Message to parents on Mid Autumn Festival Message to parents on Mid Autumn Festival (80 selected sentences)
Face with a smile
2023-02-13 01:10:23
Complete sentences

1. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. We are far from each other. All the time lost is beautiful. I will miss you. Do you remember that sentence? The moon is full of love and the stars are full of words.

2. It's not a good night in my life. Where will the moon be next year. (Su Shi, Mid Autumn Moon)

3. Round moon, round cake, the Mid Autumn Festival is waiting for you! Beautiful starry sky, beautiful scenery, happy mood with you! Good wishes, good heart, and good feelings nourish you! Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival in advance!

4. The moon is easy to fall and people are easy to disperse. When you come back, you should pay more attention to the wine. (Su Shi, See the Moon and Ziyou in the Mid Autumn Festival)

5. Dear parents, how are you? I send you the Mid Autumn Festival blessing. I wish my parents good health, delicious food, happy Mid Autumn Festival and happy National Day holidays. I will always pray for you, and I will always love you.

6. What is the Mid Autumn Festival? The more "" in your mouth, the more "" in your heart, the more "" in your mouth, the more "" in your heart. "". The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Give your parents more greetings and let them worry less; Give more blessings to your friends, and make your friendship less boring. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

7. The autumn wind is clear, the autumn moon is bright, and the fallen leaves are still scattered. I still love the old love. If my heart is in harmony, I can go together in the future. We can go forward together through the ups and downs of life.

8. If you get a long round night like this, human feelings may not be able to look up to you. (Xin Qiji, Manjianghong, Mid Autumn Festival Faraway)

9. Mid Autumn moon cakes are round and round, and SMS blessings are sent to your heart; Mid Autumn moon cakes are fragrant, and there is no end to happy life; Mid Autumn moon cakes are sweet and sweet. Wish you happy every day! Wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival in advance!

10. The moon is round and round. My dog and I look at the moon. Dogs, puppies, don't sneak around.

11. Tonight's moon and Chang'e's dancing skirt form a perfect circle. Tonight's wind opens the prelude of the moon like five rings blooming. Tonight's moonlight is reflected in the mother river's embrace to give birth to the blessing of Mid Autumn reunion. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

12. While you enjoy delicious mooncakes, you should drink some tea, which will help to remove greasy food and help digestion and increase appetite. At the same time, I would also like to send my deep feelings and blessings on the Mid Autumn Festival. When the moon is full, everything is perfect, and my mother is happy on the Mid Autumn Festival!

13. The moon is full, the family is full, the belly is full, and the best wallet is also full. Happy holidays, good luck and a happy family reunion! Don't miss me, hehe!

14. Recommend friends from home. The horizon is like a neighbor, and the moon is thousands of miles away to send Acacia. On the occasion of the Mid Autumn Festival, I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival! Let the full moon round your dream! Send a round cake, offer a round heart, send a round feeling, round a round dream. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

15. Clouds bring haze, and the moon brings fulfillment. Parents and children are in a different place, so I think of my father and mother. Handwritten short message, bless thousands of miles away. When the moon shines on the head, the family is in the bosom of both places. My son wishes his parents good health and good luck.

16. A bright moon reflects the festive world; A box of moon cakes, with happiness and sweetness; A bottle of good wine will brew a happy reunion; A greeting, not to enjoy the friendship; A blessing, friendship Mid Autumn Festival spread all over. May my blessings accompany you through the Mid Autumn Festival, and all happiness will be received!

17. It is difficult to combine the best of times, and you should be sad this day in the future. (Li Shangyin, Play in Taoyuan on the 15th Night of August)

18. Bring a mood, a taste of moon cakes, a wish, and a blessing. May the fragrance of autumn bring the joy of the festival, the freedom of autumn bring the happiness of the Mid Autumn Festival, the comfort of autumn bring the happiness of the festival, and I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival!

19. Travelers look at their hometown and wish their relatives well. Mom and Dad, although I can't go home to reunite with you, my heart will always be with you and I will bless you with all my heart. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival, good health and good luck!

20. The moon is so round tonight. I really want to hold your hand and enjoy the moon at the seaside! I love you! Like the eternal moon!

21. Send Acacia in a round moon and greet you thousands of miles away. A piece of moon cake is round and sweet, and wishes are hidden inside. A cup of good wine is fragrant and mellow. May your life be blessed forever. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I wish you a happy and healthy family reunion!

22. Who wants to reduce the cooling power of the school. (Lu Guimeng, Waiting for the Moon in the Mid Autumn Festival)

23. The full moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is a picture, and the lack of moon is a poem. Poetic and picturesque, beautiful scenery on a beautiful day, for my beloved you. Looking up to the same beautiful moon under the distant stars is the contract of our hearts!

24. The Mid Autumn Festival is coming, and the whole family is happy to celebrate reunion. The bright moon is like a jade plate in the sky, and the sweet osmanthus fragrance is cool at night. Sitting around the courtyard, the words are long, and the autumn insects have fallen asleep. Warm and sweet dream home, safe and healthy heart.

25. A full moon melts into many thoughts, and the vast night sky writes down many ties. A distant blessing flies over thousands of rivers and mountains, and the heart has a soul but saves thousands of words. The silver moon sends a piece of sincerity to you. I wish you a happy Mid Autumn Festival and good luck every day.

26. The full moon is similar year after year, and we look forward to each other year after year. The clear light all over the sky and the mercury all over the earth are our yearning for each other.

27. The bright moon hangs in the autumn sky, and the brilliance dew is wet. (Meng Haoran, "On an Autumn Night, Under the Moon, Have a Heart")

28. Green silk turns white hair, and years go by. Dear Mom and Dad, you have worked hard all your life, and your heart is broken for me. Children who are far away from home deeply wish you health and longevity, peace, happiness and everything goes well.

29. Take advantage of the joy of the Mid Autumn Festival, the sweetness of family reunion, and the beauty of the full moon, speak bravely to your parents, friends, relatives, lovers, and yourself, love and speak out!

30. When will the moon appear? Ask Qingtian about the wine. (Su Shi, The Beginning of Water Melody)

31. Mom and Dad, the Mid Autumn Festival is coming. I hope you are safe and sound. The rest really don't need anything. Peace is a blessing. I hope to share our thoughts on each other under the same moon. I love you!

32. The beauty sings bitter songs at night along the Qingjiang River. (Wang Changling, "Play with my younger brother Nan Zhai and remember the memory of Cui Shaofu in the mountain")

33. The bright moon rises from the Tianshan Mountain, amid the vast sea of clouds. (Li Bai, Guan Shanyue)

34. I wish you a long life and a thousand miles of happiness! On this day of double celebration, I wish you all the best!

35. How bright the moon is! Follow my curtains. (19 Ancient Poems. "What a Bright Moon!")

36. Pity the shadow of the moon and beauty at night, facing the Five Hou's wine loss. (Qi already, Mid Autumn Moon)

37. More money, less money, enough food; If your family is poor and your family is rich, be kind; It is good to live in a big house and a small house; If people are ugly and beautiful, it is good to be pleasing to the eye; Few old people, good health; If you can wear it, it will be better if you can wear it; Two wheels and four wheels. I wish I could drive. Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

38. The autumn wind blows in the land of China, and the autumn scenery is full of happiness. I like to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival and express my pride. I am happy to express my feelings! Happy Mid Autumn Festival!

39. Make skin with romance; Make stuffing with warmth; Happiness is the king of eggs; You don't need many people who know how to taste. You'd better be the only one!

40. During the 3-day Mid Autumn Festival holiday, I send a moon to wish a friend a hearty heart, a piece of moonlight to wish a friend a warm heart, a moon cake to wish a friend a sweet heart, and finally a text message to wish a friend a happy Mid Autumn Festival!