Thoughts on Reading Funny Stories of Childhood
beyond dreams
2023-07-14 18:51:25
Grade 6
reaction to a book or an article

Funny Stories in Childhood is my favorite text. This text mainly describes an interesting and stupid thing the author did in his childhood. After reading this text, I can't help thinking of a stupid thing I did when I was a child. It was one summer morning. When I got up, I suddenly heard bursts of laughter from the next room. I was curious, so I went to have a look. It turned out that the goldfish raised by the neighbor's little brother gave birth to a small fish.
Looking at the lively and lovely little goldfish in the goldfish bowl and the proud look of my little brother, I can't envy him more. So I pestered my grandmother to take me to buy goldfish. There were so many fish in the fish shop!
There are red, black, big, small... countless. I bought two pairs of especially big bellies. They are both orange and look like they are going to have small fish. When I got home, I immediately changed the water for the fish and gave them feed. Since then, I have been waiting for the mother fish to give birth to the baby fish. One day, the mother fish really gave birth. Looking at the little fish, I was very proud. I counted it, huh? Only eight or nine!
I think: my little brother's fish gave birth to dozens of small fish, but mine only gave birth to a few. No, I have to find a way to help them give birth to more small fish!
After a long time, I finally came up with a "good" solution. So I caught a mother fish and squeezed its belly with two small hands. Sure enough, small fish came out of the mother's belly. I was very happy to see so many small fish!
I kneaded it and said to myself, "This is a good way. All of a sudden, so many small fish came out." When I went to feed at night, I found that they were dead. It was wrong to pinch the fish's belly to help them produce small fish. I not only didn't help them, but also killed them. I cried sadly. After reading the text "Funny Stories of Childhood", I learned a truth: a person should use his brain to do things, only in this way can he not do stupid things.