103 Sentences about Sad Love in 2021
2023-02-22 14:15:15
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1. Don't apologize. Sorry is not a perfunctory way to leave.

2. Only the red line is not long enough to entangle my love for you.

3. As long as there is tomorrow, today will always be the starting line.

4. I'm an isolated ship, and I can't find the island to berth.

5. It's better if you can't die, and continue to live.

6. That love, you forget that no one will remember.

7. Don't let yourself be so sad, so restrain your dual character.

8. In fact, sometimes things are very simple, but you think too much.

9. Forward, forward, forward. Run to your goal.

10. It turned out that when thinking about a person, it is so uncomfortable.

11. It's hard and thankless, and you show it incisively and vividly.

12. Enough, you give me enough. Don't be shameful.

13. Love songs tell the hearts of people, so we have to listen to songs and cry.

14. We are always recalling, and the memories are always updating.

15. I am so stubborn that you can give me happiness.

16. I want to cry, but I have no reason to cry.

17. Sometimes. Want a warm smile is luxury.

18. The cruel reality, finally with the final refusal.

19. It's not easy to fall in love. Everyone has his temper.

20. Anyone can live without you, but I can't live without you.

21. It's better to lose your sureness than to worry about gain and loss.

22. The dark night is a silent mute, giving inexplicable power to miss.

23. A word of sorry and a word of no love hurt many people's hearts.

24. It's better to stay awake than to face a bad mood.

25. I opened my heart for you, but I got bruised in the end.

26. Only when he doesn't love you can he be willing to be ambiguous with you and sad.

27. Time flies, beautiful things can not be grasped, and moments can not be retained.

28. Are you acting too lifelike or am I too silly and naive.

29. Some people's love, like the wind, cannot be seen, but can be felt.

30. He found his true love, leaving me alone to grieve.

31. You are the most beautiful scenery in this life, which breaks my heart but fascinates me so much.

32. If you marry someone, don't marry others, and don't marry me.

33. If it wasn't for you, how could I believe that there is love in the world.

34. If we don't love, let's not lie. There is still a long way to go.

35. A tolerant person is not benzene, but would rather be cruel to himself.

36. We spent three years in exchange for a sentence that I had a classmate before.

37. Tears have soaked the pillow, and my heart has become numb. I should not feel any more pain.

38. In the memory barrier, the voice that once moved has gradually gone away.

39. Youth, like a flower, withers at the most beautiful moment.

40. Youth is an adventure without regret. Love and injury are inevitable.

41. Not singing love songs at the top of one's voice does not mean there is no time for heartbreak.

42. Enjoy different highlights. Look from another angle and live in a different way.

43. You always say that I'm afraid of the dark, so I don't turn off the lights every night.

44. It was all a lie. Now it's time to expose it.

45. When tears flow down, I know that separation is another kind of understanding.

46. Maturity does not mean that the heart grows old, but that anger burns and still smiles.

47. There is a confused road ahead of us as we walk around every day.

48. Love has a thousand moving heartstrings and different notes.

49. Love, I just want a plain life, a plain you.

50. A person does not fall in love because there is an impossible person in his heart.

51. Life is too short to be sexy, and there is no need to explain the tough life.

52. From secret love to lovelorn, I directed a big life drama in my heart.

53. Tell me when we can see the beauty of the rainbow together.

54. When the sky loses the sun, how can sunflowers look up to her love?

55. Don't say goodbye when you want to leave. Goodbye is never seen again.

56. I'm such a fool. I can't do anything well except like you.

57. He has a heart that thinks he is extraordinary, but lives an ordinary life.

58. Love can be given, but not taken, or it will come to an end.

59. They said they gave up. Why do you want to leave memories. Don't come again.

60. Must be happy, must be happy, just don't waste my embarrassed exit.

61. You and I are doomed to run counter to each other. We always have an uncertain mood.

62. I hope that after the departure, we can always get together again.

63. Time is a loan, and even a trustworthy borrower cannot afford it.

64. Sometimes, the more you hide your feelings about a person, the deeper you fall into it.

65. Affection is an important task that I cannot bear, and love words are just lies that are realized accidentally!

66. Although I am not the richest man in the world, I have countless sunny days and summer days.

67. Those who used to say that they would never part have already scattered in the horizon.

68. It is not impossible to live without you. It is not impossible to live without you.

69. No matter how time changes? There will always be such a person living in the bottom of my heart.

70. In fact, I am not so strong. I just learned to disguise like most people.

71. In the past, I could not write down the date of return in the shallow and ignorant sadness of spring and autumn.

72. I want to know if you have thought of me for a moment, because I have been thinking of you.

73. Time is in a hurry like falling leaves, never staying or even forgetting goodbye.

74. I know it is impossible, but I have imagined it countless times.

75. Some roads are far away, and it will be very tiring to walk, but if you don't walk, you will regret it.

76. Breathing the air of time, my life has been blue since you met me.

77. If I lose my memory, will I fall in love at first sight when I see you again.

78. Although very sad, thank you for your shock. You have taught me how to be strong.

79. Please don't cheat a kind girl. There are too few good girls in this world.

80. What he left you was your back. He didn't say anything about love, which made you cry red.

81. We have been let down all the way; Light up hope and find answers along the way.

82. Water is the eye wave, and mountains are the eyebrow peaks. If you want to ask pedestrians where to go, your eyes are full.

83. No one knows what I really think in my heart, and no one cares what I think.

84. When you like a person, even if you are timid, you will become extremely brave.

85. When you touch my head and say: Be strong, be brave. I know you are leaving.

86. Emotion. Engulfed by reality. You can only blame yourself. Has been obsessed. There is nothing else.

87. Our youth, such a miserable youth, is gloomy and haggard in a shadow.

88. I keep trying to forget the bad memories you brought me, but I keep remembering them.

89. I have always wondered why some people hurt others all the time, but they cried out for pain.

90. I love you not to let others not love you, but to let you love me alone.

91. There is a kind of woman who is still moving without makeup. There is a kind of woman: do not make up, dare not see people.

92. I will not be indifferent, but I will learn to be indifferent, learn to suffer, and learn to bear alone.

93. Men cry because they really love; The woman cried because she really gave up.

94. The next time you start love again, just enjoy it. Don't plan or make up your mind.

95. Some disappointments are inevitable, but most of them are because you overestimate yourself.

96. For those who care about me, I will care more. For those who don't care about me, why do you let me continue to care.

97. If I were a fish, there would be no tears. Memory has only seven seconds, and every moment is filled with forgetting.

98. The most painful thing in the world is to have to accept the reality of breaking up when you still love someone.

99. Some things, some words, I did not say, it is not that I do not understand, I just see in the eyes, buried in the heart.

100. I'm just unwilling to be restless. If I don't make noise or show off, I'm afraid I'll say I'm really sad.

101. The longer the time, the thicker the film between us. Now we can't even touch each other.

102. If there were fewer encounters and fewer people in time, maybe even the whole youth would be much simpler.

103. I'm still imagining our future, and I still have that intoxicating smile on my lips, even if there is no future.