100 verses of famous happiness sayings
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2023-03-30 00:14:13
A complete list of famous sayings

1. If happiness is not on the road, it must be at the end of the road.

2. Happiness is not a memory of the past, but a vision of the future.

3. No matter how happy a bachelor is, he will marry sooner or later. Happiness is not permanent.

4. To enjoy every bit of happiness with contentment is the only way to happiness.

5. Happiness and happiness are simple, but those who pursue them are complex.

6. I have only one heart, but it is just full of people I love.

7. Thanks to the knowledge that gives us infinite wisdom and energy, we become strong and confident.

8. I'm never tired of waiting for others. Because the longer you wait, the happier you will be when you meet again.

9. It seems that the so-called happiness and beauty can only be felt when we recall them later.

10. True happiness can only be realized when you truly realize the value of life.

11. A person with lofty ideals will feel happy even in the most difficult times.

12. Happiness always exists in the restless pursuit of human beings, not in harmony and stability.

13. What a magnificent cause it is to work for the happiness of mankind, and what a great goal it is!

14. Happiness is complete wisdom and success; Charitable donation, fearless giving; Save people from fire and water.

15. Love and kindness are truth and happiness, and they are the only real and possible happiness in the world.

16. For people, the greatest joy and happiness is to dedicate their spiritual strength to others.

17. Take the happiness of others as your own happiness, give flowers to others, and leave the thorns to yourself!

18. Human happiness comes not so much from the occasional good fortune as from the small benefits that come every day.

19. The obstacles to human happiness are: folk customs, religious prejudice, survival competition and mutual inhumanity.

20. When choosing a career, we should follow the main policy of human happiness and our own perfection.

21. If happiness lies in pleasure, it should be said that cows are happy when they find fodder to eat.

22. I am a member of the broad masses of hardworking people. It is the happiest that I can help people overcome some difficulties.

23. When we are old, how happy it will be to have someone to chat with us every day!

24. Let others live more comfortably. It doesn't matter if you don't have happiness. It's also comfortable to see others get a happy life

25. Only when people improve for their contemporaries and work for their happiness can they achieve their own perfection.

26. We don't realize our happiness, because we don't know that some pain, disappointment, joys and sorrows are also happiness.

27. Sometimes the world really needs some lies to support it. Believe lies, we become happy.

28. The only way to get happiness is to forget the current happiness and take other goals as life goals.

29. Remember, happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have, it only depends on what you think.

30. The important thing is not how deep the love is, but to love it to the end; The important thing is not to love you, but to love you alone.

31. The sun is happy because it shines everywhere; The sea is also happy, because it reflects the happy light of the sun.

32. Happiness is not inherently bad, but some happiness producers have brought many times more trouble than happiness.

33. The happiness of serious people does not lie in the frivolous companion of romantic entertainment and laughter, but in perseverance and fortitude.

34. He gave me the whole starry sky so that I could come freely. I know that what I enjoy is a deep and broad love.

35. Climbing the peak is enough to enrich people's heart. People must believe that building mountains is more than happiness.

36. A person who eats well and dresses well is not happy. Only the poor people in the world live a good life is true happiness.

37. Happiness, if it just belongs to me, the property of one of thousands of people, get away from me!

38. Strong love is always flowing. If you love you, you will love others. So the important thing is not to love you, but only to love you.

39. Happiness is that after going through the world of mortals and being quenched into steel, after years of circulation, the two sides of the busy banks are still calm and relaxed. With Buddhist heart, it has become a landscape.

40. Don't attach too much importance to dreams. Eating enough is the premise of everything; Don't attach too much importance to reality. It's enough for her to accompany you.

41. The greatest happiness of human beings is to talk about moral matters every day. Life without soul loses the value of human life.

42. To seek happiness in the midst of power, honor and exclusive love will not only fail to obtain happiness, but also will definitely lose happiness.

43. If one day I can contribute to our public interests, I will consider myself the happiest person in the world.

44. Create or brew future creation. This is a necessity: happiness can only exist when this necessity is satisfied.

45. The happiness of each of us also depends on the prosperity of the motherland. If the interests of the motherland are harmed, each of us will not be happy.

46. The struggle for happiness, no matter how hard it is, is not pain, but happiness, not tragedy, but drama.

47. Walk with her hand in hand. Two people walk, not to let others see, but to feel happy. Because ten fingers holding together is happiness.

48. My art should only benefit the poor. Ah, what a happy moment! How happy I should be when I can get close to this point!

49. If the pain is in exchange for knowing the truth and adhering to the truth, you should consciously and gladly bear it. At that time, and only then, will the pain turn into happiness.

50. People who are interested in research are happy! People who can get rid of delusions and vanity through research are happier.

51. Books have turned me into a happy person and my life into a lively and comfortable poem, as if the bell of new life was ringing in my life.

52. Happiness does not lie in external reasons, but in our attitude towards external reasons. A person who is used to hard work cannot be unlucky.

53. You can look up at the blue sky, breathe fresh air and enjoy the gentle moonlight every day. It's not deserved. You should learn to be grateful.

54. The reason why people feel happy is not because they are healthy, nor because they are rich in property; The feeling of happiness is due to honesty and wisdom.

55. The happiness you seek is actually the road under your feet. Don't think about other things, don't hesitate, go well with it, you will catch up with your happiness one day!

56. The earth turns with the sun, the earth and the moon, the moon and the stars, and our world is so rich and romantic with you.

57. The happiness you are looking for is actually the road under your feet. Don't think about other things, don't hesitate, go well with it, you will catch up with your happiness one day!

58. It is too difficult to build happiness on whether a man can love you all his life. Moreover, it may be a matter of no retreat.

59. Even if you become a handful of soil, as long as it is paved on the road leading to truth and your partners stride forward, it is also the greatest happiness.

60. When a person plans for himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied under very rare circumstances, and it is never beneficial to himself or others.

61. Digging through the depths of the soul, people are traumatized by mental torture. That is to say, they get rid of the pain from the injury and healing, and embark on the road of rebirth.

62. An old man should not keep these words on his lips. What is happiness? Happiness doesn't depend on what you say, but on what you do.

63. You little goblin made me poisoned by your love but refused to give me the antidote! Little villain! oh I'm dying! Help me! The way is simple: give me your love!

64. Even if there are heavy storms and thunder ahead. We should also be fearless and go on smiling. Because we will see a beautiful world, only the fearless can see it.

65. Everyone's fate is different, and the time of love will vary. Only by doing my best, I can do that: I will let my love accompany you to grow old slowly.

66. After the youth period, there will be a beautiful and mature period like autumn. At this time, the fruits of life will wait for harvest in a beautiful and peaceful atmosphere like ripe rice.

67. The most important thing of happiness lies in the hope for a better future. First, you think the whole society and the whole world will become more and more beautiful. First, you think your future will become more and more beautiful.

68. In my short life, at a moment in many lives, it is such a slight sentence. After years of careful chewing, I still feel so warm and sweet.

69. I think it is the happiest to be industrious, make great efforts, create wealth with your own hands, and contribute everything to the cause of human liberation and communism.

70. Sometimes it is also a kind of happiness, because there is expectation, it will be disappointed. Because there is love, there will be expectations, so even if disappointed, it is also a kind of happiness, although this kind of happiness is a little painful.

71. The world is so big, go and have a look. With a willing attitude, live a life of contentment. Regret, dispersed with the wind, beautiful, stay in the bottom of my heart, give my soul a meter of sunshine, warm place.

72. Happiness is like wearing shoes. The uncomfortable things are just shackles. It's better to run barefoot. I do what I want to do. Being busy is also a kind of freedom. Enjoy those troubles and feel the taste I want.

73. Although your parting smile is only a short moment, it is taken on the negative film of my heart, but it leaves eternity. I always hold it in the palm of my missing hand, and the image is so true and clear!

74. Anyone who creates his own happiness should be the craftsman and creator of the happiness of all workers and farmers. When he becomes a happy craftsman for everyone, he will become a happy craftsman for himself.

75. A person always looks up to and envies the happiness of others. When he looks back, he finds himself being looked up to and envied. In fact, everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others.

76. People get happiness in performing their duties. It's like a person carrying things, but his heart is very comfortable. If a person does not have it and does not do his duty, it is equivalent to driving an empty car, that is to say, it is a waste of money.

77. Happiness has no framework or exact definition. It has different definitions in everyone's eyes. Only by cherishing the present happiness can we expect the happiness of tomorrow, which is the real warning.

78. Giving happiness a relatively relaxed environment is the way to happiness. Life is like a cup of tea, day and night, tasting the light and relaxed, adjusting your mind, and making people live a happy life.

79. All the time in my life is colorful because of you; All the troubles in my life disappear because of you; With you, there is happiness and hope. You fill my heart with love.

80. In life, there is a person you can miss, it is fate; There is a person who can miss himself, it is happiness. This kind of emotion, as clear as water, is most suitable for remembering in the sunny morning with comfortable joy.

81. When I was ill, my mother said, don't scare my mother. At dinner, my mother said, leave my mother alone. When I went out, my mother said, "Don't miss my mother.". When my mother was ill, my mother said that my mother was fine. I have a good mother. Don't hurt her.

82. I have unconditionally surrendered to you. Valentine's Day is coming, so you can sign a love contract! Otherwise nobody wants me! I am ready to halve my rights and double my obligations, and love you 100% for a lifetime!

83. Life is like this. It is hard to avoid pain and injury. No matter whether I have grasped or gone, those things cannot leave me. Although some things cannot be looked back, some memories cannot be combed, and some people can only bury them forever.

84. Cooking is perhaps the most powerful way to convey love. It is direct, kind and warm. However, the person who is willing to work hard for himself is either missed by us or has not entered our world.

85. She and his car show. An old couple, the old man picked up empty bottles outside the auto show, and the old lady bought tickets to pick up discarded advertising paper inside. At lunch time, the old man patted flat buns, pushed them through the crack of the door, and told the old lady to eat them quickly.

86. I have been painting a beautiful fairy tale in the future. Happiness is that two people find all the places they want to go on the map and then go together. The person who loves you most will make you feel valuable, even when you are most depressed.

87. Quiet clear water, which has taken away the temperature of the sun, but not the reflection of white clouds in the water over the years; Time has taken away your beautiful and lovely face. But I can't take away my sincere love for you. You are still the most beautiful.

88. What we often see is that a person always looks up to and envies the happiness of others. When he looks back, he finds himself being looked up to and envied. In fact, everyone is happy. But, your happiness, often in the eyes of others.

89. There are thousands of different understandings of happiness. Everyone has different interpretations, but the greatest happiness in life is to be yourself. Believe in yourself, follow your heart and intuition, do not blindly follow the creed, do not blindly compare, you will be the happiest.

90. Even if there is no luxury car that catches the wind and catches the waves, no magnificent palace, no beautiful silk, and no delicacies of both color and taste, as long as two people who know and love each other are together, they can constitute the most beautiful fairy tale in the world.

91. Life is short. Let's live a rough life. In fact, happiness is around us. The most happy days are simple and plain. The heart has nothing to rely on, which is called loneliness. Life, there is hope, there will be loneliness. Hope sprouts the heart, and reality makes the heart fall into loneliness.

92. Happiness is like a beautiful flower. When it is most beautiful and dazzling, we can feel the pride it brings us. Flowers can give us the most brilliant smile. Why don't we share beauty and enjoy simple beauty? It is also a kind of happiness.

93. The world is like flowing clouds, but the days can be simple and peaceful. I just want to have a calm mood, guard an acre of flower fields, several volumes of leisure books, and some people who have passed away from the world, guard the ferry of time, and grow old in the time of a cup of tea and an ancient zither.

94. Happiness is not a deliberate search. When you have it, you don't know it. When you have the best, it seems that you can't feel it. Once you lose it, it hurts your heart. The people who live in the deepest part of the heart are always quiet and accompany you to the furthest future.

95. Only if you are willing to believe, can you get what you want to believe. The right person will eventually meet, the beautiful person will eventually meet, as long as you make yourself beautiful enough. Try to be independent and strong, so that I can have the confidence to tell the person I love that I love him.

96. It is true happiness to meet the right person in the right place. Therefore, on every windy day, we will be especially full of gratitude, thanks to the fate of our meeting, thanks to life, let us meet at the helpless intersection.

97. I will hold you in my hand, because you are the happiness of my life. If you let go of my hand easily, my happiness will slip away in a hurry; I will put you in my warm heart, take care of you, spoil you all my life, who calls you my only one.

98. Happiness is just like a bottle of ordinary mineral water. When you drink it for the first time, you have no feeling, just like the others. But when you taste the sweet, sour, bitter, hot and salty flavors, you will drink that mineral water again, and you will feel that this is the feeling of happiness.

99. Don't stand around admiring others' happiness. In fact, your own happiness is always around you. As long as you still have life and hands that can create miracles, you have no reason to be a passer-by, a bystander, or complain about life. Because as long as you work hard, happiness can be reached.

100. I really want to turn into wings and fly over the end of time to see how many feelings stick to the end of time. Time is not old and true feelings are not scattered. Sitting at the intersection of time, how many years are not old and love has been scattered. The two feelings are far away from each other. How many skirts are stained by tears? Who doesn't cherish it or doesn't cherish it enough? Love is a sad fairy tale.