Lighter than a sea
2024-02-15 04:23:44
Junior high school
reaction to a book or an article

White clouds in the west sky.
It turned into a red sunset:
The sun rises from Dongshan Mountain.
When you reach the West Mountain, you will fall!
How many good things does the sun do in a day:
She will accompany the Yangtze River to the sea.
She wants to accompany the Himalayas to grow higher.
She will accompany the ancient Great Wall.
Stand erect in the east of the world!
The sun is going to set from the Western Hills!
Where is she going?
She wants to take advantage of people sleeping.
Go to another country.
She shone the golden light on the Euphrates River.
Let the ancient civilization sing a new song:
She shone golden light on the Amazon River.
The river is covered with glittering silver:
She sprinkled gold on the Nile.
Beautiful smiles bloom on both sides of the river.
The Great Pyramid of Egypt.
The big windmill in Holland.
Fish in Lake Baikal.
I know, right now.
They are waiting for her, looking forward to her