86 management maxims
2023-03-31 22:59:37
A complete set of maxims

1、 The executive power of an enterprise depends on discipline—— Lu Zhengxin.

2、 Authorize and trust is the effective way to authorize—— Covey.

3、 Discipline is the form of managing relationships—— Afanasiev.

4、 Management without inspection is ideal management—— Ishikawa rock.

5、 Eight points for talents, nine points for use, and very favorable treatment—— Yin Mingshan.

6、 The risk is proportional to the benefit—— To Kwang Minfu.

7、 The management is to optimize the benefits of using resources—— Drucker.

8、 The propertied are good leaders, while the proletarian are difficult to lead—— Xu Guanju.

9、 Devout service to customers is the only reason for Huawei's existence—— Ren Zhengfei.

10、 The fewer management levels, the better—— Ben Bidwell.

11、 Of every 100 large enterprises that fail in the world, 85% are caused by careless decisions of enterprise managers.

12、 Innovation is to create a resource—— Peter Durac.

13、 Within the enterprise, there is only cost—— Peter Durac.

14、 For product quality, either 100 points or 0 points—— Konosuke Matsushita.

15、 Management is a serious love—— Silos McCock.

16、 Customers are an important source of innovation—— Tom Peters.

17、 In the new economic era, it is not big fish eating small fish, but fast fish eating slow fish—— Chambers.

18、 If it cannot be evaluated, it cannot be managed—— Jiajun Margarita.

19、 Trust him when you use him; Don't use him if you don't trust him—— Konosuke Matsushita.

20、 People control people's popularity, systems control people's fatigue, and culture control people's soul—— Weng Rongjin.

21、 Cooperation is the root of all team prosperity—— David Steele.

22、 When introducing a new management system, it should first be rigid, then optimized, and then solidified—— Ren Zhengfei.

23、 You will get what you reward—— Mitchell Raberford.

24、 Microsoft is only 18 months away from bankruptcy forever—— Bill Gates.

25、 If you can't measure it, you can't manage it—— Peter Durac.

26、 The most basic ability of managers: effective communication—— L. Wilder.

27、 Business management and cost analysis should be carried out to the last point—— Wang Yongqing.

28、 A successful decision is equal to 90% information plus 10% intuition—— Watson.

29、 The inequality of details means that 1% error will lead to 100% error—— Wang Zhongqiu.

30、 Quality is the best guarantee to maintain customer loyalty—— Jack Welch.

31、 Prevention is the best way to solve the crisis—— Michael Regest.

32、 A great enterprise should always treat its achievements with trepidation, like icing on thin ice—— Zhang Ruimin.

33、 The success of an enterprise depends on the team, not on individuals—— Robert Kelly.

34、 Errors occur in details, and success depends on the system—— Bill Marrett.

35、 Emotional investment is the investment with the lowest cost and the highest return rate among all investments—— Fujita.

36、 The more refined the strategy, the easier it will be to implement it thoroughly—— John Reed.

37、 In the 21st century, no sense of crisis is the greatest crisis—— Richard Pascal.

38、 The future competition of enterprises is the competition of details—— Emperor Bruno Titz.

39、 I hope the outside world will not look at Sina's board of directors and management from the perspective of class struggle—— Duan Yongji.

40、 I'm going to beat you today. I'm going to beat you even if I don't sleep. This is our culture—— Hu Bolin.

41、 It is the greatest negligence of managers to not be good at listening to different voices—— Mary Kay.

42、 No poor quality and cheap products in the world can survive for a long time—— Xu Shiming.

43、 Never make a major decision without making a choice—— Lee Iacocca.

44、 Undetermined can avoid the possibility of doing something wrong, but it also loses the chance of success—— Wang An.

45、 Product quality is produced, not inspected—— Dr. William Deming.

46、 What is the root of management? I think it is "making people" - Inoue.

47、 Under the condition of market competition, the first is the competition of staff quality—— Bill Gates.

48、 Great is the man who can use the wisdom of others to complete his own work—— Dan Peat.

49、 The decision making function is the most important management stage—— Joseph Kohl.

50、 Third rate ideas plus first-class execution will always be better than first-class ideas plus third rate execution—— Sun Zhengyi.

51. Undetermined can avoid the possibility of doing something wrong, but it also loses the chance of success—— Dr. An Wang.

52. Creative imitation is not parroting, but transcending and recreating—— Theodore Levitt.

53. Authorization is like flying a kite. The weak line of subordinate ability must be closed, and the strong line of subordinate ability must be flown—— Lin Zhengda.

The 54th century is the century of productivity, and the 21st century is the century of quality—— Dr. Joseph Juran.

55. Employee training is a strategic investment with the smallest risk and the largest return—— Warren Bennis.

56. The labor and work in preparing for and taking decisions is the basic form of management labor—— Afanasiev.

57. Management is to simplify complex problems and plan chaotic things—— Jack Welch.

58. Innovation is the only way to eliminate ourselves, or competition will eliminate us—— Andy Grove.

59. Questioning in exploration and not asserting are two different things. (The real answer) In the practice of entrepreneurs—— Zhang Ruimin.

60. The art of management is to identify what is available experience and what results can be identified after adoption—— Riggs.

61. In addition to being grateful, it is not enough. You must also put your hands together and lead the employees with a Buddhist like devotion—— Konosuke Matsushita.

62. People in society are not only the subject of management, but also the object of management. Management relationship is human relationship—— Afanasiev.

63. The rapid development of a company depends on the employment of good talents, especially smart talents—— Bill Gates.

64. If the yield rate is set at 85%, then 15% errors are allowed—— Philip Crosby.

65. We should not practise equalitarianism. Equalitarianism punishes those who perform well and encourages those who perform poorly, and only gains a bad staff team—— Steger.

66. If there is a project, we should first consider whether someone will do it. If no one does it, it is necessary to give up—— Liu Chuanzhi.

67. The successful management art depends on determining a reasoned success rate for your own activities in an environment full of contingency—— Stefan Bay.

68. A successful decision is equal to 90% information plus 10% intuition—— S. M. Watson.

69. It will be more beneficial to regard your competitors as rivals rather than enemies—— Rosabeth Mos Kantor.

70. First, do not speak ill of competitors; Second, do not speak ill of competitors; Third, do not speak ill of competitors—— Jack Ma.

71. Resigning the president and only serving as the chairman) My own position is: do not do what you can not do, only solve the problems that the president and secretary cannot solve—— Ox roots grow.

72. To manage, one must be expert, proficient in all conditions of production, understand modern production technology, and have certain scientific cultivation—— Lenin.

Seventy three. If we poach our top 20 talents, Microsoft will become an insignificant company—— Bill Gates.

74. To truly succeed in corporate governance, it is necessary to truly solve the problem of cultural connotation that can be shared, benefited and recognized by all interest groups of the enterprise—— Huang Nubo.

Seventy five. Try every means to hire a highly skilled expert doctor. It's better to hire a quack doctor who is on call and cheap—— James Collins.

76. The principle of balance is universally applicable to all functions of management—— Harold Koontz, Cyril O'Donnell.

The seventy-seven century is the century of productivity, the twenty-first century is the century of quality, and quality is the most effective weapon for peaceful market occupation—— Dr. Joseph Juran.

Seventy eight, first, I see where others can't see; Second, calculate the accounts that others cannot clear; Third, mind what others don't care about. I think the chairman will do these three things—— Feng Lun.

79. The way to achieve success in organizational change is: 75%~80% depends on leadership, and the remaining 20%~25% depends on management, not vice versa—— John Kotter.

80. The concept of management responsibility means that the management organization should make efforts to oppose anyone to reduce the efficiency of cooperation for their own benefit—— Henry Ebos.

81. When more actions lack moral constraints, they will also hurt more people, and this short-sighted and short-term means will hurt a person's long-term leadership—— John Kotter.

82. In the course of business operation, enterprises often encounter various problems. If they can't control their own desires, they may make mistakes. The realm and thought can be transcended, the spirit can be sublimated, but the power cannot be transcended—— Lu Guanqiu.

83. Ping An Insurance should set up separate legal persons in order to be listed, but you must understand the legal concept and management concept of Baizi Company. Capital, brand and market should be operated by the headquarters in a unified way, and those who can be centralized must be centralized to the headquarters—— Qin Xiao.

84. In principle, the scope and conditions of management cannot be clearly defined, because management activities are an extremely open system. The input and output of this system are infinitely diverse—— Joseph Kohl.

85. Management is a kind of practice, its essence lies not in "knowing" but in "doing". Its verification does not lie in logic, but in results; Its only authority is achievement—— Drucker.

86. First make "high-quality people" and then "high-quality people" to make "high-quality goods". Because they are "high-quality goods", they have a "smooth market" - well plant fumigation.