96 sentences about youth
Not surprised by honor or disgrace
2023-03-07 01:02:13
Complete sentences

1. Because I have grown up relying on a memory that only I can remember. Long enough to face all the ups and downs in the world bravely.

2. The beauty and value of youth lies in its innocence and immaculateness, in its encountering but not seeking, and in its never returning.

3. Know that youth will pass away. However, the sadness and aftertaste that belong to yesterday cannot stay today, and it is hard for the heart to refuse.

4. Cherish our youth that is about to pass away. We are not young anymore. We don't know what to pay for in the future.

5. Don't refuse to say that beautiful oath because you may change, and don't dare to ask for a sweet encounter because you may be separated.

6. Hiding in a certain time, missing the palm print of a period of time; Hiding in a certain place, I miss a person who stands in the way of origin and also in the way of destination.

7. Time goes by, and decay only touches the skin; If you give up enthusiasm, you will lose your soul. Worry, fear, and loss of confidence will distort the mind and turn the spirit back to dust.

8. We used to be pure children, and we hope to be pure for a lifetime. If we can choose, we would rather never understand the things we didn't know before.

9. No decay, no retrogression, your eyes are as bright as a baby. Please embrace me, let my life glow with charming brilliance, and make the sun and moon look bleak.

10. In the years of youth, there were always some steps, which had to be piled up with understanding, tolerance and sincerity. Each step is a step of growth.

11. When old people talk about youth, it is a happy memory, while young people talk about youth, it is a yearning vision, and we always live in a sad life in youth.

12. Youth is always beautiful, but the real youth belongs to those who always strive for the top, those who always forget themselves and work, and those who are always modest!

13. In so many days gone by, youth shot down many beautiful stars in the wind, and then they flew all over the sky, becoming the great snow that moistens the golden crops.

14. I know that there is no ifs in the world. What can not be submerged through the river of time? What else can we keep? I think, only memory?

15. Grasp youth firmly. Youth is like a small tree. We should let this small tree grow into a towering tree, so that we can have a perfect and happy life.

16. It is not the surge of waves, or the calm under the turbulent waves; Either the majesty of the mountain peak or the steadiness after ups and downs, I am a dreamer in the dream country.

17. Youth is the most active and energetic force in the whole society. They are most willing to learn and least conservative, especially in the socialist era.

18. When a person plans for himself, his desire to pursue happiness can only be satisfied under very rare circumstances, and it is never beneficial to himself or others.

19. Youth is a song of struggle and a romantic poem. It enriches my life and broadens my vision. I hope that youth will stay forever and have an eternal youth.

20. The pace of youth goes with flowing water, and the road of life depends on us to explore. Don't sigh, don't stop, think, struggle, and don't let the years go by.

21. Youth is not time, but mood; Youth is not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips and supple knees, but a matter of deep will, grand imagination and passionate feelings; Youth is the deep spring of life.

22. Youth is not short. As long as you have a young heart, as long as you write down the words of struggle and dedication in your life, you will have a youth as bright as the sun

23. Green is green, the color of life. Spring is the season, the season of growth. Youth is the green of life born in the growing season, the bright smile under the sun.

24. I often think about our youth. It is really a strange thing. Its short body has a long tail, flaunting like wings, and it refused to leave for a long time.

25. Youth without regret, perfect answer sheet, grasp it well. When the autumn wind blows, I will recall my earnest grasp in the past and do everything I should do well, at least not to be ashamed of my soul.

26. Brilliantly like the veil of the rising sun, delicately like a lily on the side of the cliff, warmly like a red rose, emitting a tantalizing fragrance. She fascinates me so much.

27. Youth, a simple word, is so unforgettable and unforgettable that it makes many children feel sad and cry! Let the grown children dare not do it again!

28. We have youth, which is like a treasure. The gold treasure needs to be excavated, refined and grasped. Let's grasp our youth and make it brilliant.

29. Youth is far away, and I have listened to you for a long time; The journey is far away, and I can see it in the floating chart; What I have left now is only the lonely poetry still in my heart.

30. Youth is a rainbow in the sky, which is fleeting, yet extremely soft and beautiful; Youth is the morning fog, hazy and implicit, but suitable for wandering; Youth is a stream in a mountain stream, beautiful and soft, but often wandering.

31. The heart of youth is so ups and downs, and he needs a navigator to steer this uncertain boat to the light. Grasp the direction and never be confused; Grasp yourself; Never be sad.

32. Pick up the pebbles, and then I understand the meaning of youth, slowly put it into the memory pocket, and start again. I will sigh: "Youth makes life better.

33. Everyone has his own youth. Youth is like a symphony, playing the colorful life; Youth is like a script, which shows the colorful life; Youth is like life, let us flourish.

34. Youth is full of vigor and vitality. Braveness outweighs timidity, and enterprise prevails over restlessness. Such determination can be found in the late twenties, and more in the sixties. Growing old is not a sign of aging; If you abandon your ideals, you will fall into old age.

35. One always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery and listens to strange songs. Then one day, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

36. Life gives us a huge and infinitely noble gift, which is youth: full of strength, full of expectations, full of ambition to seek knowledge and struggle, full of hope, confidence and youth.

37. Youth is a state of mind, not time; Youth does not appear in the beauty of peach faces and red lips, but in the spirit of a person with lofty ideals and in the realm of reverie. The spring of life is endless and green.

38. Youth requires us to compose this magnificent poem with courage and wisdom; Youth requires us to climb the hard journey with confidence and courage; Youth needs our selfless love to weave a hymn of dedication.

39. I like the vitality of the gentle and sentimental spring, because it brings me hope and peace. However, the relentless wind and rain in summer is my favorite, because it symbolizes the passion of youth.

40. When I started my new journey with my backpack on my back, I knew that only a few friends would stand behind me and stare. Their eyes are as boundless and profound as the sunset, which makes me feel heavy.

41. Youth is full of vigor and vitality. Courage outweighs cowardice, and enterprise prevails over restlessness; This kind of determination is common in the younger generation. It is also common in the younger generation. It is not a sign of old age. It is only when ideals are discarded that one will fall into old age.

42. Life gives us a huge and infinitely noble gift, which is youth: youth full of strength, expectation, willingness, ambition to seek knowledge and struggle, hope and confidence.

43. The most obvious sign of a great man is his strong will. No matter how the environment changes, his original intention and hope will not change at all, but will finally overcome obstacles to achieve the desired goal.

44. The ancients said that since ancient times, heroes have emerged as teenagers. Everyone who wants to succeed should find his own goal in life when he is young, otherwise he will be like a boat drifting aimlessly in the ocean.

45. A flashy life, forget a season. Empty memory, disturb lingering. The smile is gone, and the loneliness is endless. String, thinking of the Chinese year. Those years, suddenly like a dream. It is also like flowing water. Do not cry goodbye, do not tell the end of the war.

46. This is very bright and has seen off a lot of traffic. But I just kept my sadness. That month, like Chang'e's gaze, froze in the clouds. But I had to get up and hang out. It is time to turn around.

47. Youth should be brave rather than timid. It should be aggressive rather than complacent. Such spirit can be found in the late twenties, especially in the sixties. As you grow older, you may not be getting old. If you lose your ideals, you will be in your twilight years.

48. Youth will go, but grasp it in youth, cherish it, love it, it will not make you feel sad, at least when she leaves, I can say, "At least I cherish it!"

49. Youth is a tear, a love that is constantly rushing, rushing, rushing. The rush of youth seems to have endless years. When youth has passed, we know that we can only jump into the air, leaving the sound: Ah! youth.

50. Young people, the source of bright red blood is the heart of the world. Too big a heart makes it difficult to locate your position accurately. Finally, at the cost of time, you can get a clear view, but at the same time, you only have one mu of land in your eyes.

51. Feel that you are the person people need and are close to - this is the greatest enjoyment and joy of life. This is the truth, don't forget this truth, it will give you unlimited happiness.

52. A few years later, I found that countless feelings do not tear themselves apart. Since they are incomplete, they do not need to be torn. Now, I begin to miss the rainy night that tore up your letters and photos. I envy myself at that time, and there is complete happiness that can be torn apart.

53. The night is as quiet as water, and the rain is falling with patter. The rain that floats into the eaves moistens the title page of youth. The wind comes into my dream along with my sleep, blowing away the word "youth", and then presents itself in the morning wake in pieces.

54. The clamor and brightness of the mortal world, and the joy and happiness of the secular world are like clear streams. In the wind, in my eyes, trickle past. The warmth gushed out like spring water. I have no high hopes. I just want you to be happy and not sad.

55. Past people have been through a lot of hardships. The young people are struggling for their starting point in life. If they want to pursue calm, they will undoubtedly miss the opportunity, pass their youth, and be cold and heartless. If you fall down and get up, if you fail, what is worth looking down on life?

56. The ground is littered with leaves. The desolate place is originally life, things are different from people, and the desolate place is emotion. It is a memorial to the lost youth and love. Youth, however, can only be used as a memorial ceremony, rather than a memory, because it buried the memory of the past and yesterday, silently!

57. Forgetting is our unchangeable destiny. Everything is like a drawing without alignment. Everything in the past cannot go back to the past, so we slowly lengthen it a little bit. Maybe we should forget the wrong things.

58. The road to victory is tortuous. Like the path between mountains, this road sometimes turns back first and then stretches forward; Like the path between mountains, people who take this road need patience and perseverance. Those who rest on the roadside when tired will not win.

59. If you see the shadow in front of you, don't be afraid, it is because there is sunshine behind the stylistic features of your prose poems. If I can be with you, I would rather let all the stars in the sky fall, because your eyes are the brightest light in my life.

60. Time takes away our youthful appearance, and life takes away our youthful enthusiasm. We used to have ideals, but the triviality of life and the encouragement of interests are killing our will. Youth often fails to overcome the inertia of life and interests.

61. Some people like calm and calm. In fact, they have not seen the role and value of youth and vitality, and have not experienced the pleasure of fighting against the wind and waves. The charm of youth is to be strong and vigorous. Without movement, the world would be stagnant and life would be dull and tasteless.

62. If you lose it, you will never come back. If you are not sure now, when will you wait? Now, use sweat and wisdom to describe the picture of youth. When he looks back, he will not see blank pages, but colorful poetry collections, colorful picture albums!

63. Smiles or tears, happiness or sadness, have been blurred by the rainy season of this year. At the age of 18, there is always a lot of sadness. Maybe you think you know everything, or maybe you think you don't know anything, so you let sadness cover you without resistance.

64. Once unbridled, we cried loudly, laughed whenever we wanted, and used to be petulant. We need not be afraid of what others said, because we will proudly say that we are still young

65. In another style, imagine the simple and beautiful time when young people enjoy life. When ancient lights, weathered handwriting, and stiff fingers can no longer continue to write, the soft life has just begun to revive from two pieces of light green sunlight.

66. Youth is like a poem. It is the starting point of life. The river is playing and rushing. Like a heavenly horse, soaring into the sky. The breath of youth, permeated in the sea of flowers, unrestrained. The delicacy of the sun covers the earth. Wiping the soul, the voice sways in youth.

67. What a perfect reincarnation, we are walking in such a reincarnation. There is no starting point and end point, no direction and no goal. Just keep going. Then you will meet some people, and you will accompany them, or just pass by, and then continue on the road.

68. People always like to free themselves from bondage and seek another fresh and exciting life. It's like wearing shoes. If you wear shoes for a long time and walk barefoot, you will have a new experience. However, once barefoot encounters glass ballast, it is easy to be injured

69. It turns out that youth is a part of life. Her death is to enrich our life experience and make life more complete. Perhaps, youth does not need us to use a grand form to pay homage to her, as long as we wave to her and thank her for her passing, it is the best way to salute life.

70. I always tell young people that you should never read too many inspirational books when you are defeated. Reading inspirational books sometimes makes a person silly. Since then, you will believe that your path must be correct. Even if you encounter failure, it is also a temporary confusion. You firmly believe that you will win in the end.

71. The charming rainbow comes from the baptism of heavy rain, and the rich fruit comes from hard work. Today, we are in an era of fierce competition in which the fittest survive. We must be like sponges, never satisfied with learning. Facing challenges, how can we be intimidated by some setbacks and failures?

72. Even though youth is a great tree on the earth, I understand that a single and beautiful tree is never tall and straight. Rows of trees are the green Great Wall to shelter from wind and sand. Even though youth is a lone sail in the sea, I understand that it is difficult to sail a lone sail, and the grand sight of the sea is the competition of thousands of sails.

73. Life is like a river. Countless memories have become pebbles at the bottom of the river. Pick up one, and the surface of the casserole is engraved with two big characters - youth. Force it back into the vortex of time, fly into the life time

74. Dazzling, youthful vitality; Sweet, the taste of youth; Beauty is the essence of youth. Now we have a full and energetic youth, navigating in the sea of books, soaring in the sky of life, walking on the road of life, to slowly taste and experience the truth, goodness and beauty of the world.

75. In youth, there are contributions, sweat, tears, applause and flowers. Of course, there are also rebellion, struggle, confusion, regret and failure. Along the way, I have experienced many changes and grown up! At the time of youth, we have attachment to the past and vision for the future.

76. Youth is thought-provoking. Flowers once bloomed on the branches, making butterflies linger in beauty, which is amazing. But flowers know that no matter how beautiful life is, it will also have a declining appearance. Similarly, the most beautiful youth will disappear one day. Can not help sighing, since youth will eventually lose, why care about once owned?

77. When people begin to express such sighs and begin to miss their youth in the gradual growth rings, I really don't know whether this is the sorrow of life or the performance of a person's maturity? However, I always feel that although youth is perishable, it is always a beautiful scenery in life, and it is a fast-paced movement.

78. Youth, showing a strong poetic flavor; Youth, exudes a faint fragrance. There are unforgettable chapters and chapters in youth. Youth is the morning of life and the dawn of the day. You should cherish your youth and not give up easily, so that your youth will bloom with the same brilliance.

79. I occasionally look up at the sky and look for my own blue sky. Small happiness will fill my heart, and I will live a life of my own free will forever. Learning is boring, but it is also interesting to think carefully. One day you lost your learning. Maybe you will feel empty.

80. A lot of past events all came to my mind at this moment. About you, about that year, about youth, too many images flashed in front of me. Pure love, boys and girls who held hands, and the familiar street seemed to be a long time ago, such as falling flower spring, leaving only memories in my mind.

81. Let's take a good hold of our youth, and learn from the Haiyan who wears clouds and breaks fog to fight against wind and rain in all directions; Learn from the tall and straight pines to stand through the frost and snow. Only in this way can you write a page without regrets in your youth history. Don't be afraid of losing. Youth will never admit defeat. As long as you work hard, your dreams will come true.

82. Youth is a kind of pride, even an inflated pride! Youth can be proud of all the obstacles that are called difficulties in the world, and can cross any mountain high into the sky! As long as this is a burning youth, it will produce an invincible heat. There is no difficulty without fear of this burning youth.

83. The role of travel in this April is green. There are so many green colors in the travel in April. Therefore, the youth in April has also become green with hope. I like to hold a page of old white paper, look at the dark text, fold the corners, circle after circle, in the light of green hope.

84. Whether the green youth meets you only on the way, but I don't know you are going away. Or perhaps, too young love, we are all on the journey of growth, blind to find no direction, and stumble into the distance. An encounter is the end of fate, just like the thin cool light falling from the smoke, and a gorgeous opening is the end of the tea.

85. Once upon a time, we asked ourselves whether the call of youth made the long river of life surge prematurely? So much so as to hold up flying wings to impact the wind, rain and thunder. Is it because of the call of youth that the blooming ideal flowers stick to the shore of life? So that it blooms bright colors to become a beautiful landscape in people's eyes.

86. The road to the future is out of sight. How many hardships and setbacks, bloodshed and tears, injuries and betrayals are waiting for us young. Those who once wanted to protect each other may one day hurt each other severely. We are happy because of love, but also sad because of love. We grow up because of love, but grow up very difficult and difficult.

87. Because it is full of vitality, people often worry about its fragility or even collapse. However, the river of youth will never be cut off. Despite the obstacles of dangerous beaches and reefs, it will never stop its determination. Conforming to the laws of nature, the back wave ruthlessly destroys the front wave, and the front wave will willingly help the back wave to flow away together.

88. If life is a drama with many changes, youth is a magnificent book with a faint fragrance. However, this book is like fine sand falling in the wind. It is scattered and piled up, piled up and blown away, and I like this kind of youth. Sometimes she is as unhappy as a purdah, sometimes she is like a dancing butterfly. It seems that the phoenix dances for nine days.

89. The glory of youth, the key to ideal, the meaning of life, and even the survival and development of human beings are all contained in these two words... struggle! Only struggle can heal the wounds of the past; Only struggle is the hope and brightness of our nation.

90. We are all young like wind chimes ringing in May, humming sad songs and dreaming beautiful dreams. We are young and love the dancing fireflies on summer nights, and our eyes stay still; We are young and like to have our hair hanging down, and let the skirt fly and turn into surplus; We are young and want to take advantage of the moonlight to take a journey of vicissitudes. When we are not young, who will love this beautiful dream.

91. Looking back on the past years, youth is like a few thin pieces of paper, which can only be condensed into a few hurried scenes of a film. Excitement and longing seem to be yesterday; Youth and today seem to be a night apart. How could the train of time pass the platform of youth so quickly, but we didn't have time to appreciate the scenery of the platform of youth, so we came to the next platform.

92. Vitality is the symbol of youth. Teenagers from all directions study in a school because of fate. Teenagers are enthusiastic and unrestrained. Everyone will show their unique talents and talents in this era. The basketball court is a place where boys show their heroism and eagles fly. The auditorium is a place where girls shout for support. Youth is the blooming of charm and a corner of the campus, The most brilliant and colorful youth.

93. How can streams stay? The sea will be the waves. It is because of the ambition to go to the sea every drop of water that we have a history of rivers flowing forever. It will not be small and inferiority complex because it is a drop of water, nor will it shrink its publicized personality because of the rise of the dam. When the energy is weak and gradually calms down, looking at the rolling waves behind, it will proudly say: My youth used to be like this.

94. Who cares about youth in life. Youth is an age full of charm, and also a time full of charm. Some young friends, in order not to waste their precious youth, pursue lofty ideals diligently, and devote themselves to their studies and careers. However, some young people can not get rid of material desires and become depressed and degenerate, so that their youth can be put into flowing water and everything can be wasted.

95. Friends say that youth is used to waste. I want to say that youth cannot be abandoned. There are not many people who can be fearless all the way through thorns and dangerous beaches. I think I will be one of them. The memory of that youth will certainly drift away, but what remains in my heart is the happy time when I was young and frivolous. We are all children of God, our dreams are in sight, and I am on the way. Why not leave some beauty for your youth?

96. People who remember youth! Enjoy the warm sun in spring, hot tea in winter, and learn the growth of bamboo; Enjoying the ups and downs of life like youth, I still feel complacent. Those who have abandoned their youth! Give up all the experience; Can the reality of life help you solve the problem? Have you experienced the ups and downs and still blossomed like a sunflower, or disappeared in time?