110 sentences have not been made yet
The moon on the sea is born with tide
2023-05-06 09:11:35
A compendium of sentence making

1. At first glance, you are not so good. It's better to look carefully than at first glance.

2. A failure only proves that our determination to succeed is not strong enough.

3. It's all because you haven't lived well enough.

4. Moreover, life is not as good as chess. It is impossible to play another game or regret chess.

5. It's better to do what you can than regret what you can't do!

6. When we can say that this is the most unfortunate thing, it is not the most unfortunate.

7. Yesterday can't be called back, tomorrow is uncertain, and today is what you can be sure of.

8. Instead of taking the time to make up with friends, it's better to apologize to friends directly.

9. It takes only a moment to fall in love with you, but it takes a lifetime to forget you, even not enough.

10. Science is not only the best in intelligence training, but also in the first choice training.

11. The mistake is not shameful. It is shameful that the mistake has been obvious but has not been corrected!

12. When you can't tell yourself what you learned today, don't go to sleep.

13. Those who dare not be confident that they will succeed even when they meet, can only fail.

14. She sat beside a big jar and kept throwing things into it. She was still mumbling.

15. The rope cannot be loosened and the progress cannot be stopped. The aim is not a hit, and the start is not a arrival.

16. Being impulsive means that you still have something to do with life. Being impulsive means that you don't understand life yet.

17. If you think that all your goals have been achieved, it only means that your goals are not ambitious enough.

18. For my mother's birthday, it's better to send two pieces of girder bone to cook and eat than to send brain platinum. At least it can serve food and wine.

19. The man who dares to waste even an hour shows that he does not know how to cherish the full value of life.

20. The spring sun is not very warm, but a clear light increases the heat in everyone's heart and body.

21. It is not good to benefit people who know you; It's good to let people who don't know you benefit from it.

22. Lovers should at least have no deficiency in mind. If it is only a physical deficiency, it is still lovely.

23. Your destiny is in your own hands. It's better to sleep and have a good dream than sitting at home waiting for a house or a car.

24. Failure is a necessary stage in the learning process. If you have never failed, it only means that you have not suffered enough.

25. A person can fail many times, but he is not a failure as long as he does not start to blame others.

26. If you believe that you are doing well and don't care what others think of you, you can really be at ease.

27. In many cases, unhappiness is not because the conditions for happiness are not complete, but because life is not simple enough.

28. Birds sing after a storm. Why don't people enjoy themselves when the sun is still shining?

29. Don't say that others are bad to you and make you angry, but your own cultivation is not enough and you can't be detached.

30. The reason why it is so painful when you are lovelorn is that the other party's heart has been taken back, but your own heart is not willing to come back.

31. I have a cousin who is less than ten years old. He has a big head, a fat and round face, and two big eyes.

32. Although a rich man is proud of his wealth, don't praise him until he knows how to use his wealth.

33. You don't respect me. I respect you. If you don't respect me, I still respect you. If you don't respect me, I will abolish you.

34. Yesterday cannot be called back, tomorrow is uncertain, and today is sure. One day today, two days tomorrow.

35. Those who always rely on others' encouragement to struggle are not strong; Those who do not fight with encouragement from others are cowards.

36. Money corrodes the soul like rust corrodes iron. The problem is not just salary. Officials who handle cash always take the opportunity to enrich themselves.

37. I am a spring silkworm. After eating mulberry leaves, I will spin silk. Even if I cook it in a pot, I will continue to spin silk after death, in order to add warmth to the world.

38. The snowflakes in front of us are naughty like butterflies, falling under the eaves, on the branches, and floating on the faces of pedestrians from time to time.

39. It is better to be an oak tree in a bald hill than a grass in an oasis, because the grass has no personality, and the oak tree heads high in the sky.

40. It is better to go to a quiet lake and pick a golden field than to relive the illusory rose like dream all over the place.

41. It seemed that he was really frightened. His mouth was wide open, his eyebrows were wrinkled, and he kept smacking his lips, then he hurried away.

42. Some people may think that they don't have much ability to enjoy themselves in terms of financial resources. In fact, what tourism seeks is a state of mind.

43. First class talents can make the third class project second class or better, but the third class talents will make the first class project worse than the third class project.

44. Why should people cry after death? In fact, he should cry for his life style. It is better to die than to live like death.

45. My appearance is not bad! The facial features are straight, the face is round, the eyebrows are curved, the eyes are big, and the mouth is not big or small.

46. It is not enough to move towards the ultimate goal that will be reached one day. Each step should be regarded as a goal to make it work as a step.

47. I want to give you a flower that is tightly held in your hand. It is not enough to complete a fairy tale, so I watched you smile and walk through my life in a hurry.

48. For a long time, you have broken your heart for our father and son, and sometimes we don't appreciate it. Now think about it, it's true: a great wife, long live the child.

49. I am a person who likes reading essays, and I am not the only one who knows how to read essays, because it is "meaningful"

50. Life is like playing chess. It's sad to lose everything if you make a mistake; Moreover, life is not as good as chess. It is impossible to play another game or regret chess.

51. People who dare not move forward when their blood is boiling and their reason allows are cowards; The person who still rushes forward after achieving the expected goal is a villain.

52. I saw an old man on the roadside. He was leaning on a crutch and moving very slowly. He also coughed from time to time, and stopped at the roadside for a rest before taking a few steps.

53. Chen Chuyue, my classmate, is chubby and has a Chinese face. When he runs, his flesh shakes all over him. Although he is fat, his reaction is not slow and he is very cute.

54. Don't be too coquettish, just moderate, otherwise it will become unreasonable. And the timing should be appropriate. Don't talk blindly when he is upset.

55. People who dare not move forward when their blood is boiling and reason does not allow them are cowards; The person who still rushes forward after achieving the expected goal is a villain.

56. The wind is naughty. It will drive the leisurely cloud all over the sky, change her mask constantly, and roll up the fallen leaves on the ground to let them dance in circles.

57. When the sky fell, a tall man helped you carry it, but can you guarantee that the tall man was not bending down when the sky fell? After that, we still have to rely on ourselves!

58. Sometimes it is difficult to argue over a problem that is not easy to resolve, but it is easier to take a simple action. In this way, you can dissolve the enemy's attack invisibly.

59. The sky is very dark. Dark clouds seem to be pressing down. There are also deafening thunder and dazzling lightning from time to time, giving people a feeling.

60. The hypocrisy of a reasonable person is no different from the unscrupulous evil of a crafty villain. If a righteous man defectes in the middle, it is better for a crafty villain to mend his ways.

61. Cicadas like singing very much. It has a cymbal like instrument in the cavity behind its wings. It is not enough, but also to place a soundboard in the chest to increase the intensity of sound.

62. To make friends, it is important to be kind to your eyes. It is always a good guy. Everyone has small flaws, and none of them has them. Don't you have them?

63. A woman is a piano. You need to know which keys to press it down. What she plays is a musical tune. Playing and clicking is not a bosom friend, nor a piano.

64. The more you sow, the more you get; No matter how much you reserve, it's better to give generously. The free soul will be nourished, because while watering everything, it also watered itself.

65. If your relationship is just a spiritual love, you may not be so miserable when you leave, but if you also entangle your body, you will be exhausted when you leave.

66. Every time I come home from school, Duoduo always rushes over from a long distance, holds my leg tightly and says nothing. He also kept licking my hand and biting my clothes, which made me covered with dog hair.

67. If you haven't seen the results yet, it's because you haven't made enough efforts. If you haven't realized your dream yet, it's because you haven't waited long enough. The person who laughs to the end is always the most brilliant, successful and persistent!

68. It was late at night. With the moonlight outside the window, my thoughts flew to the river in my hometown. Willows are weeping on the bank of the small river. The river is clear, and water bubbles like pearls appear on the river from time to time.

69. If you are over 20 years old but not yet 25 years old, you must find something that can make you stand firmly on the earth with your feet in addition to love. You have to find a way to make a living. It's not too late to think about it.

70. People should have faith, but faith is not enough. We should take action and persist. Faith is like a seed not in a flowerpot. It needs action to be water and persistence to be fertilizer, so that it can thrive and eventually grow into a towering tree.

71. Crickets are made by digging holes with their front paws. It likes cleaning very much. It often washes its hands and tentacles. There are two yellow lines on its back, that is, its wings. The hind legs of crickets are different. Some are pink and some are yellow.

72. These chickens are not even bigger than a fist. They are fluffy and have different colors, including white, yellow, black and flower. They run around in the yard all day and chatter, just like our naughty children.

73. People who know nothing think that they can understand without knowing anything, so they can think that they have learned everything, so they are satisfied; It would be easier for him to believe that the moon is not omniscient than to believe that it is made of unripe cheese.

74. Walk on the Tianyou Bridge, turn left, and walk on a tree lined path. On the left side of the road, there is a small lake whose name I still don't know, and the pavilion above the lake, which is a good place for couples to stay.

75. There are few successful cases of the so-called "turnaround" enterprises. Instead of spending time and energy on purchasing cheap and rotten enterprises, it is better to invest in some high-quality enterprises at a fair price.

76. After eating, the pig obediently walked into the circle, lay down lazily, and hummed twice from time to time, looking satisfied. The horse's fur was black and red. It was bright red and smooth, as if it had just jumped out of the oil tank.

77. The wind is still blowing gently. It seems that the sky is very late, but I don't want to rest, because I am attached to the sky at night. Looking at it, I seem to feel that my heart has been purified, and the whole person feels very relaxed.

78. You have such a place with rich resources, and it is said that you have developed socialism, which is said to have advantages. As a result, you can't surpass the United States after 50 or 60 years. What do you look like? Then you will be expelled from the globe.

79. Look! The tall, thin teacher coming to us. She is the most eye-catching person among teachers. Never seen a teacher with such a rich expression. He smiled with a crooked mouth and blinked from time to time.

80. Look, Xiaoyudian looks like a child playing hide and seek. The lake water is playing hide and seek. The lake water still doesn't know what is going on. Xiaoyudian sneaks into the lake and immediately hides without a trace. There are only countless ripples left on the lake, which are expanding and expanding.

81. The field is very lively. Maize is very happy. She grins straight and shows her golden teeth. Soybean was very excited and broke his stomach with laughter. The rice looked very polite, bent over and bowed neatly. Sorghum is still holding her head down in embarrassment!

82. The autumn wind is like a girl with a lot of worries. She slowly walks through the golden fields and strolls along the deep and quiet forest paths. As she walks, she sings, not full of songs, but gently. She also picks up a few fallen leaves from time to time and plays with them again and again.

83. There are also graceful flowers on the green carpet. When the breeze comes, they are dancing and dancing beautifully, which makes people applaud and applaud. The two lively and lovely sika deer talked and laughed beside the water, and sang and played with each other from time to time.

84. Look, the shadow of spring can be seen everywhere: the not so warm sun shines on the thin ice surface of the river, and the thin ice on the river begins to melt. They turn into drops of water and slowly flow forward together with the water mixed in the river.

85. The wind is not so cold just in the beginning of winter, but the wind is very strong. The trees beside the road were swayed by the wind, and sometimes made a whining sound. The dust was flying in the street, and the pieces of paper scattered on the ground were blown up to the sky by the wind, and fluttered high in the gray sky.

86. The newly grown leaves of roses are bright red, and there are many serrations on the edges. At that time, they did not touch; When the leaves grow up to be dark green, the serrations on the edges will become somewhat prickly. In fact, its stem also has thorns, which are harder than leaf thorns.

87. Maybe the demise of the State of Yan is inevitable in history, but we can still leave a piece of incense at the end of life like Jing Ke. If Jing Ke doesn't go to assassinate the King of Qin, we will only read the humiliation history of Yan. It's better to give it a try than lose the final dignity.

88. Alas, fame and profit are vanity! Who among us is really happy? Who is happy? Even if I had fulfilled my wish at that time, I would still be dissatisfied later? Come on, children, pack up the stage and hide the puppet people. Our Querian show has finished.

89. The small "A" face and a pair of smart eyes, although small, have a pair of quick hands. Although his grades were mediocre, they spread all over the whole grade in the fifth grade. Why? Not because of those fast hands.

90. My career is similar to the 100 meter race. When I run, I only look at the front line and never think about my opponent. But life is not the same as a hundred meters. A hundred meters is a line. Life is another line after you hit one line. You have to keep hitting until you die.

91. Nowadays, children are really tired. One week's study is full, and they have to learn literature and art on weekends; Study in the daytime is not counted, and remedial classes are also held in the evening. I have no leisure to study all day long, and I am under great pressure at a young age. Today's Children's Day, let's take a holiday for our children. Let's put aside our study and tasks and have fun.

92. I'm very lazy, so don't play tricks with me. If you have time, you might as well sleep a little more; I'm lazy, so don't think I'm stupid at ordinary times. I'm just lazy and care about so much. Life is hard to be confused; I'm lazy, so don't play with me. I'm afraid you will be disappointed.

93. Failure doesn't mean you are a loser; Failure indicates that you have not succeeded; Failure doesn't mean you don't work hard; Failure shows that you haven't worked hard enough; Failure doesn't mean you have no courage; Failure shows that you have no confidence; Failure doesn't mean you are defeated; Failure means you should face it with a smile!

94. Happiness is also a day, and pain is also a day; Happiness is also a day, sorrow is also a day; Since the days are spent day by day, it is better to be happy and happy than to live in pain and sorrow; Life is short, like a horse passing a gap, happy to accompany, sunny, open mind, happy every day!

95. Success depends on people's psychological quality, life attitude and talent. Of course, this "foundation" alone is not enough. We must have both lofty aspirations and dedication to achieve goals. In particular, the spirit of focusing on one is more conducive to success.

96. Sister Qiu sang and danced in the air. She sang and danced, blowing the leaves off mischievously, and sometimes made a slight snickering sound. As the saying goes, when the autumn wind sweeps away the fallen leaves, she is a cleaner and consciously sweeps away the troubles she has made. She is really naughty and lovely.

97. Look, the winter is dry and cold, but the wind and snow are irregular. Snow doesn't know where to leave. People still call it cold cotton padded clothes, cotton pants, down jackets, hats, and bibs in such weather as driving away. It's not cold to put hot water bags on electric blankets at night.

98. Losing love does not lose virtue. Don't do extreme stupid things because of the pain and anger of lovelorn. It is the performance of ignorance, not only is not a good medicine to relieve pain, but also will cause the result of violating moral humanity and punishment. After lovelorn, the love with the other party may not return, but the friendship cannot be abandoned.

99. Magnolia also emits bursts of fragrance from time to time. The fragrance is refreshing, ah! It also attracted industrious little bees and beautiful big butterflies. The little bee sang the most beautiful song around the magnolia, and the big butterfly danced the most famous dance in the world. They were fascinated by the fragrance of the magnolia.

100. The gentleness of lavender under the sun is not as spectacular and thrilling as the dark clouds seen higher up. Because people who watch know that these emotions, which are rolled under the weight of darkness, will eventually become a storm and thunder, and pour into the earth to bring fear or disaster to the creatures.

101. We came to Diaoguai Island again. Look, there are already several people fishing for crocodiles there. Crocodiles gather to compete for meat. The crocodile fisher deliberately didn't put the meat down and hung it high, causing the crocodiles to look up and open their mouths, as if to say, "Why don't you give it to me?"

102. The little river that looks like a ribbon flows in a zigzag way. You can hear the sound of "clatter, clatter". It also makes a jumping sound of "ding dong, ding dong" from time to time, which seems to accompany the river band and play the praises of that summer.

103. At noon, after having lunch, I sat on the balcony and looked up at the sapphire sky with snow clouds floating. They float carefree in the sky, thick or thin. It also changes its form from time to time, as if it is showing you all its "incarnations".

104. Isn't the noble, strong and modest character of Plum Blossom just our construction workers? No matter how cold and hot they are, whether windy or rainy, whether cold or freezing, they silently build tall buildings for others in their posts. They never show off, praise themselves or compete with others.

105. My sister was very funny when she was learning to climb. She first rolled up, then put up a pair of white hands, and then put up a stilt. Because my sister could not put her feet in the middle, when she lifted up the stilt, she kicked her feet, and then moved a little, just like a caterpillar, slowly climbing, which was very funny.

106. Art is not limited to perceptual knowledge, but also to rational knowledge. The third step of emotional deepening must be carried out. In other words, what artists need most is not only reason, but also the word "love"! The so-called pure heart not only refers to purity and innocence, but also refers to freshness and love!

107. When I was four years old, my father bought this turtle for me when he traveled to Dalian. At that time, I didn't know what it was, so I asked my mother, who said it was a turtle. Ah! It's a turtle. How hard is its shell? It's the same as a tank. Let's call it "armored tank" in the future.

108. The rain hits the window and makes a sound of "tick, tick". The sky is like a big sieve, which is tirelessly sprinkling silver coin like raindrops onto the earth. In the distance, the building shrouded in the rain mountain flickers like a mirage, which is unpredictable. It also lights a red light from time to time, giving people warmth.

109. Suddenly, a dazzling light appeared in the sky, slowly turning into a layer of red, and gradually getting thicker under the sunlight. At the same time, the two sides of the red path continued to hang down to the sky, forming a "bridge" shape. "Ah, the beautiful rainbow is coming out, so beautiful!" My heart burst with joy.

110. Come to the broad "Pine Road", which is full of lush pines on both sides. Sister Feng came, and she held the younger brother of the pine tree. The younger brother of the pine tree made a "rustling" sound, as if to say: "Welcome, welcome!" The younger brother of the pine tree also gave us some "pinecones" from time to time!