Reflections on Running Out of the Sky
The snow is boundless
2024-02-19 23:26:41
impressions of after reading

The power of love is endless. When we turn soft love into power, then love can release unlimited light.
This is my deepest feeling after watching the movie "Run Out of the Sky".
The film mainly tells the story of a little boy named Li Xiaotian, who, with his father's strong opposition and his friend Xing Tian's encouragement, combines the power of father's love, mother's love and friendship, and finally wins the running championship.
After watching the movie, I could not help but feel ripples in my heart. Love is the source of power, but I have always rejected this power. Since childhood, I have often fallen out with my father because my character is completely opposite to his. Dad loves nagging. It happens that nagging is what I hate most, so Dad and I always argue. But that day, I really realized the deep love of father. It was raining hard. I stood in front of the bus stop with an umbrella. I hate rainy days, but on this rainy day, the bus didn't appear. There are more and more people at the stop, 3, 5, 8, 10, 15? In the end, there were more than 20 people. The bus finally came, but it was already a dark place. The bus was coming, but people could not get on it. In desperation, I "resolutely" walked into the taxi, and just sat down, only to find that there was no money in my pocket. The taxi was about to leave, but Dad didn't see anyone. Just when I wanted to get off in a hurry, Dad held an umbrella and hurriedly pushed me the money. We didn't say a word here, but Dad's timely rain gave me a great feeling. It turns out that love is not absent, but I have never felt it.
Yeah! Everyone, who doesn't need love? The great general who gallops on the battlefield needs love; Beggars on the street need love; Even old people who are dying need love and care from their children!
The power of love is so majestic, and the light released by love is even brighter than the stars, but also dazzling! Because love is the source of all power.