My Feelings after Reading I Am a Cat
Peace is bliss
2024-01-07 20:23:39
junior middle school
reaction to a book or an article

The text "I am a cat" mainly tells an interesting story that a cat finds three truths when eating rice cakes. This article is very lively and interesting. After learning this text, I feel deeply.
The author of this article is Natsume Soseki, a Japanese writer. With a humorous and acrimonious brushwork, the author depicts a cat's various attitudes when eating rice cakes, and tells the three truths that the cat found. It expresses the author's dissatisfaction and resentment towards the indifference of human relations at that time, and gives great sympathy to the weak.
After learning this text, I thought: Isn't the worry of this cat when eating New Year cake the true record and reflection in our mind when we are preparing to try something? Isn't the embarrassment of being "stuck" by the rice cakes exactly the mood of people when they encounter problems? "I've probably seen all kinds of human acts that lack compassion, but I've never hated them as much as I do at this moment." Now, it's common to see all kinds of things that lack compassion and love: after the old man fell down, no one did anything to help, but the kind person was wronged for helping; "Little Yueyue" incident in Guangzhou, drivers and pedestrians are indifferent to human life; The indifference of the relevant parties in the high-speed rail accident... let us all have feelings. Why can't we have a heart of sympathy and gratitude? Everyone puts out a hand in the face of others' difficulties, and helps others form a decisive force with everyone's efforts.
Let's respect each other and care for everyone around us. Let every corner of our society be filled with the sunshine of love and the air of mutual trust.