Cheer up for the college entrance examination
Lingding Shengfeng
2023-07-16 10:21:00
Complete sentences

1. Strive for excellence, for the time of goodbye.

2. I believe that you must have confidence and ability to use your amazing perseverance and will, with the spirit of perseverance and tenacious fighting, to realize your great dream, enter your dream university, and embark on a successful path.

3. The college entrance examination is a comprehensive examination comparing knowledge, ability, psychology, confidence and physical strength.

4. From all over the world, thousands of trees are contending about where Spring is, but they will look at it today.

5. Even if you climb to the highest mountain, you can only take one step at a time.

6. Keep an eye on the present, don't indulge in fun, don't indulge in learning and progress without the pain of others.

7. What will they do if we don't work hard?

8. Faith tells me that in life, there is no longer road than feet, no higher mountain than people.

9. Good attitude and healthy body; Give full play to your advantages and make up for your weaknesses, and you will win the college entrance examination!

10. Time has taken away the green face, has it also taught you the truth of life? No matter how much truth you have heard, it is better to apply it to practice. Being a wise person in life is more meaningful to live!

11. Study without sleep and food to create opportunities for success; The test of every minute to create the realization of dreams; The college entrance examination is coming, and your study is relaxed and orderly. I wish you good results in the college entrance examination.

12. Water drops and stone wears away the essence of the industry, and learning from others is always valuable. Best wishes!

13. Smile in the face of college entrance examination, success is imminent.

14. The national college entrance examination day is coming, and many students are enthusiastic. I have been studying hard for 12 years, just to meet the college entrance examination today. Relax and don't be anxious. There are thousands of paths in life. It's good to be a winner, but not bad to be a loser. As long as the ambition never fails, the road to success surrounds us. Wish you good results in the college entrance examination!

15. Your old classmates from afar sincerely wish you a golden nomination in this year's college entrance examination, win the first prize in one fell swoop, enter the ideal university in your heart, and then step into the ivory tower of life!

16. We must persist, be persistent, and give ourselves a confident smile with high morale, 100 times confidence and a solid foundation! In this situation, there are two kinds of people who are bound to succeed, one is self-discipline, the other is self-study ability.

17. Students, in their study and life, there may be desert swamps, rain, snow, wind and frost. For a strong belief, hardship is also a beautiful scenery.

18. The morning bell strikes gently, the college entrance examination begins, and the future is written with great effort. The glory is not far away, and we will work hard to create a life.

19. When it comes to the college entrance examination, I would like to do this: treat with calm, rest quietly, take the exam happily, examine the questions carefully, and answer the questions carefully. I sincerely wish you to enter the ideal university!

20. Learning is an independent action, which requires exploration, reflection, active response and tenacity. The hardships are borne by you alone, and the victory is won by you independently.

21. I hope all the examinees in the country can take the college entrance examination with a normal attitude, give play to their own level, and enter the ideal school. I sincerely wish you all the best.

22. If you don't have a history of struggle filled with tears when you think about it, you will live in vain.

23. You have a colorful world in your writing: may you, and believe in you, have another brilliant picture in your writing.

24. The college entrance examination is like a hurdle on the long road of life. I don't think it is important now whether it is successful or not. The important thing is to sum up the gains and losses of the college entrance examination so as to make every hurdle on the road of life in the future!

25. The night sky is beautiful because of the stars, and the morning is colorful because of the rising sun. Life is beautiful because of friends, and friends are happy because they are intimate. May those who love you love you more and understand you more! May the best things in the world belong to you!

26. Without goals, there is no direction. Each learning stage should set a goal for itself.

27. Facing the goal with confidence, how many times can we fight in life? In the face of achievements, open-minded, all continents lead to Rome.

28. No matter what the result is, there will always be results after experience! Friends of the exam, bless you and pray for yourself! May the dream come true where it began!

29. Only when there is confusion, there is thinking; only when there is bitterness, there is taste; only when there is pressure, there is a goal; only when there is fatigue, there is sleep; only when there is loss, there is gain; only when there is hard work, there is wealth; when the college entrance examination day comes, there will be returns for the ten years of hardship. I wish you success in winning the top ranking and success in time!

30. In senior three, it is normal for students to have selfish intentions. The teacher is the person who answers all questions without reservation.

31. In fact, if the test papers are all the same, I may also be at Tsinghua Peking University in Fudan.

32. I firmly believe that even if the college entrance examination is a single wooden bridge, we can walk in the front row with our own efforts; I firmly believe that as long as you pay, you will reap, and the hard sweat will be able to irrigate the rich fruits; I firmly believe that the emperor will live up to the people who want to win, and the belief of victory will enable us to win this war without gunpowder smoke. Come on, success belongs to us who love hard work!

33. Kung Fu pays off. Congratulations on your success!

34. Life is full of expectations, and dreams connect the future.

35. Hard work does not necessarily lead to success and failure.

36. Be dedicated, diligent and ambitious. Go beyond yourself and strive for experience.

37. The college entrance examination is what teachers and parents call "the exit of a bright future". In order to have a bright future, we must study hard for 12 years, sow sweat wantonly, and reap endless achievements.

38. My good friend, my childhood playmate, I wish you good results in the college entrance examination and enter your own ideal university. Here I express my sincere blessing. Believe yourself, you must be the best!

39. Don't ask for harvest, but ask for hard work! God rewards diligence.

40. Always break up, always pursue. There is a long way to go. We will meet sometime. The college entrance examination went well!

41. Hard work, just for this moment? Give full play to your strength. All the people who care about you will bless and pray for you. I believe you will get satisfactory results. You are on the list!

42. In the college entrance examination, I will give you a piece of care and throw it away carelessly; The college entrance examination will give you a lucky heart and solve all problems; When you arrive at the college entrance examination, I will give you a heart rest and wait for good results. Wish the college entrance exam a success!

43. There is no big deal in the college entrance examination. Others may not be able to work out the questions I can work out, and others cannot work out the questions I can't work out. What I do is right, and I am the best!

44. Friends, don't be sad, because everything can be done again, but we should pay attention to cherish it. Try hard! Friend, I will cheer for you! Don't be sad, your prospects are more brilliant. Finally, I will send you a poem to show my love for you.

45. We can see that you work hard and hard, but the world is not successful. Everything is equal to zero. Compared with the tortuous cruelty of real life, the hardships and tiredness of reading are not worth mentioning.

46. Tomorrow is the college entrance examination. You don't need to wake up at the same time. You can swim every day. Tomorrow is the beginning of a new life. You must not be worried. Have a good dream tonight!

47. On a sunny day in June, the college entrance examination is just ahead of us, and we have been studying sages for ten years; Learning is not a one-way street. There are thousands of ways out of it. Be calm and take the exam calmly. It's really gratifying to be on the list. Don't be upset if you are not famous! I wish you great success in the college entrance examination!

48. The closer you get to the exam, the more you need to work hard.

49. Sometimes, if you are free and easy, you will see the bright future in front of you. If you are tolerant, you will have a broad mind. The world around us is often wiser and more tolerant than we imagined. I wish you success in the college entrance examination!

50. The ideal school is not far ahead. Don't think about all the possible results first, answer your questions carefully, answer your real level, move towards the ideal palace, and sprint towards the long-awaited university!

51. You have your red, orange, yellow and green, and I have my blue, blue, indigo and purple. The sky belongs to us, because we are young.

52. Work hard day and night all year round, and enter the examination room calmly today. Cold window hard read the results, the pen is still God. Think like a spring of water and answer the questions smoothly.

53. There is no ultimate success without ordinary failure. It is important to analyze the cause of failure and learn from it.

54. Days of hard work can create miracles, and 100 days of hard work can create brilliance! After ten years of hard work, the three emperors and five emperors chased the heroes; Once upon a time, he became one of the eight greatest talents in the world. I insist! I'm disciplined! I win!

55. After 100 days of hard work, three years of hard work will pay off! To win the college entrance examination, parents' expectations will come true!

56. Work hard for this moment! Give full play to your strength. All the people who care about you will bless and pray for you. I believe you will get satisfactory results. You are on the list!

57. Owning knowledge changes fate, and owning ideals changes attitude!

58. Don't give up even when you are most exhausted, or all your previous efforts will be wasted.

59. Confidence is the condensation of endless wisdom. Plain is the post station on the road to success.

60. Life is like a rainbow, with no regrets in youth. After several days of hard work, we are determined to win.

61. Struggle on the front line of college entrance examination, immerse yourself in books, reach the upper limit of Tsinghua University, and the bottom line is Baoyan University of Peking University. As long as you can firmly believe, the title of the gold list is only within your fingertips. May your dream of success come true!

62. June is the season of struggle and the season of harvest. After the college entrance examination, the good news came in a hurry. I hope you will continue to work hard and swim in the ocean of knowledge of institutions of higher learning. I wish you a bright future!