Impressions on the nature museum
Morning fawn
2023-09-23 16:51:30
Grade 6
impressions of after reading

We went to visit the Natural History Museum for this holiday group activity.
As soon as I walked into the museum, I saw one by one lifelike giant animal models and dinosaur fossils, including Mola model, turtle model, etc. One of the most shocking things to me is the leopard model at the top left. The leopard is very lifelike. Its teeth look very sharp, and its eyes stare at us as if it will come at us at once.
Then, we learned about the "universe", the relationship between the earth's autobiography and magnetic field, and the mass and size of the earth. There is a very interesting instrument, which is made by imitating the magnetic field of the earth. There is a "rotation" earth in the middle, and all around is a compass. With the rotation of the earth, the compass will move slowly.
Later, we came to the "World of Dinosaurs", where there were many simulated dinosaurs, and a huge Tyrannosaurus Rex model opened my eyes. Its skin was just like real, and its arms, legs and head were as lifelike as they could be. I also went to see the pterosaur's perspective, and found that the original pterosaur's perspective is 180 ° different from our perspective, and its perspective is horizontal. Hehe, it's really interesting.
This is really a happy activity, which makes me gain a lot of knowledge and gain a lot!