Classic Sentences of Emotional Quotations
Self floating forest
2023-02-08 08:11:11

1. Don't be nostalgic anymore. How can people who turn back step by step walk far away.

2. Don't say the fish has no tears, even if it flows into the whole sea, you don't know it.

3. Memory is like a huge shadow, which is hard to breathe when it comes back.

4. It's just a journey together. Why should we make nostalgia longer than passing by.

5. I'm naturally bitter and vicious. It's hard for me. You can't be happy.

6. Afraid of being perfunctory instead of being too active, I had to restrain my missing and enthusiasm.

7. Maybe I won't meet someone like you in the future, but I hope I won't meet again.

8. Some things just don't deserve to be forgiven. It has nothing to do with generosity. Each has its own bottom line.

9. The reason why people are lonely is that instead of building bridges, they build walls to enclose themselves.

10. I also had a vision, but it didn't work out later. The hand of time always wrote love as love.

11. I always thought that if there was an original me in the original place, there would also be an original you.

12. Time always leaves the person who loves you the most to the last. After all, like is like a gust of wind and love is a long flow.

13. In this world, no one lives easier than others, but some people are shouting the sky and the earth, and some people are holding on silently.

14. The camel will not cry because it knows the value of water. I will not cry, because I know the hypocrisy of love.

15. The things that have been lost and recovered are always scary. You should let go of the past with a smile.

16. After a long time, you will find that the appearance of a man is not important, but it is important to have wisdom in mind and responsibility in mind!

17. When your lover is at a loss, you should be a good helmsman instead of jumping off yourself.

18. Your eyes are really beautiful. There are sun, moon, winter and summer, sunny and rainy mountains and rivers. But my eyes are more beautiful, because you are in them.

19. The original breakup is that this person has nothing to do with you any more. For generations, there are only you and me, and no more us.

20. If you want to argue with me, I will never be generous. You have to be very generous. I'm definitely brighter than you. You change my heart, true to true.

21. How beautiful love is, how hurtful it is, how powerful it is, how lonely it is. In love, the wise and the foolish may be the same person.

22. Whether a person is worth loving in your poor life depends not on how good he can treat you, but on how bad he can treat you when he is in a bad mood.

23. If we had never met, would we not have left such pain; If time could go back, we would rather just brush our shoulders than intersect.

24. Those who are willing to accompany you cannot be driven away. Those who just talk about it need not stay. Willingness is more important than anything and lasts longer than anything.

25. It's always easy to get together. In the end, love becomes unwilling, deep love becomes sad, missing becomes upset, and initiative becomes abject.

26. Look, what a lively scene, but it has nothing to do with you. This is mostly the loneliness of a person. The liveliness is theirs. I have nothing.

27. I don't believe in love. I don't believe that there will be a person who always likes himself, believes in love, and doesn't believe in time. Believe someone, not me.

28. I am not afraid of our temporary separation. If a good love needs to make a big circle and then come back, then I can hug you with a smile and say, look, you are still mine.

29. It is my heart that is constantly changing; All the mistakes are my own; Thousands of words just want to say love you! How I want to hold you and stay with you all my life.

30. Don't think he is a careless person. When you meet someone you really love, a coward will become brave, and a careless ghost will become careful. He is not interested in you, maybe he doesn't like you!

31. With everything you have, you can start to let the loneliness always go back. After looking back, you can get rid of your sadness and melt your lingering feelings. But the longer you are lonely, the longer your thoughts will be, and the longer your thoughts will give you reasons to look back and be sad again.

32. Sometimes the order of appearance in life is really important. When you finally grow up to be your ideal, maybe the person you loved in your youth is no longer waiting for you.

33. You will meet and say goodbye to some people. From unfamiliar to familiar, from familiar to unfamiliar, from like-minded to parted ways, from late to never see again.

34. I am afraid to find you more and more because your indifference makes me feel that initiative is so cheap. Nobody hates love, but everyone is tired of waiting, guessing, apologizing, hurting, and promises that cannot be fulfilled.

35. The eyes meet, and the snow flies away. Prosperity is like running water in the east. I only take one scoop of love to understand. Take up your hair like snow, like snow beauty, broken bridge, dimple met. The snow asked me to leave the mourning, and the song ended. The ink dyed the snow in March, and for whom did I miss?

36. If you can't walk into the world, don't force yourself into it. It's unnecessary to make others feel embarrassed and humiliate yourself. The wound will scab one day, and the person who never forgets will forget one day. Just, I once loved you, and I feel sad when I think about it.

37. This is a realistic society. Feelings cannot be eaten as food, and poor couples feel sorry for everything. Don't believe the story in the movie. It's just a place for many strangers to clamour for emotion. Only irrational and unrealistic people believe.

38. You are a distant scenery, and I am a wandering traveler. I cross mountains and mountains and travel long distances just to see you. May your future encounters match your luck, your gains match your efforts, and your losses are just a understatement of what you no longer want.

39. Sometimes, a feeling of boredom will suddenly appear in my heart, and I feel very tired. I just want to indulge myself once, hoping to go crazy once. Sometimes, you choose to keep a distance with someone, not because you don't care, but because you know clearly that he doesn't belong to you.

40. The man who betrayed you will continue to betray you after you make up with him, because he did not pay any price for betraying you. A man who has beaten you, if you forgive him, he will continue to beat you, because he has not paid any price for beating you... The so-called bottomless line is to constantly forgive people who have hurt you.

41. A good man will not be full of love words, but he will be sincere to you. He will not always swear, but he will always be grateful. Not necessarily make a lot of money, but can shoulder the responsibility of family. I can't take you to romance, but I can make you feel safe. He is beside you, doesn't let you worry, takes care of you, doesn't cheat, occasionally sulks and laughs, that's all.

42. Sometimes, having a shoulder to rely on and a person who understands my silence is the only thing I need. But nothing, I only have myself. A person always goes on a strange road, sees strange scenery, listens to strange songs, and then in a casual moment, you will find that the things you tried hard to forget are really forgotten.

43. If one day, when you argue with the person you love, you let him win. What can he win? What did you lose when you lost? The winning and losing are just words. Most of our lives are wasted in language disputes. In fact, in many cases, disputes do not leave any win or lose, but lose a lot of feelings that should be cherished!