Gao Leng's sober copywriting
Precious old friends
2023-04-19 06:34:37
Complete sentences

1. Love is a light green until you shine.

2. I live in harmony with the world.

3. Sad first, then cheer up.

4. Gentleness is the eternal light in the dark world.

5. I'm sorry I can't lose this bone.

6. Please be firm and refuse me or go to me.

7. Hard work may not succeed, but giving up will fail!

8. Argue with loved ones and talk to strangers.

9. Being beautiful is an advantage, and being beautiful is an ability.

10. It is better to chase ten thousand people than to hurt one person, and it is better to understand ten thousand people than to love one person.

11. It's good that you are tired from crying. You need someone to comfort you.

12. I am good at annoying people, pulling long distances and cutting off interpersonal relationships.

13. To be a gentle person, never be humble, never be arrogant, never be clear and kind.

14. Learn to accept the loss, don't miss, don't contact, don't be mean.

15. Loving you is just an impulse, but I want to be impulsive all my life.

16. To value face more than the sky often stems from the weakness of the heart.

17. No matter how others are not human, it is not the reason why we are not human.

18. All the beautiful scenery that can't go back on a good day is unparalleled in the world.

19. What are you afraid of? It is youth to rush forward, and we are to bloom in the sun.

20. Because of impermanence, everything is uncertain. Because of impermanence, everything is possible.

21. Don't think you are great. You are nothing in my eyes.

22. We should treat people around us with kindness, less care, more tolerance and understanding.

23. Being a woman can be sexy, flirtatious, pure, but not mediocre.

24. The society does not leave incompetent people. The reality forces us to treat tomorrow.

25. I like you very much, especially because you are the tree deeply rooted in my heart.

26. We strive hard to have a lot of capital to fight against unknown difficulties in the future.

27. Say goodbye to that terrible time, pack up your bags and go forward boldly. It will always be light.

28. Dignity is something that you must have the strength to defend, otherwise, you will be forced to face and suffer.

29. Love is a kind of thing. If you can get along with it, you can get along with it. If you can't get along with it, you can break up. Those who compromise are all fools.

30. I would rather be a cowardly villain than a good man who is slaughtered by others.

31. I don't like to speak ill of others behind their backs. If I have spare time, I might as well stab him in the back.

32. Till now, I wish you at least have the courage of the moon, sunset and being willing to risk everything without a future.

33. If life is just like the first sight, just seven words, how sad and helpless life is.

34. And silence are two effective weapons: smile can solve many problems, and silence can avoid many problems.

35. If you are unhappy, let go; If you can't bear to part with it, it's painful.

36. Wave the seagulls and watch the clouds and dreams in my chest. How about Dijie? Chu Yue and other leisurely ears, liver and gall have trouble.

37. Living in the applause of others is the easiest way to lose yourself; In the care of others, you are most likely to weaken yourself.

38. Fools and smart people are harmless, but the most feared people are those who are half stupid and half smart!

39. People without ideals are like birds without wings; A naked bird is better than a man without dignity.

40. Life is hard enough. Don't be full of negative energy. Learn to accept it, adapt to it, and finally love it.

41. It will make you more and more like you hated at the beginning, just like you are suffering from the disease of hypocrisy, indifference and reality.

42. Life is not your mother. It will not spoil you. If you cry, dry your tears, stand up and continue to run.

43. You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am loneliest only when you are not with me.

44. We are all going to different lives, hoping to earn something more precious than money in the days when we can't make big money.

45. The things we have done, the people we have met, and all the joys, sorrows, and joys will be condensed into a very sad word - the past.

46. Life is like a pencil. It is sharp at the beginning, and becomes smooth when you experience more. If you can't bear it, it will break.

47. Once a dream was broken, pick it up, try to piece it together, then break it again, pick it up and piece it together again, until one day, it can't be pieced together again.

48. Great joys and great sorrows see clearly oneself and great ups and downs see clearly friends. Without a tolerant heart, we can't see a beautiful world.

49. All people are ordinary. Because some people have realized it very early, they choose to be ordinary and great people in life.

50. There is no need for prosperity in life, just plain is enough. The choice of life is actually very simple: you can't go wrong where you feel secure in your heart.

51. From childhood to adulthood, we heard most of the words "you must be sensible", "you must have a future", and "you must stand out", but seldom heard of the words "you must be happy"!

52. I hope your direction is to the place you want to go, not the so-called right place; I hope your strength comes from your heart, not from others' praise.

53. More and more desire, more and more hard money, and you and I must face this reality, sweat more, eat more, and still strive to move forward!

54. Life is a process of accumulation. Through continuous learning, we can see our progress every day and get closer to those seemingly distant dreams.

55. Find a person who is willing to listen to your nonsense, and say goodbye to the past sorrow completely. Make the circle smaller, and keep the story in mind. All the years you want will be given to you.

56. No matter how excellent you are, someone will despise you. No matter how unbearable you are, someone will treat you as life. Therefore, don't be obstinate when you are strong, and don't degenerate when you are down.

57. Either you dare to love and hate the happy life, or you can act like a fool with no heart and no heart. Don't let yourself become the kind of person who knows a lot of truth but can't live a good life!

58. Record the details of life carefully, regardless of whether someone pays attention to it or praises it. The words are like orchids in the mountains and valleys. They are quietly open, not unpopular because of no one. They are simple and elegant.

59. We have seen many people clearly, but we can't tear them down at will; Hate a lot of people, but can not easily upset. Sometimes, life is to force oneself to become submissive and not surprised.

60. How can you live a successful life and waste your life in others' world if you concentrate on squeezing into others' world and imitating others' life? No accident, you will end up with failure.

61. I don't know what I can say today. Now I only know that my heart is cold. I am no longer the person who was full of romantic feelings for love yesterday. I am discouraged by love.

62. Don't be sentimental when making money, and don't be petty when spending money. Life really won't be gentle to you because you cry, but you can live with all kinds of emotions through hard work. This is the life that should be.

63. There is nothing wrong with lowering your head to be a man. The fault is that your head is much lower, even your waist is bent down. As soon as you bend your waist, the basket will not be balanced, and your dignity will fall out, spread on the ground, and be smashed.

64. The years are quiet, and I hope to grow old with you; The years are quiet. I hope to share your worries and joys, drink and drink together, and wake up with you. Let all the present and past in the world become our best wishes!