A sour sentence
A game, a dream
2023-05-25 16:40:11
Complete sentences

1. Whether you are here or not, I love you

2. We have love but no future at our age

3. The expression can be covered up, but you won't lie if you feel uncomfortable.

4. Don't embarrass yourself. Just live like yourself.

5. Although there are thousands of sad, silence is the most sad.

6. Honey, I'll stick to you like gum

7. Don't mention the sea when you finally get on shore.

8. Life is so short, why should I wronged myself to give you face.

9. How often do you pretend you don't want it because you can't get it.

10. Will you miss me, will you suddenly smile when you miss me.

11. I don't blame you for not understanding me. You don't want me, and I don't blame you.

12. Only the longest persistence can bring us the most permanent happiness.

13. The person who is most afraid of trying to be good to me will pull away in a moment and then treat me coldly

14. "But why are you safe after you leave me?"

15. Sometimes, a promise is what a liar tells a fool.

16. Time is so great that I can forget myself, but I can't forget you.

17. Some jokes, joking, serious. For example: I love you.

18. It's better to be your original self than to be anyone's copy.

19. If only you liked me when I liked you.

20. Leave your tears to the person who loves you the most, and your smile to the person who hurts you the most.

21. I will not be unaccustomed without him, because I have never been accustomed to having him.

22. You are a panic falling into the deep sea, and I am a nerve drowning in the blood.

23. I wrote your name in my heart so that I could have some contact with you.

24. The cruelest thing in the world is that you know I like you, but you don't know it.

25. Memory is a very tiring thing, just like lying in the wrong place during insomnia.

26. A person thinks that he is an unforgettable memory, which others may have forgotten.

27. Why are you so close to me, but I can't see you with a magnifying glass.

28. Some things are not naturally born, so why hold on tightly and refuse to let go.

29. Sometimes I don't want to tell my grievances because no one will listen to my so-called grievances.

30. What can we argue against if we are not understood! If you know it, you will know it. If you don't know it, you may as well!

31. There are always some people who were just passers-by of life, but later became regular visitors of memory.

32. Sadness is a cup of bitter tea. Time is water, which makes all the sadness more and more weak!

33. We put down our individuality, principles and freedom, just because we can't put down a person.

34. I have always felt that I am not good enough. I am not perfect, but I am a complete self.

35. Please be confident. You are a landscape, there is no need to look up in other people's landscape.

36. What is more terrible than the eyes of the world is actually your own heart that cares about the eyes of the world.

37. We and others still have a long life, but it seems that our life is here.

38. Every summer that your smile has passed, the deep ruts have become a wound that will never heal in my heart.

39. The past has been deeply engraved in my mind, and the beautiful memories will accompany me forever.

40. In the next season, the butterfly flies again to witness the setting sun. The cactus also has its own true love, even if the fragrance is not there.

41. I don't know if I am the only one for you, but I promised you to be happy even though I know I didn't have you completely.

42. Let waiting be impossible, let KongNian have a dream, a scenery, fascinate my heart, a love, lock the gift of the afterlife

43. Not all love in the world will get its due result, and your and my efforts may not add up to full marks.

44. Life is as beautiful as it can be. The fleeting years are like dreams. The world of mortals is like water. The fleeting light is scattered, but I can't hold you back.

45. From rain to sunshine, I passed through mud and wind. Along the way, you never understood me, and I never blamed you.

46. If love never comes, if dreams never break, if heart never hurts, then am I still the one you know?

47. Troubled days are always accompanied by continuous drizzle. I am in a trance. I feel that the days are passing like years. Everything is intertwined with helplessness and sighing.

48. I finally understand why adults don't let minors fall in love, because we should not bear this at this age.

49. Sometimes people who seem to have a lot of feelings are the most difficult to communicate, because they are only concerned with things and never with people.

50. You are like the milk in my mouth. I'm thirsty, hungry, sleepy, and tired, but you can't help me, just moisturize me temporarily.

51. The fish said to the water that you could not see my tears because I was in the water. Water said I can feel your tears, because you are in my heart.

52. If you are excited, you should be brave to love. After the end of your relationship, you should also leave gracefully. I hope you will not hurt yourself when you are in love, and not mean to others after breaking up.

53. If you fall in love, don't let go of the opportunity. Recklessness may make you regret for a while; Cowardly, but may make you regret for life.

54. Tears are my taste of missing you. The heart I sent cannot be retrieved. If memory is the only reply, I will never forget my beauty.

55. If you miss something, you will miss it all your life. People will become, keep an unchanged commitment, but can not keep a fickle heart.

56. The invincible heart is often defeated by a simple consolation. The invulnerable camouflage often completely surrenders in front of people who understand you.

57. I can feel your heartache. You have no choice but to act indifferent. The more you act like this, the more painful I feel.

58. If I were a tear drop of yours, I would fall into your lips and stay in your heart forever; If you were a teardrop of mine, I would never cry all my life, because I am afraid of losing you.

59. I look at you smiling, silent, proud and lost just like now, so I am happy with you and sad with you, but I have always stood in the present while you have always stayed in the past.

60. If something is broken, it may be repaired; Heartbroken, how can be intact as before. Emotion does not mean that you have it, you need the true feeling of your heart; Apologizing is not to say that nothing is nothing, and that injury is injury.

61. Looking at the starry sky, it is dark, gently holding your cheeks, sighing with deep resentment, sighing out a sea of stars, sighing out waves of water lines, dissipating in the endless sea of stars, circle by circle, dissipating in the vast loneliness.

62. A popular saying recently: Let's go, let's get back together, and let's go through the same mistakes and torment each other. But I prefer another sentence: Forget it, I managed to survive that painful time.

63. Dropping ink, light or heavy, thick or light, on paper can become unbearable consequences. A true love, short or long, deep or shallow, stays in the heart but can become a lifetime of tears.

64. Looking at the fluorescent lamp overhead, it gradually dies. The colleague hung up the phone, full of joy. I knocked on the wall, and the wall was still empty. When the light is out, there is only a lonely self waiting for the dawn.

65. The evening wind brushed my face. It was a stagger flower season, and I buried my head in smoke. I scattered the brush in my hand, disordered the haze in the sunny day, and finally became a silhouette. The past is like smoke, and a piece of sorrow has disordered my world. When you bowed your head, you hurt a piece of sky.

66. When I feel tired, I can't help thinking of many things. The past scenes make me feel sad. I want to talk to someone, but I find everyone around me busy. When I am tired, I find that people who can talk to me are so few... so few

67. I use words to numb my missing for you, and you use your sincerity to exchange my sobriety. This is your original reply to me, countless memories, my heart really hurts. If I can give up everything, will I be able to return to you, put all the bets, will you love me, like I love you, will not give up, and will never be determined.

68. We all hide in a certain place and recall a certain person. Cold steps, cold heart, some people don't care about some things anymore, and gradually go away... Why are you still there, can't forget that memory, it is he who pales your waiting and satirizes your persistence. Between who and who, who is your passer-by, who is the ornament in your life.

69. The older you are, the higher your requirements for friendship are. We also don't like being alone. No one wants to be so arrogant and get moldy in the years of gradual exchanges. Because I have seen too many true and false friends, sometimes it is too easy to see through some real and false friends. Live more and more clearly, but lost some confused happiness. Lucky or unlucky? Up to now, it's hard to say for yourself.

70. The initial disappointment, the ultimate despair, began to question what their existence was for, whether it was to set off the happy life of others to hurt themselves, or to let themselves see the essence of this cruel life. If it was just like this, I didn't need it. I spurned this kind of life, and began to think about whether happiness was far away or never existed, I don't know the answer.