Feelings after Reading "Pulling up the Seedlings to Help"
Fate is doomed
2024-02-10 09:27:29
second grade
reaction to a book or an article

Today, I read the story of (pulling up the seedlings). The story is that there was a farmer who worked in the field from morning to night every day, in order to make the seedlings grow faster, but one day, two days, three days...... The seedlings in the field did not grow up. One day, the farmer finally came up with a clever plan, The farmer ran to the field and pulled up all the seedlings from the soil one by one. When nightfall came, he came home exhausted. As soon as he entered the door, he gasped for breath and said to his family, "I'm really exhausted! But it's not in vain. The seedlings in the field have grown a lot. We can harvest crops in a few days!"
Hearing what he said, his son felt something was wrong and hurried to the field to see it. too bad! The seedlings in the field not only didn't grow high, but also died.
This story tells us that we must do things step by step and not rush for success.
In fact, I know that there are only some stories and truths in the idiom story book, which is not as interesting and boring as some other books. But this book uses some short stories to summarize the truths. Only by reading these stories can we turn knowledge into our own.
I hope you can read more idiom story books and learn more knowledge. I also hope you can share the stories you have seen with me, OK?
This story tells of a farmer in the State of Song in the Spring and Autumn Period who always complained that the seedlings in his field grew too slowly. One day, he suddenly came up with an idea and went to the field to pull up the seedlings one by one. After pulling it up, he returned home and said to his family, "I'm exhausted today. It's not easy for me to let the seedlings grow several inches tall." His son hurried to the field to see, and saw that all the seedlings in the field were dead.
This story is a metaphor for being eager for success, which violates the development law of things themselves.
Once, my mother asked me to write math Olympiad questions. I finished 16 questions in a short time, but my mother looked at them. I made 14 mistakes. This proves that I am too eager for success.