Little hero Yu Lai reads his impressions
2023-10-07 06:12:31

In the summer vacation, I read the book "Little Hero Rain", which tells about the heroic deeds of Rain to use his smart and brave talents to fight against Japanese devils and help the Eighth Route Army.

Yulai is resourceful, brave and intelligent. In order to cover Uncle Li, the traffic attendant, he fought with the enemy and saved the day with his wits. Yulai keeps his promise and is responsible. He accepted the entrustment of Shen Junfu, the armed squad leader, and sent a chicken feather letter to the front troops. He rushed to the destination overnight, tactfully responded to various emergencies, and insisted on delivering the chicken feather letter to Captain Du.

Yulai was brave and fearless. After being captured by the Japanese army, he ignored life and death. In the face of various threats, inducements and inducements from the enemy, he was unswerving and refused to reveal any information about the Eighth Route Army. These thrilling stories deeply touched my heart. There are two things that touched me in this book.

The first point is that when Yulai went to night school, several oil lamps were lit in the dark room, and several children sat around. Yulai carefully opened the textbooks, put them on his legs, and read with the teacher's fingers: We are Chinese, we love our motherland. His earnest study attitude is admirable. I suddenly thought of our learning environment: we have spacious and bright classrooms, modern learning equipment, and teachers' earnest instructions. However, we sometimes look around in class, absent-minded. We also don't cherish our textbooks. The corner of a book is often broken before we finish reading it. Compared with Yulai's learning environment and attitude, I am ashamed to think about Yulai's love of textbooks and desire for knowledge.

The second point is that when Yulai was beaten by the Japanese army, the officer with a flat nose picked up the meat on his face, gritted his teeth and twisted his teeth. Soon, Yulai's face became blue and purple, and his nose was also beaten with blood, which ran down his cheeks and dripped on the textbooks. However, Rain Lai just wiped the blood with the back of his hand and stuck to the secret of the Eighth Route Army. Seeing this, I couldn't help thinking: If I were in the rain, could I bear such torture? Can I have the strong will of rain that is not afraid of hardship? Can I use my life to protect the secrets of the Eighth Route Army?

Yulai is just a twelve year old child. Born in troubled times, his life is in danger at any time, but he can face strong enemies and fight bravely. But we, born in a peaceful era, eat well, live well and play well, but never think of making our own small contribution to school and society. Compared with rain, we are too small.

I admire the little hero Yulai. I want to learn from his indomitable will and his excellent character of loving the motherland. Next, I will also use the heroic spirit to motivate myself, study hard, and contribute my own strength to the society and the development of the motherland with practical actions.