Golden sentence of cheering words for high school entrance examination (140 selected sentences)
Leaves fall to soothe the dust
2023-06-16 17:13:39
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Three points of attention in the successful middle school entrance examination: First, cover "confidence" and "success" at the same time; Second, maintain "spirit" and "mood" at the same time; Third, we should supplement "nutrition" and "passion" at the same time; On the day of the high school entrance exam, I wish you good results and a beautiful life!

2. The day of the high school entrance examination is a golden day and the beginning of success, because I have a clear conscience and have a clear mind.

3. If you work hard, you will have no regrets. There is a saying: Heaven's way is to prepare for diligence! Believe in yourself, you are the best! I would like to share every joy with you!

4. Work hard is smart, work hard is wisdom, work hard for a hundred days to prove yourself, no one is willing to become mediocre, and only work hard can become the unreachable of others.

5. Comprehension of literature is also memory, and the layout of key points leaves traces. Don't forget your teacher's earnest teaching and professional words about history and politics!

6. Learning is not difficult. As long as you preview before class, participate actively in class, and review carefully after class, success will belong to you.

7. The footsteps of youth sounded the war drum for us to go out; The arm of the oath raises the whip for us!

8. Hard work, just for this moment! Give full play to your strength. All the people who care about you will bless and pray for you. I believe you will get satisfactory results. You are on the list!

9. I hope you can adjust your mind and concentrate on your review. In the face of the high school entrance examination, we should have the courage to burn the boat and the determination not to break the Loulan. Struggle for a hundred days to realize the second goal!

10. Warriors, please keep in mind our goal: to become the king in the middle school entrance exam! One hundred days is the bugle call of the high school entrance examination. The bugle has sounded. We are going all out to create brilliance together.

11. High morale, tempered into steel. At the time of the hundred day sprint, let's stand at a new starting point, meet new challenges and create new achievements! Honor junior three, and win the high school entrance exam!

12. The roc rose with the wind one day and soared up to ninety thousand li. Admire the swans, set high aspirations, and welcome June to exhibit the rocs. With an ordinary heart and a voice of Lingyunzhi, you will be able to win the championship and return in triumph.

13. Without melody, there would be no poetry, no color. What kind of life would that be? May spring endow you with gorgeous colors and hope for a bright future.

14. Mutual support and common struggle: believe in yourself, until the moment of success, smile! Never excuse yourself for carelessness.

15. There are three keys to the success of the high school entrance examination. First, the spirit of diligence; Second, scientific methods; Third: good attitude.

16. I am in a good mood in the hot summer, and will celebrate the high school entrance exam tomorrow. When you expect you to finally arrive, you will have many dreams at night!

17. Forever forever, that is hope! Unremitting unremitting, that is success!

18. The iron pestle becomes a needle after grinding and refining; A thousand washes and ten thousand drips, and the sand is as golden as gold. I once watched the day of success far away, but now I look at the past sad. At the beginning, ten thousand days seemed far away, and nearly the day of completion, a thousand years still seemed a blink of an eye. I hope that yesterday's students will make up their minds to take the exam. I hope that the alumni of the past will meet the challenge under the full situation.

19. You can fall 100 times, but it does not prevent you from getting up for the 101st time. Believe in yourself, you will be so strong, forget your past failures, and go for greater achievements in the future without hesitation. I wish you success in the high school entrance examination.

20. Your confidence never stops, your perseverance is admirable, your diligence is engraved all the way, and your excellence is obvious to all. May your efforts reap rich rewards, and may your efforts win a bright future. Wish the high school entrance exam a success!

21. Success is not in the future, but accumulated from the moment you decide to do it.

22. Students live by learning, and the entrance examination is a magic weapon. The high school entrance exam tests how much students learn, and students' scores in the high school entrance exam are like treasure. Wish friends, no matter how many you will be, good luck will surround the high school entrance exam, and many treasures will be obtained!

23. The hard road is always behind, but perseverance is victory. In 100 days, enrich yourself. The brave are fearless. Honor is conquest, and the goal is success. Three two is the strongest, three two is the winner!

24. The happiest thing in life is hard work rather than success, and the most painful thing in life is laziness rather than failure.

25. Students, there are still 100 days to go before the middle school entrance exam. The teacher hopes that we can use the remaining time to create a miracle together. Let's stick to our goal, seize every minute, be strict with the requirements, and move forward courageously. I believe that Class 43 will win the middle school entrance exam. Come on, Class 43! Class 43 middle school exam wins!

26. Son, sprint to your dream school! Come on, parents believe in you and support you, always be your strong backing!

27. In the twinkling of an eye, I learned that I have already memorized my knowledge. Now I should do it. I should not be anxious or bored. I should often go outside to see how high the blue sky is. I should not regard the fame as a treasure, but try my best. Success will find you then. I wish you a happy mood and a smooth high school entrance exam.

28. Struggle for the middle school entrance exam, and have no regrets in this life; Strive for excellence in the third day of the year! Zhang Yangle's personality of learning music and thinking, and his attitude of not being arrogant and impetuous. May you, and believe you, have another brilliant picture, and succeed in the middle school entrance exam!

29. The garden is full of peach and plum fragrance, and good news is reported frequently. Teachers and students came to cheer, and wine filled with emotion. Not to be a non boy, but to study in a college. The grand plan is to display and shake the majestic wind and strengthen the prestige of China. I wish you great ambition.

30. One sword is sharpened every year, just for the middle school entrance exam. The ambition is linked together, and 30 will rise to the sky! On the way to the hundred day sprint, I hope all the warriors in my thirty classes will not shrink back or hesitate; Live up to your youth and dreams; Hundred day sprint, three zero -- win the battle!

31. Settle down, review steadily and solidly, carefully sort out the knowledge system of various subjects, comprehensively collate the data, review and reflect on the wrong questions, and treat each exercise as an exam, and each exam as a middle school exam.

32. Let go of the burden and use your brain. Be diligent in thinking and reviewing. I wish you good results!

33. Difficulties are like springs. If you are weak, they will be strong. If you are strong, they will be weak. In order to achieve the goal in our hearts, we should summon up courage, rise to the challenge, be strong in thought, be strong in life, and be strong in learning.

34. With the indomitable spirit and the courage to move forward, you can travel freely in the vast ocean of knowledge and reach the other side of victory!

35. Try your best to get the best results, take a solid step for a better life, and win honor for the school, teachers and parents!