Classic Quote of Love: People toss and turn, but no one knows
Calm coast
2023-07-15 11:40:35
Complete sentences

1. Loneliness is not born, but from the moment you fall in love with someone! Like a person is not painful, love a person may have a long pain, but he gave me happiness, but also the world's greatest happiness!

2. I will not care about people who ignore me, will not forget people who helped me, and will not hate people who really loved me.

3. Be the person I like, love the person I love, and be obsessed with the scenery I love.

4. You are the best example of abortion failure!

5. I deeply beg you not to drive me out of your love. I can't lack your love for a minute. Only by winning your love can my life be glorious.

6. When I fall in love with you, I love you not because of what you can bring me, but because I love you and am ready to accept everything you bring! True love doesn't expect you to let me show off in front of others, but in my heart of hearts, I am sure that you will still stand beside me even if all the people in the future don't want to be with me! Hold the hand of the son until forever

7. It will not be strange because of distance, nor dull because of time. What I like is that I can't help worrying about after a quarrel, and I will still feel my heart beating after the passage of time.

8. In this life, in that place, when we turned around, you said that I appeared at the wrong time, but all of us could not forget that sincere feeling. But there is a relationship that can no longer continue, and a voice that can no longer ring in the ear, will miss those who once.

9. When it's cloudy, I want to bury myself deeply.

10. I can feel more and more love you give me, and it will overflow soon. It will always make me happy because of small happiness, and you will become a warm and mature little man like I will love my life. But I don't want you to feel embarrassed because of me at all.

11. All the good things turned into an old photo in the corner of memory. But the most terrible thing is to give up the right because of fear of losing. We will meet many people, say goodbye to many people, continue to move forward, and maybe fall in love with a few people. The key is who is willing to stop for you.

12. I don't know how to open my mouth, but I still want to say sorry! If this can make you forgive me, I'd rather talk about your forgiveness until!

13. It is difficult to be a water once experienced the sea, but it is not a cloud except Wushan. But what if I come back from the sea before I have passed through the sea or just arrived at the sea, and I go into the besieged city before I have reached Wushan

14. Love makes us narrow-minded, dear, everything is because we love you too deeply.

15. Right or wrong, on this beautiful day, I want to say sorry. If our acquaintance in the vast sea of people is fate arranged by God, let's start from scratch.

16. The first wrong painting had to be scribbled all the way.

17. The most frightening thing is not the failure of expectations, but the loneliness of a person who is tossing and turning but no one knows.

18. A man just wants to collect a woman's lustful love. The more he does, the better. Women want to treasure the regrets that men will never forget

19. College is the best time for female breast development.

20. The female student who had just finished her internship in a Japanese enterprise came back and sighed: "No matter how high-end meetings and people attend, those people have a meeting with you politely on the stage, but there is always someone touching your thigh!"