Sentences about wishing for love in the New Year (45 selected sentences)
2023-06-21 10:39:44
Complete sentences

1. May our marriage be neither indebted to each other nor weary of each other.

2. I would like to say something that I will not be bored even if I say it for a lifetime.

3. Love itself is beautiful. I hope that those who get it will know how to cherish it, and that everyone who still loves will not be let down.

4. May our marriage be filled with love forever!

5. I hope to see you for the last time, hug you for the last time, and say goodbye with a smile.

6. I would like to give you a perfect love and promise you a total of three lives and three lifetimes of deep feelings.

7. May you make every choice for yourself.

8. May deep love never be let down, and may the flower of love live forever for the rest of its life, and marry love again later!

9. May you always be the most beautiful in love!

10. May the years be quiet, beginning with first sight and ending with old age.

11. May there be such a person beside you who is worth your whole life to tell.

12. It's not easy to wait for the right person. After all, time has not spared. I hope you will marry love.

13. Give the flower a name, give the star a wish, give me a you.

14. I hope I can lose my memory, come back again, and meet him again.

15. I think that in this world, even if there is no best meeting, there should be the best efforts to meet or meet again. Because time will remember your tender and sincere heart.

16. Wish to win the hearts of one person, and white heads will not leave each other.

17. Along the way, you are you. I am me, not without you, but you are better. I hope we can all meet a suitable person.

18. I hope to be with him again. There is no quarrel, no suspicion, no other place, and there are not so many other factors, just because we like each other.

19. I sincerely wish you can marry love, not reality.

20. May love find everyone with hope, including me.

21. May this life be the planet that surrounds you, win your heart and follow you forever.

22. I would like to accompany you through the romantic and snowy days and watch the long flow of water.

23. May you work hard and be loved all your life!

24. I would like to be your hero, and I will guard your future.

25. May love go with the wind and water, and the scum men will go to hell.

26. May love last forever and cause spring breeze, not like a lucky jade person.

27. I hope we can make up and stay together for a lifetime.

28. I always thought that the best thing in life is to meet. Later, I realized that what is rare is reunion. If we meet again after a long separation, I hope we are well again.

29. We wish to win the hearts of the people, and the white head will not be separated.

30. I hope he whom I love also loves me.

31. I hope you can look back at me. I really have no strength to like others.

32. May all your tears in the future be tears of joy.

33. May love be beautiful without sorrow.

34. I hope we can stay together all the time.

35. Don't be a poet or a fool. May love be equal and dignified. Don't be humble or submissive.

36. I wish to be with you every day and say words with you for the rest of my life.

37. May love and wedding dress be available once in our life!

38. May love last forever, but sometimes it ends.

39. May I be able to pass on my luck to you.

40. May love last for a long time and miss you very briefly.

41. May time slow down and the old friends stay together; May the person you miss say good morning to you, and may you not feel lonely when you are alone.

42. Wish: love is always fresh and has no shelf life!

43. May our love go from green silk to white hair, and may your spring be a good one.

44. May you be so busy every day and do what you like.

45. May all lovers get married and love last a lifetime.