After Reading Insects
When I become excellent
2023-11-27 20:51:07
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When it comes to cicadas, everyone should know that we can hear their songs everywhere in summer, but who knows about cicadas' habits, breeding and their friends and enemies.
Faber told us about the world of cicadas in his Insects. I never thought that small ants would dare to grab food with huge cicadas, and the humble black flies were the culprit of the demise of cicadas. Small black flies put their eggs into cicadas' eggs to hatch, and the larvae of the hatched black flies would eat other cicadas' eggs.
After the larvae of cicadas have hatched through thousands of hardships, some will be blown away by the wind, and some will be blown into the pool... But some will still survive in the appropriate environment. After four years of darkness, cicadas will come out of the ground and sing loudly.
In the nature, we can't ignore any inconspicuous small things, because they are not easy to survive, they are all small life.