There are 54 famous sayings about the road
Mature and steady
2023-02-21 15:02:04
A complete list of famous sayings

1. All roads lead to Rome—— common saying

2. If you want to be rich, build roads first—— common saying

3. The main road is endless, so go one side at a time—— common saying

4. Read thousands of books and travel thousands of miles—— Liu Yi

5. Go up the tall building alone and look at the ends of the world—— Xin Qiji

6. The horse power is known from afar, and the heart is seen from time to time—— common saying

7. The road to evil is smooth—— Plato

8. Go your own way and let others talk—— Dante

9. There is a long way to go. I will go up and down to seek -- Qu Yuan

10. One friend, one road, one enemy, one wall—— common saying

11. There is no end to learning—— Han Yu

12. There is no king in the mountain loop, and horses are left in the snow—— Censhen

13. There is no way out when mountains and rivers are heavy—— Lu You

14. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, it rained in succession, and passers-by on the road wanted to die—— Du Mu

15. Don't worry about the future without a bosom friend. No one in the world knows you—— Gao Shi

16. It's hard to walk, it's hard to walk, how many different paths, where is today—— Li Bai

17. It's hard to walk, it's hard to walk, there are many wrong roads, where is the road—— Li Bai

18. Climbing on the road is not proper, and you will be strong if you lose—— Han Yu

19. On the roadside, we sell old Hou melons and learn to grow willows in front of our door—— Wang Wei

20. There is a long way to go. I will search up and down—— Qu Yuan

21. As a wild old man, he is no longer responsible. When there are refugees on the road, they will be moved—— Lu You

22. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge—— common saying

23. The road to virtue is long and steep—— Hesiod

24. There is no end to learning and hard work—— Wang Yunsheng

25. Yunkai Wuxia has thousands of peaks, and the road turns to Bajiang River—— Wu Bentai

26. See off the passengers on Hengtang Road every year, and the boat is painted in the drizzle—— Fan Chengda

27. The best way of life is to create value—— Daisaku Ikeda

28. Surrounded by green mountains, there is no way out. Suddenly, thousands of sails are looming—— Wang Anshi

29. The world will make way for those who have goals and foresight—— Feng Liangnu

30. There is no way in the world, and more people walk, it becomes a way—— Lu Xun

31. Remember to keep calm when the road of life is steep—— Lincoln

32. Although the road of life is long, there are often only a few steps at stake—— Liu Qing

33. On the thorny road, only faith and patience can open a broad road—— Konosuke Matsushita

34. I am willing to walk with those who walk. I don't want to stop and watch the procession go by—— Gibran

35. Every successful person has a beginning. Only by starting bravely can we find the way to success—— nameless

36. Bad habits will prevent you from going on the road to fame, profit and enjoyment at any time—— Shakespeare

37. Books are like a magic lamp, which illuminates people's most distant and bleak life path—— Upite

38. The closer you are, the farther you will go; The simplest tone requires the hardest practice—— Tagore

39. If a man learns to walk, he must also learn to wrestle, and only after wrestling can he learn to walk—— Marx

40. Optimism is a passionate and beautiful march, which always encourages you to advance bravely on the road of career—— Alexandre Dumas

41. Go on the journey of life! The future is far and dark. However, don't be afraid. Only those who are not afraid have a way—— Lu Xun

42. Faith is a reserve. Travelers take it with them at dawn and hope that they can use it enough before sunset—— Cololenco

43. The easiest way to defeat is to imitate the plans of heroes in the past and use them in new situations—— Churchill

44. It is not difficult to follow the footprints of others. It is much more difficult, but also much more glorious, to open up a road for yourself—— Colas

45. Road is created by foot, and history is written by people. Every step of human action is writing its own history—— Ji Hongchang

46. Go on the journey of life. The future is far and dark. But don't be afraid. Only those who are not afraid have a way—— arishima takeo

47. If you always treat yourself as a pearl, you will always be afraid of being buried. Treat yourself like dirt! Let people trample you into a path—— Kong Fansen

48. There is no royal road to science, and only those who do not dread the arduous climb along its rugged path have the hope of reaching its glorious peak—— Marx

49. Ideal is the beacon. Without ideal, there is no firm direction; Without direction, we lose the power to move forward—— Leo Tolstoy

50. A soldier is always looking for light. Instead of lying under the clear sky and enjoying the sunshine, he lit a torch in the dark night to illuminate the road for people and lead them to the dawn—— Ba Jin

51. On the road of science, there is no smooth road to go. Only those who are not afraid of hard work climbing on the rugged path can hope to reach the glorious peak—— Marx

52. It is not a bad thing or a disgrace for a man to go through detours and make mistakes on the road of scientific exploration. He should have the courage to admit and correct mistakes in practice—— Einstein

53. Life is like climbing a mountain, but finding a way out is a process of learning. In this process, we should learn to be stable and calm, and learn how to find life from confusion—— Xi Murong

54. Each person has his own ideal paradise and the world he is happy to enjoy. Pursuing in the direction he is happy to pursue is the way of your life. You don't have to complain about the environment or envy others—— Roland