Yu Dan's Love Quotes
Morning fawn
2023-04-12 13:40:14
Complete sentences

1. God in heaven and holiness in the earth are the personality ideals of Chinese people.

2. Caring for others is kindness; Understanding others is wisdom.

3. Take my hand, close your eyes and walk without losing your way.

4. Those who said they would never part before have already scattered in the horizon.

5. This love not only warms themselves, but also those secular hearts.

6. Many mediocre people have a harmonious relationship with the people around them, while many outstanding people have a strained relationship with the people around them.

7. An enterprise must have unique resources that cannot be stolen, bought, dismantled, taken away or slipped away.

8. Invest love in one person and take risks; It is dangerous to invest love in many people.

9. When it's time to let go, you are tolerant of others. In fact, you leave yourself a vast expanse of space.

10. Most of the confusion is because the horizon is not big enough. How can a frog in a well know what is broad?

11. Leave, let things become simple, people become kind, like a child, we start again.

12. This poem is dormant in everyone's heart. I want to ask her how long her dormancy period will last in today's society.

13. A person's eyesight has two functions: one is to expand the world; The other is to find the heart from the inside.

14. You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you are not with me.

15. Everyone is a king. He is domineering in his own world. Don't listen to me, but don't let me listen to you.

16. When a woman likes a man, she wants to hear lies; When a woman hates a man, she wants to hear the truth.

17. I always thought that mountains are stories of water, clouds are stories of wind, and you are my story, but I don't know if I am your story.

18. The wound, like me, is a stubborn child who refuses to heal, because the heart is a warm and humid place, suitable for anything to grow.

19. If the memory is as hard as steel, then should I smile or cry? If the steel corrodes like memory, then is this a happy city or ruins?

20. If we are all children, we can stay in the place of time, sit together and listen to the stories that will never grow old while slowly honing our heads.

21. Love is tolerance rather than indulgence. Love is caring, not doting. Love is mutual blend rather than single lovesickness. Love is full of flavor but not all sweetness

22. Hiding in a certain time, missing the palm print of a period of time; Hiding in a certain place, I miss a person who stands in the way of origin and also in the way of destination.

23. Friends always shield you from the wind and rain. If you are in the distance and I can't do anything, I will pray to let those storms fall on me.

24. Remember the leaves that want to decay. Those fresh and green leaves have been buried in the front of the time scale for a long time, but the overwhelming rotten smell remains at the end of the time scale.

25. Some people will always be remembered. Even if they forget his voice, his smile and his face, the feeling when they think of him will never change.

26. The noise and brightness of the world, the secular happiness and happiness, like a clear stream, in the wind, in front of my eyes, Milu, warm as spring water, I do not expect, I just want you to be happy, not sad.

27. True love is a kind of care and care from the heart. There is no gorgeous words, no sensationalism, and only in every word and deed you can feel it. It is so plain and firm. On the contrary, swearing to promise shows its uncertainty, and never believe in sweet words.