87 sentences of girls' sexual signature
Lost youth
2023-07-30 17:12:39
Complete set of signatures

1、 No matter how big the world is, you can't find the second me.

2、 I'm ugly but I have music and beer.

3、 I will wait for you all the time, just to smile for you.

4、 Russia said that no one would make Russia cry.

5、 Doubt is doomed to be separated, and feelings cannot be guessed badly.

6、 It doesn't matter if I lose you, but you will regret it.

7、 Let the soul travel because the body cannot.

8、 At this moment, we must live proudly.

9、 It depends on excellent acting skills.

10、 No explanation, no explanation, I am me.

11、 Don't be sentimental. There is no one in the world without injury.

12、 You are too presumptuous, not that I don't save you.

13、 I would rather not have your birthday.

14、 The glory of ten thousand zhang tall buildings can only depend on oneself.

15、 No one needs to give away the sun, we are the sun.

16、 Don't think you are tall, so I have to look up to you.

17、 If the two love each other for a long time, when will they not get married?

18、 Don't waste the word "youth". You are beginning the autumn.

19、 If you can't forget it, you should forget it. If you can't do it, you should do it.

20、 I promise you to wear a phoenix crown, and you should walk in the world with me.

21、 I lost, I lost, but I never gave up.

22、 Without the bottom of the school slag, where can the top students come from?

23、 Don't come back after you get out. I'm not a rag collector.

24、 The poor play with cars, the rich play with watches, and the loser plays with computers.

25、 No matter how hard the road you choose, you must go on.

26、 No matter how much I love you, I can't marry you!

27、 You can laugh or cry, but you don't have to be protected by others.

28、 It is better to be arrogant and moldy than to be humble in love.

29、 For me, what belongs to you, I will not give it to others.

30、 I have my style, which you can't imitate.

31、 No one cares, no need to care more than the world.

32、 No one will regard you as a treasure, only you love yourself.

33、 Being beautiful is nothing. Being beautiful is king.

34、 If you have the ability to grow meat, don't go to the waist, go to the chest.

35、 It's better to say that you can't catch my heart than to say that I am fickle.

36、 In fact, I really want to contact you, but I lack an identity.

37、 Don't tell your sister to grow old together. She will always have dark hair.

38、 Tolerance and cruelty coexist. Tolerance is cruelty to oneself.

39、 The tiny scar in my hand is my last struggle.

40、 Eating too much sugar will lead to diabetes, and liking you too much will lead to tiredness.

41、 Try to love while you are young, and love yourself when you love the world.

42、 Youth is limited, don't waste time for people who don't love themselves!

43、 Don't look down upon others because you are a dog.

44、 I went away with my eyebrows down, just as I winked.

45、 Everyone has his own destiny. What does everything have to do with others?

46、 Don't slander my future if you don't see my efforts.

47、 Now you are my man, you don't want to provoke other women.

48、 It's not that I dare not tell the truth. I'm just afraid you can't stand the blow.

49、 Never willing to take things as they are, dust flying is more gorgeous than fireworks.

50、 Emotion is just a thing. It is not worth being hurt by so many people.

51. People who understand me do not need to explain, and people who do not understand me do not need to explain.

52. You always have thousands of reasons, but I always follow your feelings.

53. To win the world is only to protect you. What's the use of the world without you?

Fifty-four, i have only one love, either not to pay, to pay, is all.

55. I learned not to provoke others, but it does not mean that I am at the mercy of others.

56. It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is who I can be in front of you.

57. No matter what kind of exam I get, I believe I have a bright future.

58. When you are suspended, you are a suspended person. When you are not suspended, you are not even a suspended person.

59. The highest level of a friend is that you are gay in the eyes of others.

60. There are many such people nowadays. The poor pretend to be forced and the rich pretend to be dogs.

61. As long as we are full of hope, I believe that God will give us a chance to be happy.

62. Every day in the future, I have thought that I must take you to accompany me through the journey.

63. I sincerely wish that we will never meet again and have no contact again in this life.

Sixty-four, losing your temper just means that your wisdom is not enough to solve the problem you are facing.

65. When you choose to turn around, don't expect me to stay, because you are not worth it!

66. I wanted to say so much to you, but I ended up with a few simple greetings.

Sixty seven. My crying, my quietness, my nonsense. Thank you for seeing it and treating it as if you didn't know it.

68. Is the color you can't touch called a rainbow? Is the invisible embrace called breeze?

69. The best feeling between two people is that they dislike each other on the surface and never abandon each other in the heart.

70. Don't say sorry to me, hypocrites. It's your best apology to get away.

71. Successful people learn from others, while unsuccessful people only learn from themselves.

Seventy two. Do a good job of not being busy or idle, and live a wonderful life.

Seventy three, the most intelligent technique of the beginning of life is that it not only casts a glance at the secular world, but also associates with it.

74. When everyone leaves you, have you ever thought that maybe you are too stupid.

Seventy five, I can confidently tell you that he will stay with you because you look like me.

76. My face can smile kindly to everyone, but my eyes only smile to the people I like.

Seventy seven, everyone only looked at Cinderella's shoes, but no one asked her if she would like to.

Seventy eight. Warmth is a luxury that needs deep cold and pain.

Seventy nine, the blood of Xueba hidden in my body, I order you to remove the seal in the name of Xueba!

80. I am myself, a firework with different colors. The sky is vast, and the sea is vast. I want to be the strongest foam.

81. My heart is so small and as big as my fist. How can I hold such a big person like you!

Eighty two, who? (You are not Guo Jing ∞. Why do you ask me to love you like Huang Rong.

Eighty three. Never bully an honest man. You don't know how many people will back him up.

Eighty four, I will taste the ups and downs, and I will carry my own happiness, anger, sorrow and joy. I will be my own sun without relying on anyone's light.

Eighty five, baby, you can also live well by losing the world, losing some men, and losing some troubles, pains, and obsessions.

Eighty six, everyone has done indecent things; When you are playing with the computer, your parents always switch to the desktop refresh when they come to the computer.

Eighty seven, it is still Chinese people who are good to Chinese people: Newton farts and throws down a bunch of formulas. Qu Yuan over, leaving three days off.