Sentences about love
Plain and light
2023-04-10 15:45:28
Complete sentences

1. True love is probably that the other side is a pig, but always worried about being robbed by others.

2. The grey dove who has been looking at you is me, and the one who loves you in silence is me.

3. If you love me, will you give me some certainty? I can't stand waiting like this.

4. Life is changeable and ill fated. Three poor and three rich people live to the old age!

5. The evergreen love delta is formed on the land of sincerity and trust.

6. You are a disaster that I can't survive in this life. If I look at you more, my heart will soften. If I embrace you, I will fall!

7. I want to say whether your lantern is too dark.

8. After a long wait, we are together in this cold and warm world.

9. You are four-dimensional, Hengyuan and everything. My cape and my horizon are under your feet.

10. Give you the moon, also give you the sun, give you my spring flowers and autumn moon, give you my summer snow and winter long.

11. It is my wish to have you in my previous life. Holding your hand and holding your hand with you is always my unchanging pledge in this life.

12. I formally inform you that I have a situation. It's sweet. At the beginning, this love and being loved happened at the same time.

13. If a woman really loves you, she will lose her temper to you for many things, but she will always stay by your side.

14. Women often turn to the need of material desire when they lose their feelings. It all depends on the performance of the men around her.

15. Our existence is just the distance between the left hand and the right hand, warm and cruel, heaven and hell, only a millimeter apart.

16. In love, nothing is the patent of one party. When love happens, you are equal.

17. One person, one road, go all the way, this is life; Two people, holding hands, not giving up, this is happiness.

18. In my previous life, I moved my heart, violated the rules of heaven, and entered samsara; In this life, I went through the world, hurt myself, and embraced you.

19. I will promise you what I said, you will accompany you one day, until we can't move, I will not open your hand, I love you.

20. Time gives me thousands of kinds of joy, blooming one by one along the way. It doesn't matter if I miss all of them. I just want you to match my mind.

21. I like you, like the old city gate of my old friend who has waited for many years, standing alone. I like you, like the old opera in the old city, soft spoken.

22. You bought a lot of beautiful but impractical goods in the mall. I shouldn't sigh. Obviously, I blame you for your extravagance. In fact, I am stingy, and it has nothing to do with you.

23. Happiness is not just material satisfaction. As long as two people love each other enough, a simple nest can also leave beautiful memories. My dear, I love you all my life!

24. I am the kind of person who likes you very much. It is not a dispensable kind. Every time you forget to say good night to me, I will lose sleep until late at night.

25. Your liking is like playing with your mobile phone in a thin quilt. There is always a bit of light leaking out. The more people I meet, the more fortunate I am to have you in my world.

26. For the rest of my life, you are the wind and snow, you are the plain, you are the poor, you are the prosperous, you are the gentle in my heart, and you are the result of my eyes. Please give more advice in the future.

27. I have always wanted to trust you, but I dare not, because many times you have not kept your promise! Do you talk to me like you are dealing with an unimportant person?

28. I will give you my whole soul, together with his quirks, petty temper, and eighteen hundred bad habits. It is really annoying, only good, love you.

29. Being persistent is a kind of willing payment. The other half you pay is also paying. When two people meet, they unknowingly understand the meaning of love and life.

30. If a person is unable to help the person he loves, it is better not to talk about love or not. Of course, help is not equal to love, but love cannot exclude help.

31. I once said that I would be the last person to leave. Because I don't want you to look back and see the expectant eyes. This is my love for you and my promise to you.

32. Everyone has a guardian star, which is said to be the heart of a lover. Dear you, I have engraved your name on the star, which is the star I am waiting for you to love for you.

33. Put that oath on your finger gently. From now on, two people will live forever. Take a closer look at your beautiful appearance tonight. It will be the only name in my future arms!

34. Walking alone in the street, I realized that without your friends, your steps would be so cold and long. Friendship does not need any reason, nor can we suspect each other. Don't be angry, will you?

35. If meeting you will take thousands of years to pray, then in order to make you smile, I can pray again for thousands of years to experience the reincarnation of time and watch your reincarnation or eternal life.