor.

41. I have searched for you for thousands of times, but you are never in the dim light when you are one year old.

42. In the late autumn, when the clouds break and the geese return to the south, there is a green mountain, but there is a world of mortals.

43. There are orchids in the valley and flowers in autumn. In your quiet time with me, the empty mountain wants to go far away.

44. Try to see the bright moon on the peak, and occasionally open the sky to look at the world of mortals. I feel sorry for myself.

45. The distant mountain is slightly clear and the forest is sweeping the fog, the wind is blowing, the rain is shaking, and the lovesickness is falling now and again.

46. Rid the horse day by day, and the cloak rustles in the wind. How can you bear to be a beautiful woman.

47. In the season of sadness, tears run across my cheeks and become an unforgettable pain.

48. Since it is not a Butterfly Lover, how can it become a butterfly? And at the end of the story... the oath becomes a joke

49. Cold autumn, cold morning, cold frost, cold leaves; Warm, warm, warm, warm years.

50. Don't worry about your plans. Today is still an old man, and now the personnel are new.

51. The peach blossoms cannot escape. They are full of impermanence and change. They can help me break my bones and then push me away.

52. You are safe and sound in the world without your ministers and concubines, and your ministers and concubines pretend to be strong in the world without you.

53. There is tomorrow in your dream, but there is no spring in my season, only summer to accompany my confusion.

54. I am really envious of those who don't know and pretend to understand, because they have never experienced it.

55. I am not talented. I have already found a girl's wife. Why don't you invite me to drink your wedding wine? It will break my mind.

56. The south of the Yangtze River is good, and the scenery has been familiar with before. Red flowers are better than fire out of the river, and the river water is as green as blue in spring. Don't remember Jiangnan?

57. Look at the flowers in the fog. Who is the aging waiting. Looking at the moon on the tower, you can't see the end of time.

58. When a little ruddy remains, the cool autumn air fills the curtain. The sound of leaves is parting.

59. There are thousands of illusions. One encounter will be unforgettable. Smile when you meet the master. Why not meet him

60. Just because I feel that you are looking back, I think about your morning and evening. Looking at the vicissitudes of the world from afar, I don't know what you are thinking.

61. The years have become dark, and the old silk has become wet. And leave the elegance on the paper, one deep feeling and one sorrow.

62. Touch a song of flowers to condense the smoke, twist a curve to smile in this life, dream several times of tenderness and deep planting, and melt a dust dream to blossom.

63. The moon is silent, the people are still alive, the earth is reincarnated, the language is hard to stop, and the vast world of mortals, misty rivers. So safe.

64. You allow me to spend the time of Buddha mulberry, but I can't reach the time of quicksand; The minister Zeng Nuo was loyal to the king, but he could not bear the unpredictable words of the bandit.

65. The cloud bun in plain clothes, the eyebrows and eyes are shy, the ink is fragrant, and the wine is soft. The shirt is faint, the love is deep and old, and the three lives are together.

66. Because of the beautiful miss, there will be unforgettable memories. If you have it all the time, memory is just an ornament of life.

67. The future is always an unknown. Whether it is happiness or more difficult, I always feel that the best time is now.

68. Deep and shallow, the warmth of fleeting years can be felt by the heart; Thick, thin, intimate warm, is the same time.

69. The sound of the piano comes into my heart and lets me know your passion. A drop of cinnabar tears, let me see your amorous and sad.

70. In the hesitating pace, the loneliness of wandering all the way and the scenery neglected in the journey are so nostalgic when you recall quietly.

71. The flowers on the other side of the river are blooming, and you will feel sad. By the stone of three lives, you will have a lifelong love. However, by the bridge, you will end your past life, and you will feel lovesick all the time.

72. If you don't look back, why don't you forget. Since there is no chance, there is no need to swear. Today, all kinds of things are like water without trace. Tomorrow and tomorrow, you have been strangers.

73. In everyone's heart, there is always a person who is unwilling to mention it again, because he is a wound in his heart, and it will inevitably hurt to mention it.

74. White snow, I love you, and I love your purity. You decorated the earth with silver, and how beautiful you dressed the earth.

75. Maybe this is life. In life, there are sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and all kinds of flavors. Sometimes I feel very tired.

76. Who owes money for love in the past life? This life is full of entanglement. Who carved the vows on the Three Life Stone? Your eyes are as clear as the lake, but they are not for me!

77. Smoke at night when the fence falls, burning the peach blossom. Who can be offended by the fireworks and thousands of miles of beauty? Then I borrowed a pot of wine and a stream of clouds to worry about myself.

78. It's hard to sleep at night, and the crowing of chickens is like dawn. In the month of hometown, silhouette of lotus field. First muddy like a dream, sorrow like smoke. The heart never flatters, and the line goes before the tide.

79. There has been a procuress's tongue for a long time. Sometimes she accidentally exposes your scar, and sometimes she wipes out everything without saying a word—— Winola's The Cry of Butterflies

80. There are swallows in the small pavilion, and the evening flowers fall on the sand. The shadow of the appendix flows into the cool waves, and the green curtain of wind and wind comes into being in a moment. Back scattered rain drops round lotus, sober people scattered worry. Special.

81. Love to meet, this life is born, attachment, if the falling flowers are like flowing water, when looking back, the years are still quiet, it is safe, it is a smile from one flower to another.

82. Soak in the sun, and the cicadas' chirping gradually stops. Don't think or read, or regret or hurt. Pray piously, the cold is no longer, but the light is past, and it will be safe from now on. Tranquil as before, longing as yesterday.

83. When I am far away, lovesickness is even shorter, and tears wet my white clothes; I am far away, and my heart is broken when I spend my time. I can't enjoy life, nor can I be safe when I die; I am in the distance, sad to lean on the railing, until people heartbroken.

84. In this life, when you talk about the wind and frost under the moon on the West Lake, the waves on the lake listen to the bleak wind and cold rain, while I lie at the bridge head watching the wind and cold rain, and I don't feel that my heart is piercing and I look forward to the loss. I just sigh, and I'm not in my mother's arms.

85. Jinse is unprovoked, thinking of the Chinese year; The sea is water, and the face is buried. Sigh, sigh, one refers to quicksand, a youth, blowing out the reeds when cardamom, and hiding the bamboos before dreams.

86. Moonling flowers, snow in the sky, begin to bloom and wither. They grow and die at a moment. When the moon rises, no flowers can be seen. When flowers bloom, no moon can be seen. Moonling flowers do not know, and flowers do not know the moon. When flowers bloom, they grow and wither.

87. Desire is nothing but emptiness, which makes desire come true. Emotion is a domineering thing, but fate is more domineering than emotion. In the word of love, there must be the warmth of the mortal world, a kind of responsibility of willingly giving up oneself.

88. Go down to the Mochou Hall with heavy curtains and long, slender nights after lying down. Girl career was a dream, but my sister-in-law had no husband. If Bo doesn't believe in the weak branches, who can teach the fragrance of osmanthus leaves? It's no good to miss each other straight. It's pure madness to be disconsolate.

89, "I just want to tell you that I really love you. No matter how rough the journey of life is, I will be by your side, to shield you from the wind and rain. Let me hold your hand. This life will be white headed, grow old together, and never be separated."

90. It's amazing that Hua Benjun has become a teacher here. Now I can hardly feel that it has been several years since I talked with Huaben like this. The light and smell of this room have not changed. I even think everyone is still here.

91. The wind picks up the moon and breaks the bridge to the east, inviting willows to dance. Honghong doesn't know the vast road, who is entrusted to solve it. The heart turns into feathers, and the dream soul becomes rhyme. Where can I bestow plum blossom. The snow is thin and dissolves in vain, and the long tears chase the king. The old love is hard in the desolate days. Nai Qing'e lies alone in the cold palace. Wine and disease, new words stagnate ink, two Yan Yi murmur.

92. The red rain dissipates the remnants of the flower, and the sorghum is ripe. Empty read the kindness in the mirror, dream of fame, but do not know that the building is leaning. When do you forget to camp when you count the glory of the world? Rely on the wind, howl, and clap your throat all over the place, sighing that the growth and decline of the earth is determined. The vicissitudes of life, leaving a river of spring tide rise tide level.

93. Leaves stand in summer, blossom in autumn, fade in winter, and flowers and leaves will never be seen. The flowers and leaves of the other shore guard each other, guard each other, know each other, love each other, and never see each other. On the other side of the river, flowers and leaves cause and effect each other. They are born in love, wrong, reincarnation, and fate is doomed to life and death.

94. When you see beauty, you will never forget it. When the sun is gone, thinking is like madness. Fly and seek a mate from all over the world. Lady Nai is not on the east wall. Qin Dai is talking and writing. When I see Xu Xi every day, I will be comforted by my hesitation. Let's go hand in hand. I am doomed by flying. - Sima Xiangru's "Phoenix Seeks a Mate, Qin Song"

95. In this life, following the old legend, I am sprinkling luxuriant petals for you in the tunnel of time. In the long love of this life, the most beautiful memories are strung into a euphemistic melody, just for the most beautiful reunion when worshipping flowers. And I am just forgotten - an ancient dream.

96. The endless horizon, the endless sorrow of parting, the endless exit, the endless curtain. When the love of life will end, why not let the night be desolate, let the youth pass away, and let you slip away from my heart. Never mind again. At the intersection of the meeting, you are still natural and unrestrained. Go, my heart is still like still water, not afraid of torrents.

97. On the other side of the river, there is a clear distinction between the origin and the extinction, and it is hard to part with them. If, everything will be owned in time. Then, let me stay on the other side of time, sitting on a piece of white clouds, crossing the sea, waiting for the flowers to bloom, even if the frost is revealed, the world will end, but also to regain its simplicity; Even if no one whitewashes the frost for me, my heart still remains.

98. The beauty of lotus is heartbreaking. The sky is blue, and the song is hard to sing? The lights are dim, and among thousands of people, Yi is dancing alone. Jiang Fuqin, the rain is misty, where are the flying sails going. Tides rise and fall, smiling faces cover tears. The falling flowers are buried; Acacia leaf, Acacia nowhere to hide. Long warblers and flying people do not return, and the beauty of a pool is illusory. Hate two boundless, do not think, love early boundless.

99. When we met in the wind, the apricot blossoms were scattered and fluttered in blossom. Last night, the stars were as bright as your eyes. Now, things have changed and flowers have fallen. This dream, like flowing water, began in silence, but also fell into the invisible. In the prime of life, the paulownia leaves are flying. This encounter is only a few months of light and shadow. It is like fireworks blooming. At the extreme place, it falls apart sadly.

100. The last look back on the bridge turns the last trace of nostalgia for the world of mortals into two lines of clear tears on pale cheeks. Tears flow into Meng Po's soup. Standing at the first stone, many reincarnations emerge in the past and this life. Thousands of years of ice, thousands of years of loneliness, and that moment all belongs to silence. But the parting of the past life, the meeting of this life, the reunion of the next life. Life is like a dream.