One sentence inspirational maxim 120 sentences
Breeze Moon Shadow
2023-02-22 14:00:27
A complete set of maxims

1. Only with firm belief can one be invincible.

2. Hating others is a great loss to oneself.

3. Success is simply doing things over and over again.

4. I succeeded because I was determined and never hesitated.

5. There is no need to wait. There is no better time than the current one.

6. Rivers and springs have existed for thousands of years, and youth is gone forever.

7. Wasting time is called frivolity, and stripping time is called life.

8. At the end of the sea, the sky is the shore, and the mountain is the peak.

9. A person's failure is the direct result of his own.

10. When you put it down, there will be no worries.

11. The success of Pepsi is respected, and the failure is slow.

12. Even if you fall a hundred times, you should stand up a hundred times.

13. We must always look at the aspect of dawn youth and life.

14. People who want to express their dreams should be more sober.

15. Those who do not know self love have no ability to love others.

16. Some people experience their youth for the first time when they are old.

17. A positive attitude is the most basic element of a successful person.

18. Youth is a year of youth, youth is the spring of life.

19. No matter how many times you fail, you should face life and be full of hope.

20. If youth also has a drawback, it is that it fades too fast.

21. Success depends not on dreams and hopes, but on hard work and practice.

22. Some things are beyond our control, so we have to control ourselves.

23. Life will always give you another opportunity, which is called tomorrow.

24. Greed is the most real poverty, and satisfaction is the most real wealth.

25. Once a person's strong desire arises, it will soon be transformed into belief.

26. With less preset expectations, the care for people will be more comfortable.

27. Life is too short. If you give up today, you may not get it tomorrow.

28. Life without friends is like life without sunshine.

29. As long as one does not abandon himself, he believes that no one can hinder your progress.

30. Books can keep our childlike innocence; Books can keep our youth.

31. Emotional attachment is the cause of unhappiness. Only when you let go of emotional attachment can you be at ease.

32. The pebbles become more beautiful and smooth after being honed by the waves.

33. To succeed, don't race against the horse. Instead, ride on the horse and succeed immediately.

34. I feel that what I have done and what I have not done is just a thought.

35. Defamation of others is like spitting blood, which pollutes your own mouth first.

36. Youth is not a period of life, but a state of mind.

37. One's dream may not be valuable, but one's efforts are valuable.

38. All great actions and thoughts have a trivial beginning.

39. As long as bad luck does not break faith, the light of hope will dispel the clouds of despair.

40. Before failure, there is no expert. In the face of failure, everyone is mortal.

41. Success is addictive. After success, we want more success.

42. Those who are beneficial will not do it, and those who are not beneficial will do it, so hard work will not lead to success.

43. There are differences between self-confidence and pride; A confident person is always calm, while a proud person is always buoyant.

44. Don't give in to misfortune. You should challenge it more boldly and actively!

45. Everything must be far away. He has to spare himself. Youth must be early. How can we be young.

46. Don't worry about the ambiguous future, but work hard for the clear present.

47. Don't be ambitious, but yield to the lowly. Don't think you are clever.

48. Silk dyeing is no longer white, white sideburns are no more black, try hard to love youth, and never lose.

49. When people gather firewood, the flame is high, and the strength of unity can naturally build a higher mountain fire.

50. Never be obsessed with online games. If you have the ability, you can play the big game of life well.

51. If your youth fails to shine, everything will lose its charm.

52. Confident people do not trust others, and people also trust them. Those who doubt themselves do not believe others, and people also doubt them.

53. If you don't step on the muddy path, you can't step on the road covered with flowers.

54. It can be said that success depends on three things: hard work, hard work and try again.

55. We would rather be alone and proud in our beliefs, but we can't help but drift with the tide.

56. More distractions to pay attention to others, less distractions to reflect on yourself, do you understand?

57. When a person starts to struggle from his own heart, he is a valuable person.

58. Keep hope, and happiness will come to you; With dreams in mind, opportunities will come over you.

59. Although patience and persistence are painful things, they can gradually bring you benefits.

60. Adolescence is most likely to show feelings of joy, anger and joy, and it is very strong.

61. Most people who know only a little are not modest; People who are knowledgeable and capable must be modest.

62. Success can only be guaranteed by turning the mood of complaining about the environment into the strength of making progress.

63. Failure is good for us. We have to bless disasters. We are the children of disasters.

64. As time goes by, the wine of youth is not always clear, sometimes it becomes turbid.

65. People who are full of their own views and ideas will never hear the voice of others.

66. The education of mastering thoughts is the central link of uniting the whole party in a great struggle.

67. Some precious fragments of life actually come from some trivial things.

68. The impossible may come true today, and the impossible may come true tomorrow.

69. Not content with small achievements, then enough to become great achievements; Don't lure small profits, and then you can stand far.

70. A person's life may burn or decay. I can't decay, I'm willing to burn.

71. Taking kindness as the foundation and virtue as the criterion, pleasure is a kind of emptiness and joy is a kind of profundity.

72. As long as you rely on your own strength to do things, you can achieve success even if the conditions are very poor.

73. Dream is one of the important treasures that people are born with, and it awaits your cherishing and practice.

74. Self defeating is the most tragic failure, and self defeating is the most valuable victory.

75. Youth has no light, just like a piece of fertile soil, without crops, or full of weeds.

76. If the young generation of a nation does not have youth, it is the great misfortune of the nation.

77. All tested brothers and sisters should be closely united around you.

78. Only strong people can have a divine will, and only those who fight can win.

79. If the hair of youth can be exchanged for victory, no doubt he will exchange some of his victories.

80. Whoever bravely experiences the baptism of youth will not be afraid of the cold frost of his old age.

81. Whoever bravely withstands the baptism of the fire of youth will not be afraid of the cold frost of his old age.

82. The characteristic of youth is to betray yourself whenever you want, even if there is no power around you.

83. Don't laugh at the Iron Tree. In order to open a flower, it has made more long-term efforts than other trees.

84. Sometimes, we can comfort others with the same thing, but we can't convince ourselves.

85. If you delay, there won't be much tomorrow. Twenty beautiful Shu, please come and kiss me. Youth is easy to pass when grass withers and poplar withers.

86. The world is so big and life is so long, there will always be a person who makes you want to treat each other tenderly.

87. Only those who have the patience to complete simple tasks successfully can easily complete difficult tasks.

88. If the time of youth is spent in idleness, it will be a sad tragedy to remember the years.

89. Successful people do what others do not want to do, what others dare not do, and what others cannot do.

90. Some things can only be known after doing them. Some things are known only when they are wrong. Some things, grow up to know.

91. Ideal is a goal, a driving force to live and a reason to be happy.

92. Youth is the happiest time in life, but this happiness is often completely because it is full of hope.

93. I will never allow myself to be a little discouraged at any time and under any circumstances.

94. Youth, are you always confined in a narrow circle? You have to tear through the old people's demagogues.

95. The most important thing for a person to realize his dream is to have the following two conditions: courage and action.

96. People's youth is short, but it would be too much if they spent it meanly.

97. The reason why I feel lonely is not that no one cares about me, but that you don't care about me who I care about.

98. Those who say "losing is taking advantage" are mostly not losing.

99. The spirit of an era is the spirit of youth representatives; The character of an era is the character represented by youth.

100. The so-called parents are the people who are both happy and sad and dare not speak out when they want to recover their hugs.

101. Youth is really wonderful. It radiates red light from the outside, but it can't feel anything inside.

102. Life is like a market, where people gather and stay soon; Life is like an inn. Passers by stop here and then leave.

103. There is infinite potential in your heart. One day when you look back, you will know that this is absolutely true.

104. Be good at grasping the law of things and the correct trend of things, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and then achieve final success.

105. The thing that makes people feel happy most is that after a lot of effort, everything is slowly becoming what you want.

106. "I want" is a sign of poverty. Things can always be enough, the heart can always be satisfied, and people can never be satisfied.

107. It is better to work hard in advance and be comfortable afterwards; Don't take things easy in advance, but can't adapt when they come.

108. Whether in good times or adversity, life is a never-ending struggle against all kinds of difficulties, a battle against the crowd with few.

109. The beauty and preciousness of youth lies in its innocence and flawlessness, in its encountering but not seeking, and in its never returning.

110. For a young man, the most amazing and comfortable thing is to find spiritual youth in an old man.

111. The sage has words. If one is distracted everywhere, he will not get a satisfactory result anywhere; How strange is it for such a person to be upset?

112. I long to be collected all my life, properly placed and carefully preserved, so as to avoid my shock, suffering, wandering around and having no branches to rely on.

113. No matter what era, the characteristics of youth always embrace various ideals and fantasies. This is not a fault, but a valuable quality.

114. Teenagers never complain about their colorful youth. Beautiful years are precious to them, even if it carries all kinds of storms.

115. In this world, successful people are those who try to find the opportunities they want. If they can't find the opportunities, they will create them.

116. As long as you are interested in a certain cause, you will succeed if you stick to it for a long time, because God has given you enough time and wisdom to complete a thing satisfactorily.

117. Life is empty. When you come here naked, when you go there is a wisp of smoke. Only when you look down on life can you look down on fame and wealth. Only when you look down on fame and wealth can you know what to treasure in life.

118. It is a fallacy to believe that youth is the happiest time in one's life. The happiest people are those who think of the most interesting thoughts, so the older we get, the happier we become.

119. The meaning of success should be to give full play to one's own strengths and feel a kind of harvest joy worthy of one's heart after doing one's best, not for vanity or money.

120. The secret of cooking "success" is to put "ambition" in the pot of "effort", stew it with "tenacity" in a small fire, and use "judgment" as the seasoning.