Sad Quotes of Divorce
To succeed, you must be strong
2023-05-02 15:37:19

1. One day, I finally stopped missing him because he had been away for too long, and my habit was no longer a habit.

2. When I really began to love myself, I realized that all the pain and emotional torments were just reminding me to live, not to go against my own heart.

3. If loneliness can be stranded, happiness can be permanent.

4. Because I don't want to rely on it, I am happy with my life.

5. I don't want to get together today, but you will pass me by.

6. The last thing I can do for you is to walk out of your life.

7. People will change, and the only thing that hasn't changed is the stubbornness and pride of you and me. Maybe at the beginning, you always thought that it was just me who hurt you, but only I know that you hurt me more deeply than you.

8. It is better to be quiet than to make amends against one's will. It is better to manage one's own dignity and beauty than to care about others' betrayal and misdeeds.

9. I don't want to leave you, but your words hurt my heart.

10. Delete lines of words, and finally type "Hmm" and send it to you. It doesn't matter, not all emotions should be told to you, such as my unhappiness, such as I miss you so much.

11. No matter what I do, you will never believe me again, or even die.

12. The elder sister decided to divorce. When I think about her family's treasure, my heart will ache and my tears will fall, not to mention her mother!

13. I used to think that there would be a lot of tears when I was sad. In fact, when I was really sad, I couldn't shed a single tear.

14. Don't want to separate from you, but your choice is to give up me.

15. All we want is the eternal love for someone and the feeling of love.

16. Coupled off can silk lotus, heartbreak can lingering.

17. Before marriage, I want to get married so much, but after marriage, I want to divorce so much! What should I do?

18. Sometimes I really want to divorce, but I never feel that he loves me. I live like this without any communication. This is not the marriage life I want.

19. I like it very much, I have dignity, I give up you and let myself go.

20. There is no time to see you off or ask you what is eternity.

21. Anger is different from disappointment. Anger is just because you want to be coaxed, but if you are disappointed, I will not listen to anything you say.

22. Sometimes, when we are looking for more things, we forget everything we already have.

23. You never owe anyone a love or a child. You only owe yourself a happy appearance.

24. In this world, there is no feeling that can go back. Even if you really go back, you will find that everything has changed. The only thing I can go back to is the memory in my heart. Yes, we can't go back, so we can only go forward.

25. Sometimes, feeling is a process of enjoying the cool after planting trees. But I teach you to love, not to love others.

26. I will not ask or mention. When I feel sad and heartbroken, I will keep walking alone and use silence to replace everything.

27. Today, I decided to divorce. It's not that I can't get used to this hard life, but that I can't find a reason to live any longer. Your determination to divorce is so strong that you even hesitate to take poison vows to show your determination. Why should I stick to it?

28. How much love you had at the beginning, how painful it was to leave your heart.

29. The Double Seventh Festival. I became a person's carnival.

30. The deepest sea is a dream, the deepest night is a dawn, and the deepest soul is you.

31. Besides, I love you. Maybe the rain will never stop.

32. In fact, it can last forever, but no one says anything. In this way, we missed a lifetime.

33. You really want to give that person another chance. Trust this thing, it's like a broken glass. Even if the best glue in the world is used, there will still be cracks. Maybe it will suddenly break again when you cut yourself and others.

34. The first smile is like a flower, and the last is full of scars.

35. The world has already embarrassed you enough, so don't bother yourself any more, let alone those who don't love you. Love yourself well.

36. Everything is our past, nothing is our end.

37. In fact, you don't have to be so cold. I don't want to pester you any more.

38. Wipe off the tears bit by bit, and then leave without saying a word.

39. I wish this farewell and never see you again.

40. I knew that the end was the end, but now I had to laugh until I shed tears in such a happy time.